ibn battuta, the Prince of travelers.

Who is the ibn battuta ?

Mohammed Bin Abdullah Bin Mohammed, who is known as Shamseddine (ibn battuta), is a Muslim traveler, historian and judge.

He was born in Tangier in February 1304, in a family known for learning. Although we have little information about this great personality, we conclude that, like other young men of this generation, he was born in a request for education And memorizing the Quran, and in 1325 he went to Mecca to perform the pilgrimage, and from there he started his famous travels and trips.

Why was the ibn battuta named by this name ?

There are two well-known accounts of why the son of Battuta was named by this name : The first story goes back to his mother, who was called Fatuma, who was called Battuta, when she was a child, like the name Dala. After she got married and had Mohammed, they called him the “Batuma”, and he stuck to him.

The second novel is related to one of his ancestors, who was called Tota bin Hudhim al-Farsi, who took this title .

Ibn Battuta Tours

More than 120,000 kilometers, the approximate distance Ibn Battuta traveled for 28 years, a record given the hardship of travel and the lack of fast transportation at the time.

The Arabs were pioneers in the field of science and trade, so they traveled the coasts and forests of the world in pursuit of science and commerce, in addition to the seasonal pilgrimage trips, which made the trips a special nature that remained in effect throughout the Islamic golden ages.

But the son of Battuta was most fond of travel, exploring countries and destinations, and getting acquainted with the customs and traditions of the people.

The trip began in Egypt, then Jerusalem, and Damascus until Mecca arrived and Haj was completed. After that, the traveling bird headed through the Arab desert to Persia and Syria, and then to the Afghans and India, where he took over the judiciary post for two years. This indicates the abundance of knowledge and religion of this great traveler .

He then went to China and returned to Fez, where he settled for a while before making another trip to Spain and Sudan.

Places visited by the son of Battuta
The following is a list of the most famous countries that have visited our great journey :

— Algeria .

— Tunisia .

— Libya .

— Egypt .

— Palestine .

— Lebanon .

— Jordan .

— Syria .

— Turkey .

— Saudi Arabia .

— Yemen .

— Oman .

— Bahrain .

— Iraq .

— Iran .

— Somalia .

— Sudan .

— Tanzania .

— Kenya .

— Russia .

— Kazakhstan .

— Uzbekistan .

— Afghanistan .

— India .

— Maldives .

— Sri Lanka .

— China .

— Spain .

Works by Ibn Batuta

It is the only prominent book about our journey. It is a social geographic encyclopedia in which he narrated and the most recent of the wonders and wonders that he found in his travels. Investigators believe that Batuta was not a writer or author, because his famous book was written by the writer of the Amir of Marrakech, Sultan Abu Anan al-Marini, and the writer, Muhammad Ben Jazzir al-Kalbi .

Ibn Battuta was dictating the writer and describing his travels, and here investigators see that the literary logic is based on Ibn Battuta writing his travels in his own hand, as the authors usually did, not to mention that they did not find any memoirs of him, but others see that Battuta's son wrote his memoirs, but it was lost during his journey. Anyway, the greatest benefit of all this was the arrival of this precious book .

His travels have exceeded the limits. He has been translated into French, English, German, Turkish, and Indian. He also printed his book Several Editions in Paris and Egypt .

Ibn Battuta's trips between reality and illusion !

There is no doubt that most of Ibn Battuta's trips, which he recorded in his book “The Masterpiece of Glasses,” were a geographic encyclopedia of the extensive information it provided that shed light on the habits and cultures of the people. Some researchers believe that he fell a lot in exaggerations and frequently mentioned some strange stories that do not exceed delusions, but some critics assert that he did not reach China at all .

Given the simple nature of our journey, it is natural to find some exaggerations in his trips without diminishing their importance.

Dr. Ahmed Al-Shanwani says : ‘'''''' But the man on his grace and knowledge, is characterized by something not so simple, and sometimes even as naive.

He believes in so many myths that cannot be accepted by reason of reason, and believes in the veracity of the sketches that were told him, and perhaps because of his religious upbringing, the man was devout and righteous, and visited their graves to bless them' .

Author Hanna Al Fakhoury says : ‘''''' No matter what, the son of Battuta lost in his first journey all the information that he lacked. It is no wonder he was negligent in some investigations.

He tells the story of naivete and humor, and in an easy language that sometimes descends into emotionalism. He is an important source of geographic science, and he has the greatest credit for his successor in this subject.'

On the other hand, writer and journalist Mather Abu Tayr talked about the character of Ibn Battuta in the balance of criticism.

He said : Ibn Battuta has exaggerated talk about the parents he meets, and those who possess supernatural abilities from non-Muslims, and this is devoted to the absence of reason, for the sake of the unknown, and perhaps to replace the mind with myth .”

The Death of Ibn Battuta

The great traveler finally settled in Persia, where he accepted the invitation of the Sultan of Morocco, Abi Annan.

He spent twenty-three years there, from which we had no news except that he was carefully preserved by the Sultan and his generosity.

He moved next to his Lord in 1377 at the age of 74, and spent the majority of it going around the world and discovering its secrets and secrets.

He was one of the greatest travelers throughout the ages. He was one of history and most important sources of geography .

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