Heaven and Fire

Heaven and Fire among Muslims are one of the principles of faith in the Other Day: firm belief and complete belief in heaven and hell. Scholars have pledged to believe in them the seventh pillar of faith. Heaven and Fire, as the scholars believe, exist, are there, and neither will they fail; The paradise is a house of dignity, mercy, and bliss, prepared by God Almighty for His worshipers who believed in and obeyed him. He said about it: (Prepared for the righteous).
[1] And the Fire is the Home of Humiliation and Punishment.
Allah prepared it for those who disbelieved among his enemies, the polytheists and the hypocrites, who said: (Prepared for the disbelievers),
[2] Just as the people of the paradise are in eternal bliss, renewed, and endless, and the people of the Fire in a perpetual torment, eternal and eternal, without salvation from it.
[3] The description of the Garden that God, the Almighty, gave the Hereafter a date that only He knows; Either torture or a price, or a continued bliss, Abu Huraira related to the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) that he said: If the first night of Ramadan runs out the devils and the jinn and closes the doors of the fire, no door is opened from them and the heavens doors are opened, no door is shut, and no caller calls from her, O you who want good, come before, and I look for evil, and God has shorter secrets from the fire. This is every night.

[4] The committee has eight gates; There is a door for those who spend in the cause of Allah, a door for those who pray, a door for the people of jihad, a door for those who fast, a door for those who give charity, and a door for those who give charity, the Messenger of Allah invited Abu Bakr to enter through all these doors. [5] As for those who enter paradise, the Prophet said: The first group of the heavens, whose image is in the form of the moon on the night of the moon, neither spit on nor cross nor covered, their gold and silver vessels, their bowls of gold and silver, their bowls, their ornamentation, and their catch. Each of them has two wives who see their market behind the flesh of their beauty, and whose hearts do not differ, nor do they envy, the heart of one man, praise God morning and night. [6] The lowest position of the people of the paradise is ten times that of the kings of the world, and the highest rank is that of them have no eye, no ear, no ears, no danger to the heart of any human, and the building of the Garden is a golden brick, a silver brick, a lacquer, pearl and rubies, and its saffron soil. The garments of the faithful are not worn in them, and their youth are not destroyed; The Kuthar River, the Water River, the Wine River, the Milk River, the Honey River, and the food that the soul desires, their gold and silver vessels, their uniform of sand stones and broth, they sit on lined beds, and the servants go round about them.

God has likened these servants as if they were omnipresent pearls, and their paternal spouses, every one of them has two wives, The description of his servants who enter the paradise, and a detailed description of some of these qualities,
[7] The Almighty said: (The righteous are in gardens and springs);
[8] And the righteous are those who feared the punishment of their Lord, and were conscious of doing what God commanded them, and to avoid what He prevented them from doing. They spend from their money in ways that God commands them to spend, such as zakat and charity, and to spend on those they spend on, so that prosperity and ease do not force them to spend out of love for money, and hardship does not force them to stop spending out of fear of the need for money. They magnify their anger and hold their anger; They don't attack others. They forgive those who have wronged them and assaulted them, so they do not assault them and avenge themselves with their ability to do so. They do not commit any transgressions that are intoxicating, and these are the sins that Allah forbids. And if they do any of the lesser sins, remember God, and forgive him of their sins, and repent of what they did, and depart from him. They do not continue to do sins, even if they are small, because continuing on small ones makes them like old ones. They get frustrated with their prayers, they don't talk, they do zakat. They keep their chastity away from the transgression of God, and they fulfill their faithfulness and their covenant. The description of hell is the greatest thing Allah has warned us of from it, the home where Allah tortures whomever He wills painful punishment. It is the home whose rage and exultation has intensified. Its fire and price are hot. It is dark like black.

[9] The heat and the flames of summer are the same as hell. The river reminds his worshipers of it. Al-Bukhari correctly related to the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) that he said:(The fire complained to her Lord, and she said: My Lord ate each other, and I authorize her to compete: The soul in the winter and the soul in the summer. The heat is the most intense you find, and the most bitter you find. [10] The depth of the fire and its depth reaches 70 years, and the path is set on hell. No one enters paradise until he passes over it, and man walks on it according to his deeds. Some of them survive, and some of them are in hell.
[11]Even if they enter it, some are drowned by the fire to their knees. Some are drowned by the fire to their knees. Some are called to Hell, they are shoved to it In the Fire they are forced to flee, and the Fire is boiling with them like boiling pots. (If they throw in it, they will look out to it full of breath and waste).
[12] They will cry out of hunger, and they will come to them with the most hideous kinds of food, food from the barren, and food from the barren, and no hunger, And the Thorns are hanging in their throats, they will not be able to swallow it, and the doors will be closed to them. They will cry out to the owner of the fire, and they will answer He cries, does not answer those who call, and their sins have been surrounded, and they are still waiting until the caller calls. (O people of the paradise, eternal, and not dead, and ye people of the fire, eternal, and not dead). Wait for us with another story from ancient history. Abu Musa.

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