The Story of The Prophet Idris

Prophet Idris peace be upon him.

In the name of God who said:{And mention in the Book Idris that he was a righteous man, a prophet, and we elevated him in a high position.} (Sarah Miriam, 56-57). Prophet Idris, peace be upon him, his prophecy and message. 

Our Prophet Idris, peace be upon him, is one of the prophets and noble messengers whom God has declared in the Holy Qur'an, and he was mentioned by God in a few of the Qur'an's Walls. 

And he is one who must believe in his prophecy and his message as a matter of cutting and asserting. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah has described him as a prophet and a friend.

His lineage and description. The most famous of all is Idris, the son of Jerd, the son of Mahalayel. He is also called Enoch. His account of peace ends with God's prophet Seth, the son of Adam, peace be upon them. 

It was said that Idris is by this name because it is derived from studying, due to the many newspapers that were published on our master Adam and his son Seth, peace be upon them. 

It is said that Idris is the first of a line after peace has been committed against him, and he has cut off the clothes and made a mistake. 

He attributes to this honorable prophet many things which are lies and fabrications. Ibn Habban believed in Sahibah's statement, Abu Dhar, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet said, “What, four Syriac: Adam, Seth, and Enoch, who is Idris, and he is the first to write a pen, and Noah.” 

His birth, his upbringing, and his call to apply the law of God. Our Prophet Idris, peace be upon him, is the third prophet after Adam and peace be upon them.  

Scholars have differed in his birth and upbringing. Some said that Idris was born in Babylon, a city in Iraq. Others said that he was born in Egypt, and it is true that he was born in Iraq in the city of Babil.

When God gave him the prophet and the message, and God gave him thirty newspapers, as Abi Dhar's statement said, May God be pleased with him, as Habban's son told him. Peace came upon him, calling for the application of God's law based on the religion of Islam, which was based on God's sole principle of worship, and his belief that no one deserves worship except God, and that God is all things, and the owner of all things, and everything is capable of everything in this world is done by the will and will of God, and that God bless and almighty is not like any of his creatures, and nothing is like him from His creation. 

Our Prophet Idris, peace be upon him, taught the people the Law of Islam and the provisions of the religion of Allah, even though the people of his time were believers, worshiping God only and not associating anything with Him. 

The matter continued until the cursed Devil appeared to the people in the form of a human being to lure them away from the religion of Islam, and ordered them to make pictures and statues of five good people. 

Idris had the right to make statues of people and then copy that. They obeyed him and made them pictures and statues. Then, when the days were long, they were again shown at a time when ignorance and corruption was on earth, He ordered them to worship these statues and five statues.

Allah Almighty said a story about those who worshiped these statues, which were pictures of five righteous people:And in the quranic interpretation, They said to them, They involved shirk decorated with it: “Don't mention your gods, in order that they invite them to fanaticism for what they're, and to not call what their oldest fathers are, then they appoint their gods.”

They said, “Don't forget, then for a year, or they will not be seduced, hanged and forget,.” once they died, Satan decorated their people to require their pictures to activate, by their claim, to obey if they saw it, then long, and therefore the devil came to them, and therefore the devil said to them: your ancestors worship them, they beg them, and that they shed rain, and worship them, which is why their superiors recommended to their followers to not involve the worship of those gods.

Our Prophet Idris, peace be upon him, lived the sequel of a thousand years after our master Adam, upon Islam, he and his followers and those who were with him, called on Muslims of his time to implement the Law of Allah, perform their duties and avoid taboos. 

He began to refrain from violating the Law of Islam, and he obeyed each other. Where do we find the parable of Babylon if we leave? Babylon, in Syriac, looked like they meant the Tigris and the Euphrates. 

He said: If we immigrate to Allah, We have provided for others, (that is, other countries). When our Master Idris came out with peace upon him and those with him from Iraq, they marched until they fulfilled this region called Babylon, and they saw the Nile, and they saw an empty valley. 

So our Master Idris stood on the Nile, and began to think about the greatest power of Allah, Glory is to Him. 

Our Prophet Idris prayed for peace and blessings in Egypt, and those with him in Egypt called for people to adhere to the Law of Allah. His stay on earth was, as was said, eighty-two years. 

Then Allah raised him up to heaven, then died on this earth. His death on earth is the right thing.

The invitation of our Prophet Idris , peace be upon him, and his exhortations, and some of his years to his people.

Our Prophet Idris, peace be upon him, is a well-known preacher among his people and his family, for he called upon His Master Idris to be God's religion and to be devoted to His worship, to abide by Sharia, and to save souls from punishment in the Hereafter by doing good deeds.

He exhorted them to pray, and ordered them to fast certain days of each month. He ordered them to give Zakat money as a relief to the poor. He emphasized on them in purity from the ward, and forbade them wine and sugar from all kinds of drinks, and he emphasized it with great emphasis.

And it was said that he had made many feasts for his people at known times, and it was said that at his time there were seventy-two languages spoken by the people. God Almighty had taught all their languages, that every band of his people might know their own language.

As God Almighty had said, We did not send any messenger except in the tongue of his people, to make them clear, (Sarah Ibrahim).   

It is said that he taught his people science, and that he was the first one to extract wisdom and astrology. God, Almighty, understood the secrets of the ark and its composition, understood the number of years and calculations, was said to be the first one to look into medical science, the first to warn of the flood, and the first to draw the foundations of cities for his people.

And he dwelt of the Gentiles in his time, in every province, every year befitting his own. The judgment of our Prophet Idris, peace be upon him and his preachers.

Our Master Idris is known for peace and wisdom, and for his outstanding sermons. He who judges him in prayer and peace is entitled to “Patience with faith in God Inherits Honor.” It was said that this wisdom was engraved on the end of his ring, including: “If you call on God, be sincere in your faith, and also in your fasting and prayers, do.” 

That is to say, “Honor God in your prayer, and in fasting, and in prayers.” One of them is avoid the forbidden act, so whoever wishes to attain knowledge and good deeds, let him leave his hand in ignorance and evil deeds, and be patient and not lie. 

Benefit: He recounted that our Master Idris, peace and prayer upon him, came once upon him by the devil in the image of a human being, and that our Master Idris was sewing, and in every manner of intervention and exit he says, “Glory to Allah, and praise be to Allah.” 

The devil, cursed, came by a shell and said to him: God can make life in this crust? Our master Idris said to him: God is able to make the world in the poison of this needle, its hole, and to cut the needle in one of his eyes and make it naked, and this is not stable in terms of support.

As for the words of our master Idris, peace be upon him: Allah is Able to make the world in the poison of this needle. He wanted by Him that Allah, His Excellency, is Able to depict the world smaller than the poison of the needle and to make it in it. 

Or, He makes the poison of the needle bigger than the world, making it into the poison of the needle. Professor Abu Ishak al-Esfarini wrote this story in his book The Order of Jurisprudence.

Idris brings peace to heaven and his place of death: Our Master Idris prayed for peace and prayers in Iraq and in Egypt, he preached the religion of Islam, fought for the cause of God, and was patient in calling upon God for the beautiful patience.

He carried many of his people and called on them to abide by the Law, to obey the Almighty and not to disobey him.

Then God exalted him, blessed and exalted, to heaven, as God the Almighty said in the truth of Idris, peace be upon him: He was a prophet's friend * and we elevated him to a higher position (Sarah Miriam 56-57).

Historians differ in the heavens to which Our Master Idris brought peace, He recounts Abbas's son that he said in interpreting the scripture: God raised him up to the sixth sky, and he died in it. He recounted a jihadist in his saying: {And we raised him up in a high place}

Historians differ in the heavens to which Our Master Idris brought peace. He recounts Abbas's son that he said in interpreting the scripture: God raised him up to the sixth sky, and he died in it. 

He recounted a jihadist in his saying: {And we raised him up in a high place}. The fourth sky said, and it is right that he died on this earth as he came. 

As for the fact that he is still in the sixth sky, he is not baptized, in the words of God the Almighty: {Some of them, We created you, and in them We will return you, and some We will bring you out again.} So tell us that man was created from this earth, and his end will be after death, and from there he will be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection..

Wait for us with another story from ancient history.
Abu Musa

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