Abu Qasim Al-Zahrawi.. Major of surgery.

In the history of Islamic civilization, scientists have emerged, becoming stars in the sky of science, civilization and technology, through the innovations and discoveries they made and the imprints they left in the edifice of human civilization.

In this regard, we have one of the greatest, if not the greatest, surgeons of all time and ages, Abu Al-Qasim Khalaf Bin Abbas Al-Zahrawi Al-Andalusi, known in Europe as Euplois, the surgeon, who was able to invent the first tools of surgery, such as the scalpel and the surgical scissors.

He also laid down the foundations and laws for surgery, the most important of prevention of surgery … And one of the scientists was the flags that humanity was happy with.

Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi was born in the Andalusian city of Zahraa [1] and was attributed to him.

Some researchers assume that he was born in the year (325 A.H./936 AD). His death was said to be 404H/1013 AD and was said to be 42.

In this way, Al-Zahrawi lived the peak of Islamic civilization in Andalusia and was raised in an environment where all means of scientific, intellectual and mental production are available; He is a unique example of the greatness of Islamic civilization at this time in history.

lack of information.

It's really amazing that what we know about Al-Zahrawi is very thin, and not much of his news is known, and it's not a clue that my father's son Osaibia, who was hired as a translator, has reduced his translation into one paragraph, all he says about him: "Khalaf Bin Abbas Al-Zahrawi: He was a distinguished doctor expert in single and composite medicine, well treated, and he has famous classifications in the medical industry, the best of which is his great book known as Al-Zahrawi. Khalaf Bin Abbas Al-Zahrawi wrote the book of disposal for those who could not write, which is the biggest and most famous category, and which is a complete book in its meaning"[3]

It is evident that Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi joined the Cordoba Hospital, which was established by Al-Khalifa Abdel Rahman Al-Nasser.

He used to study the methods and methods used in treating patients. The doctor asked the art of surgery instead of entrusting it to the cuppers or barbers, so he performed the surgery, studied it and was creative, until he became a surgical scientist, to the point that his name is hardly mentioned except in conjunction with the surgeon.[4]

Al-Zahrawi… greatest surgeon.

Al-Zahrawi.. The greatest Al-Zahrawi surgeon in surgery, in particular, replaced the writings of the ancient ones, and he remained the mayor in the art of surgery until the sixteenth century, and his ideas became a transformative event in the ways of medical treatment;

Where he had prepared for surgery a new ability to heal the sick, he had amazed the people of his time and after his time.

The paper contained an illustration of the machines of surgery (more than 200 surgical instruments), which had the biggest impact on who came next from Western surgeons, and was particularly important for those who reformed the art of surgery in Europe in the sixteenth century; These machines helped lay the foundation stone for surgery in Europe [5].

Al-Zahrawi described the machines and surgical tools he invented for himself to work with in his operations, and described how they are used and how they are manufactured, including:

The birth is dried, the vaginal telescope currently used for gynecology, regular checkers or syringes, the anal syringe, special spoons for tongue reduction, mouth examination, tonsillitis trimmings, drying, tooth-stripping wheels, bone saws, mufflers and all kinds of mustache, and many other instruments and tools have become the nucleus that developed centuries later into modern surgical instruments.[6]

And one look at a machine like the one that he invented and used in injection, which he called "giraffe," goes as far as any of the additions that Al-Zahrawi provided, that simple machine in its composition.. The genius in her idea.. Extremely useful in treating patients!

Through these machines, Al-Zahrawi performed surgeries that no one else could perform, and created a rigorous scientific method for performing surgical work, based on studying the anatomy of the human body, knowing all its accuracy, looking into the achievements of his predecessors, benefiting from their experience, relying on experience and sensory observation, and practical practice that earned the surgeon a skill at working the hand — that is, surgery — among his students in his book "Draining for Those Unable to Write" [7].

In his book Arab Medicine, Campbell says: “The surgery in Andalusia had a reputation greater than in Paris, London, or Edinburgh; [8].

The years and days have not obscured the effects of this unique world; He left his huge medical encyclopedia, including his former surgical master, with all the tools and instruments of surgery on his modern scale, which he called "spillage for those who couldn't write", a very useful encyclopedia, in full meaning, not all of it, not all of it, not all of it, and not all of it, and it's one of the greatest works of Muslim medical literature, which some have described as a perfect epic.

Not surprisingly, it became the primary source of Western surgeons until the 17th century, and remains the top reference for medical students at European universities, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Nor should it be forgotten that surgeons in Renaissance Italy and the centuries that followed relied heavily on Zahrawi's book The Drain of Those Unable to Compose.[9]

And Zahrawi has another great encyclopedia with other works, which is like: (Article on hand work), and (Acronym and Characteristic), Al-Zarkli said: "I acquired a Moroccan manuscript in Andalusian script, arranged in letters, from A to Z, in a nice part, the first after Basmalah:

A book containing the names of drugs in Greek, Syriac, Persian and Persian, and Arabic, the interpretation of measures and weights, the allowance of drugs and their ages, and the interpretation of current names in medical books. [10].

Great Organ Jobs Scientist Haller says: "My father Al-Qasim was the public source of all the surgeons who emerged after the 14th century"[11].

Abou Al-Gasem Al-Zahrawi.. Achievements and Innovations
With Al-Zahrawi's experience in surgery, he was the first to distinguish between surgery and other medical subjects, the first to build the foundation of this science based on anatomy, the first to make surgery an independent science, and he was able to create and codify new techniques in surgery.[12].

Gustave Le Bon talks about El Zahrawi and says about him: "The most famous Arab surgeon, and he described the crushing of pebbles in the bladder in particular, as it was not the right thing to do."[13].

The Encyclopedia Britannica reported that it was one of the most famous 1,000 surgeries for Arab (Muslim) patients, and the first one to use the artery's binding to prevent bleeding [14].

One of Al-Zahrawi's most famous creations, which have been shared by medical historians in their writings, is that he is the first to describe the catheterization process, and the owner of its idea and the inventor of its tools.

He performed difficult trachea surgeries, and doctors like Ben Sina and Razi had already refrained from doing so because of the danger.

Al-Zahrawi also invented a very precise tool to treat the blockage of the external urine hole in newborns; To facilitate urine passage, he has successfully removed blood from chest cavity and, in general, from all jealous wounds.

Al-Zahrawi is also the first one who succeeded in stopping the bleeding during surgery, by connecting the big arteries.

This link was preceded by other western doctors for 600 years! And it's amazing that someone who claims this innovation comes after him, the surgeon, the Emperor of Bari in 1552.

Zahrawi was the first one to make a saw of a surgeon, and used it in special bowel surgery, making it out of a cat's intestine, and the first of March was the internal seating with two needles and one thread attached to them; to leave no visible scars, and this work has been called "Healing the Wounds under the Head".

It is the first dish in all the operations he conducted in the patient's lower half, lifting his pelvis and legs above all; This led him to race ahead with the German surgeon (Friedrich Terdelenburg) 800 years, who was credited with this condition in surgery, which is, as Shawqi Abu Khalil argues, the usurpation of a civilized right of her first creative Al Zahrawi.[15].

Al-Zahrawi is also the first pioneer of the idea of printing in the world; He took the first step in the printing industry, and was centuries before German John Gutenberg, and Al-Zahrawi recorded his idea of printing and implemented it in the 28th article of his powerful book Draining; In Part 3 of this article, for the first time in the history of medicine and pharmacy,

Al-Zahrawi describes how to make pills (pills), how to make the template in which these pills are poured or prepared, and at the same time print their names on them using a plate of abanoses or ivory that is half-creased in length.

In each face, he digs the amount of half of the disk, On the bottom of one side, the name of the disk is printed backwards printed, the inscription is correct From the heart of it;

This is to prevent cheating on medicines and subjecting them to medical surveillance, says Shawki Abu Khalil: "This certainly gives Al-Zahrawi a civilized right to be the first founder and leader of the printing industry, and of the pharmaceutical industry;

The name of the drug is on each disk, these two industries that are indispensable in all international pharmaceutical institutions, yet this right has been usurped and many have forgotten.”[16].

Al-Zahrawi is also the first to describe the treatment of dewatered veins in the leg and used it successfully. It is very similar to the process we are currently practicing, which was only used about 30 years ago after some modifications were made [17].

Al-Zahrawi has very important additions in dentistry and jaws surgery, and he has devoted his own chapter to this specialization, explaining how he plucked teeth gently, the causes of jaw fractures during extraction, the methods of extracting tooth roots, the methods of cleaning teeth, the treatment of broken jaws, the undisturbed teeth, and the skilled orthodontics

He says of tooth extraction: "You must treat your tooth with every trick, and take away your throat, because it is not too scary to take off." We have to make sure the pain from the patient's tooth is right. So he doesn't get fooled and take off another healthy tooth.

Thus, El-Zahrawi describes, perhaps for the first time in medical history, the pain transmitted; This puts him on a modern level to date [18].

Cancer and its treatment were diseases that occupied Zahrawi. He gave this malignant disease a description and treatment that remained used throughout the ages until the present. Twenty-century doctors did not much more than the sign of Zahrawi surgery.[19].

What Al-Zahrawi wrote in gynecology and surgery is a valuable treasure in medical science. He describes two medically important modes (TRENDELEMBE — WALCHER), in addition to describing the methods of birth and intermingling,

The methods of managing difficult births, how to remove the conjoined placer, pregnancy outside the uterus, and the methods of treating abortion, and the creation of a special mechanism for extracting dead fetus. The evil) is about 900 years in describing and treating parasitic birth, the first to use special mechanisms to expand cervical expansion, and the first to create a special female screening machine is still today [20].

At the end of it, we stop in front of his advice to his students to wait before the surgery, and they do not do it unless they are aware of the small and the big things about anatomy and the use of surgical tools. In his book, "Spending for those who cannot write",

Al-Zahrawi says: "You should know that work by hand (surgery) is split in two: A work of safety, and a work of destruction in the most frequent cases. Everywhere that comes from this book,

I have been warned of work that is harmful and frightening; Lest the ignorant find words and words to appeal, take for yourselves firmness and prudence, and for your patients with leniency and caution, and use the best path leading to safety and good outcomes, and avoid dangerous and incurable diseases, and remove yourselves from what you fear will enter into your religion and your life. He is the one who will remain in your confrontation, and will rise in the world and the next to your capabilities.

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