Ibn Sina

He was born in the Persian village of Afshnah in 370 A.H. (980 A.M.) and died in Hamdan in 427 A.H. (1037). He's known as Sheik Al-Sheikh, the president, and he's called Westerners by the Prince of Physicians.

Ibn Sina lived in the late fourth century of the Hijra and the early fifth century of the migration, and he grew up in Uzbekistan, where he was born in Kharmish, a village in Bukhara in August 908.

He was educated in his first years by his father, his father was one of the sheiks of the Ismaili sect, a sect of Muslims whose ideas are based on a new Platonic style. Although Sina never followed his father's beliefs, he benefited greatly from the fact that many knowledgeable people at the time were meeting at home with his father to talk and debate. When he was ten years old, Ibn Sina had become the custodian of the Quran, just as he had memorized many Arabic poems and other literary works. [2]

The early rush of knowledge by Ibn Sina was soon taken to prominent professors of logic and occultism. When he was 18, he felt that he no longer needed his teachers, and he went on to study himself. And so there was an in-depth knowledge of medical science, sharia law, and absenteeism.

What had the greatest impact on his intellectual development enabled him to see the rich library's assets at the Al-Samandein Palace, which is the first large family of local origin to appear in Persia after the Arab conquest of it. The son of Sina was allowed to enter the great library after he had successfully treated Prince Noah bin Mansour al-Samandi for a disease that all his famous modern doctors were unable to treat.

Even when he was twenty years old, his father died. Abu Ali Al-Hussein Bin Sina went to Jorgan, spent a long time, and wrote his book Law in Medicine, but soon he left for Hamadan. He became famous, and became Minister of Prince Shamseddine Al-Bouaihi, but did not receive the maqam. In 1022, Shams of the State died to find Sina himself in the middle of an uncomfortable environment. His shepherd's death caused a period of hardship that culminated in his imprisonment.

Fortunately, Sina's son managed to flee to Isfahan, 250 miles (402.34 km) south of Tehran, accompanied by a small backstop and decided to settle in. In fact, he spent 14 years in Isfahan in relative comfort. He finished his book The Law in Medicine and also finished his other famous book The Cure.


Ibn Sina's grave in Hamadan, Iran.
He went to Isfahan and received the care of its Emir, Alaa Al-Dawla. There he got sick and got sick. It was said that he used to get sick for a week and heal for a week. He used to take more medication. "The mastermind who started has been physically unable to manage, and you will not be able to deal with it," he washed and repented, and believed his money for the poor, and gave his young men a request for forgiveness, and died in June 1037, at the age of fifty-eight, and was buried in Hamadan, Iran.

Scientific contributions

The son of Sina was a scientist, philosopher, doctor, poet, the president, the third teacher after Aristotle and the Arab.

He was also known as the emir of doctors and Aristotle of Islam, and he was before his time in many intellectual fields, and his work did not distract him from participating in public life in his era; He had lived with the problems of his community, interacted with the intellectual trends and participated in the creation of his scientific and cultural renaissance.

All of this had the most significant impact on the mental flattering of his thoughts and theories, and this was also reflected on his thoughts, effects, and writings. He did not abide by all the theories he had before him, but rather looked at them critically and locally and displayed them in the mirror of his mind and thinking. Philosophers get wrong, and they are not infallible.

So he fought astrology and some ideas that prevailed in his time in some aspects of chemistry, and he disagreed with his contemporaries and those who came up with him, who said that it was possible to convert some base metals into gold and silver.

He denied that this transformation could occur in the essence of metals, but rather it is a virtual change in the form and image of metal. He explained that each element has its own structure, which cannot be changed by the known means of transformation.

The fame and scientific status of Ibn Sina have envied some of his contemporaries and jealous for him. In his mental disposition and his new opinions in medicine, science and philosophy, they found an entry point to challenge him and accuse him of atheism and atheism. "My belief in God is unshakable; "If you are an infidel, there is not one real Muslim on earth."

Astronomical science.

The son of Sina was a pioneer in many sciences and arts; In the field of astronomy, Ibn Sina was able to observe the passage of Venus through the circle of the disk of the sun with the naked eye on Jumada II 10, 423 A, (May 24, 1032), as recognized by the English astronomer Jeremy Rokes in the seventeenth century.

He did astronomical studies when he was in Esfahan and later in Hemdan, these studies have produced much evidence that has been confirmed centuries later. For example, he spotted Venus as a spot on the surface of the Sun and correctly concluded that the Venus should be closer to the Earth than to the Sun. He also invented a device to monitor the coordinates of stars. [2]

Ibn Sina has been active in the observation and has been working in the Commission's science and has placed in observation machines that have never been before, including a number of valuable works:

The Cologist.
The message of the monitoring machine.
Book of Celestial Bodies.
A book on how to observe and match natural science.
An article in the shape of the Earth from the sky and being in the middle.
A book that invalidates star judgments.


It is also valuable in the science of the layers of the earth (geology), especially in minerals, the formation of stones and mountains, and it is considered to have been made up of fertile clay all the time, and it is quarantined in uncontrollable stretches. It is like that the earth was once deep in the sea, and is often found in stones if parts of aquatic animals, such as shells, are broken down.

Earthquakes are also mentioned and interpreted as a movement affecting part of the Earth; Because of what's beneath it, that's inevitably why it's getting to move and then move over it, and the object that can move underground, which is either a smoky steam, momentum forces, a liquid body, an aerodynamic body or a pyrotechnic object.

talk about clouds and how they are created; It is stated that they are produced from wet fumes when the temperature rises and the cold layer of air agrees. The essence of the cloud is a condensate steam, which travels the air. Steam is the material of clouds, rain, snow, snow, ice, frost, and cold. Therefore, the halo and rainbow appear.


The son of Sina had a special interest in plant science, and he had serious scientific studies in the field of medicinal plants. He had made solid scientific comparisons between the roots, leaves, and flowers of plants, described it scientifically and accurately, studied its species, soil, species, and elements affecting plant growth. He also talked about the phenomenon of contributing to trees and palm trees by carrying a heavy load in one year, light pregnancy in another year or bearing another.

He pointed to the different food and smell in the plant, and Karl Metz, who said it was important to diagnose with juices, preceded in 1353 A = 1934.

Pharmacy and Pharmacology

The book of principle and appointment, to read the book, press the image
Ben Sina had a good knowledge of drugs and their effectiveness, he listed the drugs in six groups, and the single and synthetic drugs he listed in his books, especially the Writers of Law, had a great scientific impact and value among medical and pharmacists. He listed about 760 drugs in his book that he listed in his book.

And it's really amazing that he's been practicing what he calls experimental medicine on his patients, he's been experimenting with any new medicine that he first recognizes, and then he gives it to the human after it's proven that he's good and accurate.

He also spoke of environmental pollution and its impact on human health and mentioned the impact of environmental pollutants on the emergence of respiratory allergic diseases.


Despite Sina's remarkable reputation as a doctor and his great scientific status to the point that he deserved to be called a doctor's emir, he never sought to raise money or demand fame; He treated his patients free of charge, and he often gave them his own medicine.

Sina's son felt the nobility of his message in alleviating the pain of his patients; He spent his efforts and energy to serve humanity and fight ignorance and disease.

Ibn Sina was able to provide the greatest services to humanity with his discoveries, and the glorious medical conquests Allah has made; He was the first to detect many of the diseases that still exist.

He was the first to detect the Enklstuma parasite and called the round worm, and he beat Dubney 900 years earlier, the first to describe meningitis, the first to distinguish between paralysis caused by internal cause in the brain and external cause, and the description of stroke caused by high blood, thereby violating the two bases Ancient Greek medicine.

For the first time, he also revealed the infection methods of some infectious diseases, such as smallpox and measles, and he mentioned that they are transmitted by some microorganisms in water and air.

The water contains very small animals that you don't see with the naked eye, and they cause some diseases, which is confirmed by Van Leeutok in the 18th century and by later scientists, after the invention of the microscope.

Prior to his time in many of his critical medical observations, Sina studied neurological and mental factors such as fear, sadness, worry, joy, etc.

He pointed out that they have a great impact on the body's organs and functions, he was able to learn psychological and medical facts through psychological analysis, and sometimes he used psychological methods to treat his patients.

In examining his patients, diagnosing the disease, and determining the treatment, Sina's son has followed the modern method now used by tapping his finger over the patient's body, the current method of diagnosing internal diseases, which was attributed to Leopold Enberger in the 18th century, as well as through urine and feces.

Ibn Sina shows great and capable surgical prowess. He has mentioned several ways to stop the bleeding, whether by connecting to a mate or inserting a firecracker or a teal with fire or a cocoa drug, or by pressing meat over the sweat.

He spoke about how arrows are handled and removed from wounds, warns clinicians against artery injury or nerve failure when arrows are removed from wounds, and warns that the processor must be fully aware of the anatomy.

Ibn Sina was also the first to discover and describe the internal muscles of the eye, and he was the first to say that the center of sight is not in the crystal body as it was thought before, but in the optic nerve.

Ibn Sina was a good surgeon, he performed very meticulous surgeries, such as removing cancerous tumors in their early stages, cutting the throat and the trachea, removing the outside of the crystal membrane of the lung, treating the hemorrhoids in a binding way, and describing accurately the cases of urinal fistula, and finding an innovative way to treat the anal fistula still used so far, showing the pebbles and explaining how it should be extracted, as See, as well as situations where use is being warned.

Reproductive disease

He also had a major tradition in the area of reproductive diseases, and he accurately described some diseases of women, such as: Vaginal blockage and projection, fibrous tumors.

He talked about diseases that can affect women, such as: Bleeding, retention of blood, and the tumors and acute diets that may cause it, he pointed out that the rot of the womb may arise from the dyslexia of birth or death of the fetus, which was previously unknown, and also from male and female fetuses, and from ascribing it to the man rather than the woman, which was recently confirmed by modern science.


In physics, Ibn Sina was one of the first Muslim scientists to prepare for modern dynamics by studying motion, forced mile and assistant mile status, thanks to the first law of motion, which says that the body remains in a constant state of rest or movement in a straight line, unless forced by external forces to change the state. In fact, Ben Sina has already observed the movement of objects, and devised the law he expressed:

"You know that if the object were to be imprinted and imprinted and not displayed to it outside a strange influence, it had no definite place and a particular form, and therefore it has the principle to answer that."

This is more than six centuries ahead of Isaac Newton, Galileo more than 5 centuries before, and Leonardo da Vinci more than 4 centuries before; It is worth attributing to him the law to which he had the advantage: “The Son of Sina Act of Motion and Silence.”

Ibn Sina has also invented a Vernier-like machine, which is used to measure lengths with extreme precision.

And he could very accurately see that the speed of light and sound, which was what Isaac Newton came up with more than 600 years later, had his own theory of motion mechanics, which Jean Berdan came up with in the 14th century, and the speed of motion on which Albert Einstein built his famous theory of relativity.

And Ben Sina's contribution to music is said to be a writer of Persian quads of poetry and short poems,

From his earliest version of Ibn Sina, the second page of the law in medicine in 1030,

Ibn Sina put in about 450 authors, only about 240 of which came in. Of his work available to us today, there are 150 in philosophy and 40 in medicine, the two scientific fields in which he presented his greatest achievements.

He has also worked in psychology, geology, mathematics, astronomy and logic.

He wrote all his writings in Arabic, except for two books in Persian, his mother tongue. One of these books is called "The Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences," and the other is a study of pulse that became famous later.

in philosophy

Signals and alerts: In his book, The Book of References, in which Aristotle took the Doctrine of Atheism, and brought it a little closer to religion, he founded the philosophical trend that challenged the doctrine, the idea of prophecy and the message in Islam [3].

He used to say in the foot of the world, the denial of the Enemy, the denial of God's science and power, and the creation of the world and the resurrection of it in graves.

Ibn Sina is the philosophy of philosophers such as Labarabi Abi Nasr al-Turki the philosopher. Al-Farabi used to say the spiritual enemy, not the occultism, and he devoted the time to the world, not the ignorance.

He has doctrines in this way that violate Muslims and philosophers from his old predecessors.

The same idea was repeated by Al-Ghazali in the rush of philosophers in twenty councils that have disbelief, the octal, and saying that God doesn't know the molecules, and he invites him through the others.

There is no doubt that his company with the internal philosophers (Abu-Abdullah al-Nayli, who taught him his small age) influenced the thinking of Ibn Sina, and prepared him for the role that he played in energizing the movement of philosophy and taking a challenging position on Islamic faith. For example, the "theory of knowledge" equated the philosophers with the prophets.

His followers were called "The Machine," and they said his essay, one of the most famous of which was the Tusi Christian Christian Christian Christian. His name was Mohammed Bin Abdullah. The khawaja was called "The Quran of the Year".

Book of Healing: It's a great encyclopedia of natural and post-natural science that was famous in the 10th century AD. Sina's son wanted to cover everything that was covered in the post-natural sciences at the time.

And Ibn Sina explains the purpose of this book: "Our purpose in this book, which we hope will give us a long time to finish, and with Allah's blessing in his organization, is to say goodbye to the door of what we have achieved in the philosophical sciences attributed to the ancients.

And I had to say goodbye to him in the most industrialized world, and I had to point at each other the site of suspicion and the solution to it to explain the truth as much as possible.

I worked hard to shorten the term very much and to avoid repetition in the first place, except what happens by mistake or omission. There is nothing to be proud of in the books of the ancient, except that we have included this book of ours. I added to this what I realized with my thinking and got it in my view, especially in the field of nature and beyond." [4]

Survival book: In his book, Ibn Sina addresses the science of logic and nature, then engineering and computation. Some astronomy, as stated in his introduction,

A group of the Brothers who were keen on quoting wise knowledge asked him to collect a book that contains what must be known to those who influence the public, take sides with the private, have a brief background, and ask him to start using the fundamentals from the science of logic,

Then to return them to normal science The knowledge of the authority is known as the state of movements, crimes, dimensions, orbits, lengths, and shows, without the principles required for calendars, what marriages involve, such as those of the readers, the angles, the correct path according to history, etc., and the conclusion of mathematics with music science.

Then, he lists the automatic flag, indicating the face, the summary, and the status of the dates and morals "The beneficial actions of the echelon of surviving drowning in the sea of delusions helped them by doing so.

The book was categorized as seeking them, and he began to gain sufficient knowledge of making logic, because it is the capital machine for our mind to make mistakes in what we imagine and believe, and which is connected to the belief in the truth by giving its reasons and approaches to its ways." [5]

in math
angle message
authority science brief
A message in a statement about the earth rising in the middle of the sky, printed in the total (Deposits Mosque), in Cairo in 1917.
Nature and its subsidiaries
A Message in Invalidating Star Judgments
A message from the upper bodies and the causes of lightning and thunder
space message
A message in plants and animals
Medical books

The College of Medicine and Staff Training, dedicated to Ben Sina in his hometown, Ashnah,

The law book, translated and printed several times, was taught at European universities until the late nineteenth century.

Total Harm Book on Human Beings

The Goling book. A Message in Physical Politics and the Virtues of Drinking
A message in the anatomy of organs
contact message
A Message in Food and Medicine
Law in medicine

The first page of the first book of law in medicine by Ibn Sina, from a manuscript that probably dates back to the 15th century.

Crystal Clear app kdict.png Detailed article: Law in medicine,

His book Law of Medicine was widely popular in Europe, until Mr. William Osier said: It was the medical Bible for the longest period of time.

He translated it into Latin “Gerrard of Cremona,” and printed about 15 times in Europe between 1473 and 1500, and then reprinted about 20 times in the sixteenth century.

The book has been the main reference book for medicine in Europe for the fifth and sixteenth centuries, with more than 40 editions in Europe alone.

He continued to study at the universities of Italy, France and Belgium until the mid-17th century, during which he remained the top scientific authority.

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