Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, and the most influential physicist of the twentieth century.                                              

He's credited with setting my general and private theory of relativity.

Albert Einstein profile.

Born in the German city of Ulm in 1879, he was more curious and analytical than he led to the development of general relativity,

One of the most influential physicists in the twentieth century, and his efforts played a significant role in atomic energy development.

He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his interpretation of the electrophoresis effect, and in the next decade he emigrated to the United States after receiving death threats from the Nazis.

Einstein died on 18 April 1955 in Princeton, New Jersey and kept his brain in the Princeton Medical Center.

Albert Einstein's beginnings.

Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany, and grew up in a secular Jewish family. His father, 

Herman Einstein, was an engineer and a salesman who founded with his brother a company in Munich to make electrical equipment.

He studied elementary school in Munich, but he did not adapt to the rigid educational system, which made him feel more estranged. 

In addition, Einstein suffered difficulties in speaking. On the other hand, he expressed a passion for classical music and learned to play violin, while curiosity and curiosity remained the most important thing that distinguished Einstein in his youth.

At the end of the 1880s, Polish medical student Max Talmud, who sometimes ate with the Einstein family, became his mentor, 

And he gave him a scientific booklet for the children that inspired Einstein and motivated him to take care of the nature of light, and during his teenage years,

He coined what could be his first scientific paper, "The Investigation of Ether in Magnetic Fields.”

Herman Einstein and his family moved to Milan, Italy, after losing his work, keeping his son, Albert, with his relatives in Munich, to complete his studies.

After reaching the age of military service, Albert used medical reports claiming neurological problems to join his family in Italy and who expressed concern about their son's future, especially that he had not completed his studies.

Einstein was admitted to the Swiss Federal Institute of Applied Sciences because of his high grades in math and physics at the entrance exam. 

But he finished high school before entering the institute.

In the early 20th century, Einstein gave up German citizenship and acquired Swiss citizenship.

Albert Einstein's achievements.

At the Patent Office, Einstein had time to expand his thinking during his study and reinforce his theories about what was later known as relativity theory.

In 1905, Einstein published four papers in Annalen der Physick, one of the most famous physical journals, focused on electrophotometry, Brownian motion, relative theory and the relationship between matter and energy, which opened up new horizons in physics. In his fourth paper, 

Einstein came up with the famous E=mc2 relationship (energy = mass in the Speed of Light box) suggesting the possibility of converting small molecules of matter into huge energy, which was the beginning of atomic energy development.

The famous quantum physicist Max Planck supported the theories of Einstein, who became famous in the scientific world, and later served as director of the Kaiser Wilhelem Institute of Physics between 1913 and 1933.

In October 1915, Einstein completed the general theory of relativity, which he considered the culmination of his research life, allowing the interpretation and prediction of the precise orbits of planets around the Sun and how gravity works. 

These hypotheses were confirmed by the observations and measurements of British astronomers Sir Frank Dyson and Sir Arthur Eddington during the Sun Eclipse in 1919, so the world saw Einstein being recognized as a scientific icon.

In 1921, Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics — but he didn't get it until the next year because of some bureaucratic stuff — and because his ideas of relativity were still in doubt, 

The prize was given for his interpretation of electrophoresis, yet he talked about relativity during the prize letter.

As he worked to develop general relativity, Einstein came up with the hypothesis that the universe was in a constant state, 

And he later opposed it himself saying that the universe could be in a state of expansion, which was confirmed by astronomer Edwin Hubble when he met Einstein at the Wilson Mountain Observatory near Los Angeles in 1930.

As Einstein traveled talking about his theories, the Nazi party led by Adolf Hitler earned influence in Germany based on inflammatory and violent propaganda and benefiting from the frustration in the country after the loss of World War I,

The Nazi party was able to influence many scientists who called Einstein's work “Jewish Physics,” and the incitement drove Jewish citizens out of universities and government offices, and Einstein himself was the target of murder.

In 1933, Einstein took up a post at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, where he spent the rest of his life and never came home.

 Many European scientists have migrated to the US to escape the Nazi threat to Europe, and their concerns about the Nazis' quest for a nuclear weapon have begun.

In 1939, Einstein and his physical friend Leo Zilard wrote a letter to US President Franklin Roosevelt warning him of Nazi Germany's pursuit of a nuclear bomb and American incentives to acquire nuclear weapons, which later prompted the United States to start the Manhattan project.

Although Einstein was not directly involved in the project, owing to his war habits, he was more likely to be approached and questioned by the FBI and its director, Edgar Hoover.

Einstein did not go long before he proclaimed his reputation in the United States and was successful, which guaranteed him permanent residence in the country and its nationality. During World War II, he contributed funds to the United States Navy by auctioning manuscripts worth millions.

After the nuclear bomb was used in Hiroshima, Einstein had a big role in trying to reduce the use of nuclear bombs, 

And the next year he formed the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists with Zeldar. In 1947, an article was published in The Atlantic, in which work with the United Nations to make nuclear weapons a deterrent only, especially during crises.

During this time, Einstein became a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Color, 

Where he saw the similarities between the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany and African Americans in the United States, and called for racial discrimination by virtue of his speech at Lincoln University in 1946.

After the war, Einstein was dedicated to pursuing his work on the basic themes of relativity theory, like wormholes, the possibility of traveling through time,

The existence of black holes, the formation of the universe, which further separated him from the community of physicists who were busy focusing on quantum physics.

In the last decade of his life, Einstein walked away completely from the limelight, preferring to stay in Princeton and work only with his colleagues.

Albert Einstein's most famous quote.

True intelligence is not knowledge, but imagination.

Albert Einstein's personal life.

While studying in Zurich, Einstein met his future wife, Mileva Maric, a Serbian physics student. 

His parents opposed their relationship because of its ethnic origins, but Einstein continued with her and in 1902 gave birth to their daughter Lisserle. 

In the meantime, Einstein faced difficulties after graduating from the applied institute in finding academic positions because some professors were reluctant to do so, because he preferred learning on his own rather than attending classes and lectures.

 Einstein eventually got a job as an employee at the Swiss Patent Office in 1902, and after his father's death married Mileva in 1903,

And gave birth to Hans Wiedouard, this marriage ended in divorce in 1919, and as part of the settlement, Einstein pledged to give Milena the money, 

He would get from any possible Nobel Prize. Einstein then began his relationship with his cousin Elsa Leuventhal and married her later, 

But he kept seeing other women and ended his second marriage with his wife's death in 1936. In terms of Albert Einstein's religion, his beliefs and his native sect, he was born to a Jewish family.

Death of Albert Einstein,

On April 17, 1955, Einstein suffered from vascular expansion, and he admitted to the Medical Center of Princeton University,

But he refused surgery, believing that he had lived his life and had to accept his destiny.When he said,I've delivered my message in life, and there's no point in living too long.

Einstein died on 18 April 1955 at the age of 76. During his autopsy, Thomas Harvey removed Einstein's brain without the permission of his family for studies by neurologists,

And after decades of study, he preserved his brain at Princeton University's Medical Center. He burned Einstein's body and spread his ashes in an unknown area based on his will.

Quick facts about Albert Einstein,

They suggested that he become President of Israel, but he refused.
He was a good player on the violin.
He liked to sail and drive boats.
He hated wearing socks very much.

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