Adam and Eve's Real Story

Adam (peace be upon him) is the first creature on earth and the first human being honored by God and breathed in his soul, and Adam was a prophet of Allah Almighty, and represents his children throughout history until he inherits the earth and what it has on all human tendencies (in his strength, his forgets and the lack of his mind), and in the following lines his story will be told in detail.

What was there before the universe was created?

God was nothing before him, and the first thing he created was the pen, then the preserved tablet, and he wrote the pen on him, and then came the creation of creations, the creation of heavens and the earth, and so on. 

When did God create Adam?

As for the order of creation of creatures, according to the prophetic Hadith, God created the soil on Saturday, created the mountains on Sunday, created trees on Monday, and created the mischief and germs. On Tuesday, 

He created the light on Wednesday, broadcast the animals on Thursday, and Adam (peace be upon him) created him after the afternoon on Friday, and he was the last creation in the last hour of Friday between the afternoon and before sunset.

Create angels, jinn and Satan. God created the Almighty before Adam the Angels, light beings that praise him. 

And God always forgive them, and it is true that angels were created from light, created elves from fire and created Adam from what he described to them. 

After the creation of the angels came the creation of the jinn from the fire (ways of flame), and in the Holy Qur'an Satan says: 

“You created me from fire” and God says: “The elves we created before from the fire of poisons” and this is the origin of the creation of the jinn, and Satan cursed by God from the jinn, and the verse says: “Satan was from the jinn.” Be a devil of angels twink.

Who are those who lived on earth before Adam? The jinn inhabited the earth and shed blood, and God sent soldiers of Angels to fight them 2,000 years before Adam was born. 

And expelled them to the islands of the seas, and these are the main centers of jinn in those places and the Hadith indicated that Satan had a throne (the head of the jinn) and his throne on water somewhere on earth.

Adam's Message. 

The story begins with Adam being created before he was created by a great heavenly dialogue between the Lord almighty and the angels as stated in the Holy Qur'an: “Your Lord told the angels that I'm Making caliper of the World.” 

Any creatures that breed within the earth one by one, and therefore the earth controls and ages.

The jinn is just too little to create the world, and fewer rational than to create the world, the Scientists say about the jinn: 

“I have reason for them with the mind of a 10-year-old boy.” The angels wondered: “Do you create those that corrupt and bleed in it, and that we praise you and that we praise you, saying that I do know what you do not know.” 

The angels didn't say that on objection, because the angels don't disobey Allah almighty, but honored servants who don't disobey God for what they command and do what they command, 

They said that on the contrary after they saw the making of the jinn within the earth after God gave them the selection, 

Therefore the angels were afraid to spoil the world with the youngsters of citizenry. 

The angels were afraid that they might be short in worshiping Allah almighty, which is why it had been stated in their words that we might praise you and criticize you. 

God replied to the angels, saying, “I know what you do not know. 

Here the angels spoke among them and said, Our Lord will create what he wants, he will create creation unless we are more generous to God than him and that I know. 

When God wanted to make Adam, he commanded the soil of the world, and that I raised to him, consistent with the right Hadith, that God created Adam from the grip of her grasp from all the world by angels, 

And therefore the son of Adam came to the fate of the world, came from them white, red and black and build that, and came from them malicious, good, easy and sad and between citizenry in their forms. 

Their colors and natures are the origin of the earth's disappearance. 

At first, the son of Adam was dust, then clay, and therefore the mud is wet dirt, then the mud began to be more contiguous, 

Then Godhead formed together with his generous hands Almighty, and this came within the verse: What I created with my hands.

And god didn't entrust his creation to For angels, but himself, he formed it within the sort of statue and left this good for a short time, 

So he became a black sauce depicted as pottery, then left until it became a sauce, and black with its dryness, and have become just like the old sludge (i.e. the black with traces of ash). 

God said he created man from clay.

In the Hadith, God left Adam and did not blow the spirit in him, and when Satan saw the creation of the hollow Adam, 

He knew that he was created with no power and empty from within, and then God almighty created him in this way, Holy Hadith. 

What Satan did with him. 

The shape of Adam after creation? The prophetic Hadith say that God created Adam with 60 arms, and creation has been lacking since then, and all the people of Paradise in Adam's length enter paradise this long hopefully. 

The angels passed on Adam, a creature of clay, and Satan was terrified of the baldness of the flesh because it is pottery, and Satan says: 

For something you have created. Then he goes in from his mouth and comes out of his and says to the angels, Don't be intimidated by this, if you give it to him, but if he is to give me his sins. 

Adam marvelled at Adam's creation, and from the very first there was animosity against him against Adam, and then God breathed the spirit into Adam.

Blowing the soul into Adam's clay body and turning it into the present human image. 

In talking about the details of the breath of the soul in Adam (peace be upon him) when the spirit breathed into his head and the soul entered his head, and he sneezes, the angels said, 

Thank God, Allah almighty, your Mercy, your Lord, that is, before the spirit is complete in Adam, when the spirit entered the eyes of Adam (peace be upon him), 

And he looked at the fruits of paradise, and when the spirit came, To his hollow, he craved the fruits, and before the spirit reached his legs, he craved the food, and he jumped, 

And before the spirit reached his legs, hastening to the fruits of paradise. 

The Lord wiped on Adam's back and his offspring came out of his back until the Day of Resurrection.

God commands the Angels and the devil to kneel, Adam. 

And we created you, and we shaped you, and then we said to the Angels, “prostrate before Adam,” 

So they prostrated, except Satan, who was not of those who prostrated. 

He said, “ what prevented you from prostrating?” Satan said, I am the best, you created me from a fire and created Adam from clay.

And we created you, and we shaped you, and then we said to the Angels, prostrate before Adam, so they prostrated, except Satan, who was not of those who prostrated. 

He said, “ what prevented you from prostrating?” Satan said, I am the best, you created me from a fire and created Adam from clay.

He said, Get down from there. God told the Satan: Descend from heaven, and you cannot be proud of it. Leave paradise. 

You are one of the despicable lowliest. He said Look at me till the day they're resurrected. He said You were a sight. 

He said Since were open to them your straight path, then later from between their hands and behind them and their faith, and thou shalt not find most of them thankful. 

The first sin in the world was Satan. 

In other verses, God tells Satan's reaction when God created Adam and commanded him to bow down.

“While they fell prostrate, all except Giblets said and to prevent the creation of mud (61), said was that kind to me while the to the day of resurrection when his offspring only slightly (62),

He said go it followed You them the hell said penalty, provider camera (63) and of them with your voice and get them cheap and your man share with them wealth and children promised their and what is their devil only ego (64),

The devotional is not for you. Your Lord is sufficient as guardian over them, your Lord, who brings the ark to you in the sea so that you may seek of his bounty, he is most merciful to you. 

Adam was a scientist and more knowledgeable than angels. 

When Adam stood up after the breath of his soul, he said, “come to him.” he said, “ peace be upon you.” 

And in the Holy Koran, it proves that Adam was a man of science. 

And he taught Adam all the names, then he presented them to the Angels, and he said, Tell me the names of these, if you are truthful.” 

they said, Glory to you, we have no knowledge except that you taught us that you are the all-knowing, the All-Wise. 

Then he answered Adam with the knowledge that he had given him. 

Adam knew better than them, and he prostrated himself.And in the Holy Qur'an. Adam is established as a man of science. 

He said: Adam knows all the names, then gave them to the angels, and said, “Tell me these names, if you are honest” they said, Glory to you, we have no knowledge except that you taught us that you are all knowledge, all wisdom. 

He meant that God, the Great, and the Almighty, had presented the creatures to the angels, and asked them about their names, but they did not know. 

Adam answered him, saying, “Peace be upon him" with the knowledge which God has given him.” Thus, God assured them that Adam was more knowledgeable than them, and that prostration was due to him, and there was no worship. 

Adam lives in Paradise alone, and God creates Eve for him. 

Adam lived peace on him in paradise, but he felt lonely. 

He got bored one day while he was sleeping. 

Allah took the Almighty from his ribs on the left, and he formed the first female human being, Eve.

When Adam woke up to him, he found peace with Eve. He asked her : Who are you ? She said: “Woman,” he said. “Why were you created ? 

She said : “Stay with me”. And when the angels asked Adam her name, he told them her name was Eve because it was created from one of my ribs. 

Eve was the most beautiful woman ever created by women in the world, Satan whispered to Adam until he disobeyed his God. 

Adam lived in paradise and had the opportunity to eat and live a decent life, he and his wife Eve, but they were prohibited from taking a specific tree.

Both God and Almighty warned Adam that the Devil was his enemy and his wife and wanted Adam and Eve out of the Paradise where he did not go hungry or naked, nor did he thirst, not even in the introduction of thirst. 

At that time, Adam was started and the sub missus of the devil was allowed to enter the Paradise for the scoundrel's sake. 

This mole informed them that this tree was the tree of immortality and the king. 

When they had eaten from the tree, their clothes fell down and their nakedness appeared. Man, are you running away from me ? 

He said, I'm not running away from you, My Lord, but I'm ashamed of you to see me naked because I disobeyed you,

Eve eats from the tree first and aspires And the first one who ate of the tree, Eve, who was greedy for Adam to eat from the tree, and the prophet says, "Peace be upon him : 

"If it were not for Eve, her husband's female would not betray her." She made him disobey. 

And God said to them: I have forbidden you to eat that tree. 

'Our Lord, we have disobeyed you, and if you do not accept us and forgive us, we will be among the losers.

' But God decided to descend from heaven The verses of the Holy Qur'an explain this:

O Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish, and do not approach this tree, lest you become one of the wrongdoers (19). 

Satan whispered to them, to reveal to them all their nakedness. 

He said, 'God has deprived you of this tree, so that you will not become king, or be immortal(21), and he swore to you of those wise” 

They began to cut down leaves to cover their bare bodies, And God advised them: Didn't I deprive you of this tree? And he said to you: Satan is an obvious enemy to you(22).

And we said: Adam, live in paradise with your wife, eat as much as you want, and do not come near that tree, you are wrong (35), 

But Satan took them out of it, and kept them away from what they were, And we said, "Get out of it all together as an enemy, and you have things on earth for a while(36).

Then Adam received words from his Lord, and he forgave him and made him secret. 

Adam and Eve descend on Earth in India Adam came down in India and Eve came down in Jeddah and met in Arafat in Mecca and God almighty spread the human beings on earth, 

And al-Tabari tells that Eve gave Adam forty children in every male and female belly, the first of which was Cain and his sister Klima, the last of whom was Abdul Mughaith and his sister Um al-Mughaith. 

Human beings began to multiply and their prophet Adam was the one who taught them religion, and they were all united, and the people were one nation and had no involvement. 

The Prophet says that the first apostle son is Adam, the prophet of a messenger created by God with his hand, then breathed into it from his soul, and then the word before (i.e., without a medium or revelation). 

When Adam descended from heaven to earth, he taught him the workmanship of everything, 

So he descended a world and a master and knew the main ways of industry (iron, fire, wood, textiles, etc.) from the beginning of creation, contrary to what some say.

How long did Adam live?

Adam lived a thousand years and saw huge numbers of his grandchildren, as many as 400,000, and one of the first Sons of Adam Cain.

Wait for us with another story of ancient history.
Abu Musa

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