Our master Ibrahim

The birth of Ibrahim.

One day the priests of the temple came and said to Nimrod:
The stars tell us about the birth of a boy whose hands are the end of your king.

Nimrod said with concern:
When will he be born ?!

The priests said:

this year.

That year, Nimrod ordered the murder of male children.

In that year our master Ibrahim Al-Khalil was born.

The mother feared for her son… I went to the grotto… And she put her innocent baby there. She returned home.

No one knew what happened... Nimrod killed a lot of kids that year... Mothers were crying over their children, some of them were months old, some of them days, some of them a few hours.

Nimrod was afraid of that promised boy. And when that year passed, he was quiet… Because he killed all the boys.

Our master Ibrahim was born in the city of Kothoraya near the city of Ur and Babylon: Our master Ibrahim grew up in Al Ghar.

God was the shepherd of Him, taught him how to suck his finger. It feeds.
Nimrod wanted to kill the boy… And God wanted Ibrahim to live… He lives in order to direct pagan people to worship God.

Abraham grew up… His mother came to the jealous, kissed him, embraced him, and then took him home. People thought Ibrahim was two or three years old. They didn't know he was several weeks old, so Nimrod soldiers didn't take him.


Back then, people worshiped idols, they worshiped Murdoch, the God of the gods! And a god of justice and law! And the God is the God Of Heaven, and Ishtar. Many worshiped Venus, the moon and the sun.

There was no one to worship God Almighty. At that time, our Lord Abraham was born and raised. The faithful boy.

The words of Abraham were said to be a boy who was not afraid of the gods, nor of the Nimrod.

The people heard Abraham mock the false gods.

All the people of Babylon knew that Abraham did not worship the gods. A lot of them saw him making fun of her.

Until Azar, Abraham's grandfather, saw him once sculpting a beautiful place, prettier than the idols that Azar sculpted, at first, an Azar Chick. He thought Abraham would take care of the temple with him, but Abraham broke the idol he carved.

Azar was so angry at Abraham's work, he said, :
— Why did you break God, Ibrahim?! Don't you fear the wrath of the gods?؟
Abraham politely said, :
— My father didn't express what neither hears nor sees, nor sing you something?!

Father, do not worship the devil. The devil was disobedient to the merciful.
Azar said nervously.:
— Do you want my gods, Ibrahim?! If you don't finish, I'll stone you and leave me.
Abraham was a polite boy, and he loved his grandfather Azar. He used to say, " Dad.

That's why he said hi to Azar before he left the House.:Peace be with you. I'll forgive you, my lord. He was very kind to me.

He called upon his Lord to guide him to light and faith.

People were going on every occasion to bow down before the idols.

Ibrahim worshiped God. Spring,

Our Lord Abraham was thinking of guiding people to the worship of one God.

All the people worshiped idols and planets, and also worshiped the Nimrod.
Spring came, flowers opened, water increased in the river.

People were happy in the spring, and they were getting ready to celebrate the season of spring and fertile and growing.

At that time people were going out of town to do the celebration, eating and dancing, and waving, then returning to the city, to offer vows to the gods in the temple and gifts to the priests.

People were getting ready to go out of town. Abraham did not benefit and did not think to go to celebrate, they said: Why don't you, Ibrahim?!

Our master Ibrahim said: I'm sick… Patient

Our master Ibrahim was sad for the people. They don't know the right way.
Ibrahim was different about them at all, his clothing was clean, and trim his nails and shave his hair.

People went out of town, even the Tigers and the priests all went to celebrate spring.

Our master Ibrahim remained alone in the city, taking an axe with him and going to the grand temple.

In the Temple many gods are made of stone.

Some gods were small, others were big, and there was a great idol, so they called it “Marduk” the God Of Gods.

Our master Ibrahim came up the temple ladder, the temple was completely empty.

Only the idols existed... And the smell of blood and rotting flesh.

Ibrahim looked at dozens of false gods. He thought to himself: How can man worship a stone that does not work and does not harm ?!..

The idols are frozen in place. Don't move, don't speak, don't do anything!
Our Lord Ibrahim shouted with anger.:

— Don't you eat ?!

And his voice echoes in the empty temple: don't you eat ?!
Our Lord Ibrahim shouted.:
— What are you not saying?!

And The Voice of Abraham echoes in the space of the temple: what is the matter with you?!

Our Lord Ibrahim wanted to destroy these false gods, to prove to the people that they were just stone-deaf.

That's why he took his ax and smashed the faces of the stone gods.

The idols were falling under the blows of Ibrahim's boy.

It was falling apart at his feet.

Ibrahim arrived at the head of the gods… He had an idea.

The boy Abraham hung the axe by the head of the gods.

Ibrahim left the temple after he turned the idols into rubble that filled the temple… It's like a violent earthquake hit her and broke her.

The boy Ibrahim left the temple and looked at the sky… There was a swarm of white pigeons flying through the blue sky in peace.

The spring celebrations are over, the people of Babylon have returned to the city. The evening had come, and the city was dark.

It's time to make the vows to the gods... Head for the grand temple… They were carrying torches, vows and gifts and heading to the temple in a long procession.
The priests were advancing the procession.

And here the priests were surprised… People were also looking in awe.
The sight of the broken Gods was amazing… All the gods have turned to rubble, except the eldest of the gods!!.

The Lord of the Gods has been in his place for many years… But this time he's got an ax on him!!

No one came to the Lord God to ask him what happened!

He also kept quiet as usual because he was just a stone!

There was a commotion, and the priests asked, " who dared to destroy the holy gods?”!

One of them said, “There's only one person who could have done it.” He's the one who dares the gods and broke them.

It's the boy Ibrahim… We've always heard him make fun of her and say she's harmless.

The priests were very angry… Angry at Abraham. He's the only one who reminds the gods so badly! The trial.

The Nimrod came to the temple… Something serious has happened that threatens the King's throne.

That is why the Nimrod issued a warrant for Ibrahim's arrest and trial at the temple.

The judge took his place alongside the Nimrod, and the temple was crawling with people.

The soldiers brought the boy Ibrahim. Stop him in front of the judge and the Nimrod.

And the court started talking to the judge.:- We know you mock the gods… We also know that you didn't share with the people of Babylon in celebration of spring.

Now tell us who did this to our gods... Did you do this to our gods, Ibrahim?!
Abraham said quietly.:

Ask them if they're speaking!
People all looked at the big gods… He had an ax on him, but he never said anything.

The judge said:

But you know those people can't speak, and they can't speak until they can answer!!

And that's when Ibrahim said, :

How do you worship what your hands make? ?!

How do you worship stone idols that do not harm, neither speak, nor receive your vows?!

All the people in the temple have knocked their heads off. Even the judge knocked on his head.

They said: Surely the stone is with him. How can we worship a statue that is cold and lifeless ?!

The priests got angry. It's not in their interest to guide people.

Their power will cease and their influence will cease. That's why they woke up.:

How can you forgive Abraham for what he did to the holy gods?!

How can you forgive Ibrahim, who destroyed our gods, who gave us good and fertile?؟

The Nimrod stood by the priests. Remember their ancient prophecy of the boy whose kingdom would be lost on his hands!

The Nimrod cried out in a furious voice.:
— What Ibrahim did is a crime, and he deserves it.
The people all stood up for and supported the Nimrod.

Nimrod said ... :

— We must defend the holy gods... And that he should be punished by being thrown into the fire.

All the people until Azar and his grandfather shouted against Ibrahim.

There were a few people who were grieving for Abraham, including Sarah, his cousin and lot.

She was a wise girl who believed in the words of Ibrahim and lot.

Our Lord Ibrahim was thrown into prison until the sentence was carried out.
The fire I wanted to throw Ibrahim into was great… So big, that's why they started collecting firewood.

It's been days and nights since they've been collecting firewood... All the pagan people were contributing firewood to avenge the broken gods!

And that time, the Nimrod wanted to argue with Ibrahim about one God!!

Ibrahim came to the House of Nimrod; he stood before the Nimrod.

He didn't bow to him, he didn't kneel, he didn't bow to him, he didn't bow.
Our Lord is Ibrahim, who fears none but Allah,

Said the Nimrod with pride.:

Who is this God you worship, Ibrahim?

Our Lord Abraham said,:

I worship the God who gives life to the dead and the living.
He said the Tigers were too proud.:
— I live and I die!

The Nimrod clapped his hand and yelled.:
— Get a prisoner and someone else on death row.

The guards came with two people chained and shackled.

The Tiger said to the executioner,:

— Take this prisoner's neck and release the death row.

Nimrod turned to Abraham and said,:
— Did you see?! I killed the living and I resurrected the dead?!

Our Lord Ibrahim has turned away from arguing with the Nimrod on this subject… Because what the Nimrod did wasn't right, so he told him.:
My God has made the sun rise from the East. God will bring the sun from the east. Can you bring it from the west?

The Nimrod was surprised by Ibrahim's question!! No one has the power to do that.

That's why the infidel Nimrod faded and said nothing… The four birds.
The Nimrod once again thought to argue with our Lord Ibrahim… To tell him:
I live and die, but your Lord cannot?
You're just pretending.

Once again, they took Ibrahim out of prison, they stopped him in front of Nimrod. He said: Did you not say that your God gives life and causes death ? Come on, show me that.

Our master Ibrahim looked at the sky and said: My Lord is Able to do whatever he wants.

He looked at the sky and said, " My Lord has power.”.

Ibrahim raised his hands to heaven and said,:
— Lord, show me how to raise the dead.

God our Lord said,:
Or did you not believe, Ibrahim ?!

Our master Ibrahim said,:

— Yes, I do, but let my heart rest.

It was revealed that he would take four birds and slaughter them and distribute their meat in four mountains.

Our master Ibrahim took a knife and slaughtered four birds, putting their meat on four mountains.

No one can bring life back to the dead birds, except God who created everything... God who gave life to man, animal and plant.

Our master Ibrahim stood in the middle of the mountains and cheered.:
— Slaughtered birds, come to me, by God's leave.

And this is where something amazing happened.

The heads of birds have returned to their bodies, their wings have returned, and their bodies have revived.

Her Hearts Beat and her wings beat… The birds flew in the sky, and then landed at the feet of Our master Ibrahim. And Abraham prostrated himself.

Big fire.

I knew the Babylonians and before them the Sumerians oil, bitumen, and they also sulfur.

This idea of the Babylonians in lighting the biggest torch motorcycle in their country, all in order to kill Ibrahim, who destroyed their gods are fake…

Over a month they're collecting firewood out of town… Over a month they add to the tar and pour oil on it.

The view of the people of Babylon carrying the firewood packets out of the city became normal.

All the Gentiles who are subject to the gods and worship the idols they were contributing in the collection of firewood in order to exchange their gods!!

The day of execution came, The soldiers of the Nimrod took Our master Ibrahim out of the city… The people of Babylon also went out to see the execution of the judgement.

The priests came and lit the fire. The fire quickly caught fire in the wood; Because the wood was soaked with oil and with tar.

The flames of fire rose in the mountain of firewood… The flames rose to tens of meters.

The people of Babylon fled back so that they would not be burned.

Our master Ibrahim was quietly looking at the fire… Our master Ibrahim was a believer in Allah, and he fears none but Allah.

Our master Ibrahim was bound by his hands, the priests imagined that when Abraham saw that great fire, he would apologize to the gods and ask for forgiveness.

But Our master Ibrahim was calm and calm, waiting for his fate silently.

And that's where the problem happened! How could Ibrahim be thrown into the fire ?
No one can get close to that big fire, It burns ten meters away.

The priests came together and thought about solving the problem. Someone suggested a diabolical idea. He said,: Put him in the catapult.

The priest drew the catapult above the ground… It was a diabolical idea.

The catapult could throw Ibrahim into the heart of the mighty fire from afar.
The workers began to implement the idea… The Catapult is ready… They brought Ibrahim and put him in the catapults.

Our master Ibrahim was still very quiet.

People looked at Ibrahim and wondered about his steadfastness.

In those dangerous moments, the angel came to Ibrahim, and said, " Do you need anything?”

ibrahim used to think nothing but God, and asked nothing of anyone.
Indeed, he seeks forgiveness from Allah.

God has tested Ibrahim, He tested his faith, Ibrahim was a faithful believer.

Soldiers pulled the catapults… At one point, ibrahim was in space on his way to the heart of the Great Fire.

God is the creator of fire… Allah has created the fire, but Allah is able to take away the fire.

God inspired the fire, saying,:
Press the image to see it in size, fire. Be cool and safe for Abraham. Press the image to see it in size.

The fire did not touch Ibrahim, only burned the ropes they tied him to.

The area where Ibrahim fell has turned into a beautiful garden full of roses… The fire was all over it.

People have been shared, their tongues escalate in the space, but it was cold and peaceful for Ibrahim.

Allah tested Abraham.that is why he was honored.

He wanted to see the fate of Ibrahim so that he could celebrate his victory.
The fire was very large, had been burning for days and nights, and little by little died down the fire until extinguished.

The Nimrod went to the fire to see what happened to Ibrahim.

The people of Babylon wondered: “the Lord of Ibrahim was powerful and powerful.” The fire remained burning, but it lost its ability to burn… Immigration
Our Lord Ibrahim has been for years and years… He married his mother-in-law Sarah.

Sarah was a rich girl with land and cattle, and she led it all to her husband Ibrahim.

Then Our master Ibrahim went to work in the land, and his land flourished.

Our master Ibrahim was generous and generous, and loved the poor.

Thus did Ibrahim live among his people.

The priests hated Ibrahim and the Nimrod feared him.that is why they decided to expel him from the land of Babylon.

The Nimrod ordered the expulsion of Ibrahim from the land of Babylon and the confiscation of all his livestock because it belonged to Babylon.

Our master Ibrahim said to them, " if you take my property, return to me what I have spent in this land.”

Filed complaint to the magistrate of Babylon, the judge issued his ruling to give Ibrahim everything he owns to the king of Babylon, and that King lives to Ibrahim his age spent in their land.

This decline Nimrod heard Sayyidina Ibrahim identity with his money and livestock.

And Our master Ibrahim, as he leaves the land of Babylon, said: “I am going to my lord.he will guide me.”

Ibrahim went to another land to invite people to worship one God and to leave idolatry.

Our master Ibrahim loved people, and he loved to live happily, so he left the land of Babylon and went to Palestine. He immigrated,

Our master Ibrahim, along with his wife Sarah,

Our master Ibrahim had to pay 10% of his money to the king so that he (10th) is allowed to enter the country.

Ten saw Sarah's beauty and beauty, and he wanted to take it to the king.

The anger of our Master Ibrahim offered X to give up all his property; To allow him to take Sarah is impossible.

Our Master Ibrahim told the tenth that he would fight to the last breath in defense of his honor and honor.

The tenth was told the king , and the king commanded to bring Sarah and Ibrahim.

When the king saw Sarah, he wanted to put his hand on her.

Our master Ibrahim was alone, and he was sad, so he turned his face so that no one saw him touch his wife.

Our Master Ibrahim called on God to protect Sarah from the evils of the king, God Almighty answered his prayer, the victory of his prophet Ibrahim, the failure of the king's hand.

The King was unable to touch Sarah. He knew that the God of Abraham prevented him from doing so. He said to Abraham:
Is your God who did this to me ?!

Ibrahim said:
Yes; My God is jealous.

The king said:
Your God is jealous and you are jealous too… Let your God give me back my hand, and I'll do nothing.

Our master Ibrahim called on God to return his hand to the king; I swear to God, Glory was to Him, the return of the king's hand.

The king looked upon Abraham and his wife with respect, which is why he gave Sarah a girl to serve. The girl's name was Hagar.

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Abu Musa


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