“Al-Batani”,"Ptolemy of the Arabs"

Who is the “Al-Batani”?

Al-Batani is Abu Abdullah Mohammed bin Jaber bin Sinan al-Harani, known as “Al-Batani”, an Arab astronomer and engineer.

Al-Batani was a Sabahi born in Batan, districts of Haran, and died in Iraq in 929.

Which is famous in the world?

Al-Batani is considered one of the most brilliant astronomers in the world, as well as the genius of algebra and trigonometry, and he is one of those who has done a great service to the development of the mathematical sciences throughout human history.

He is known for his observation of the celestial planets and bodies, and despite the primitive machinery he used, he has produced amazing results that are still admired and amazed by scientists.

His mathematical tables and geometrical evidence remain the most important references until the beginning of the eighteenth century.

What did they say about him?

Caguar and Haley considered him to be one of the greatest meteorologists, and some researchers called him the Arab Ptolemy, in which he said, “Sarton: “The Batany is one of the greatest scientists of his time and the most genius Arab scientists in astronomy and mathematics,” while the famous French scientist Laland said of him: “The Batany is one of the 20 famous astronomers in the whole world.”


His achievements in algebra.

The first to introduce the term Sinus, and the first to introduce trigonometry, Trigonometrie, are very well aware of the importance of this achievement, and they see in it an innovation that has contributed a lot to understanding trigonometry.

In her book, “The Sun of Arabs Shines On the West”, German scholar Sieged Hunke says: “The term sine has entered the mathematics of all the peoples of the world after the translation of the Patani book."

It also created the term cosine, which used the lines of parentheses (Tangents), cotangents, bars (Secanites), and cosines, and cosecanite, and the cosecante, and the interpolation of relationships Important schedules of these relationships.
The genius of this world was to solve some calculations and some theories by algebraic rather than engineering methods.

It was also solved by previous Arab and Greek scientists, such as setting angles values by algebraic methods.

This was added to many additions that the Arabs entered into in trigonometry, and to them the founding of this important science.

His achievements in astronomy.

Al-Batani left several works in astronomy and geography, the most important of which is "The Zig Al-Sabi Book", which is considered one of the most correct marriages that we have reached from the Middle Ages.

In addition, the Batani fixed the summer and winter equinox, and also set the weight of the tillage of the horoscope at the rate of day (i.e.: The slope of the Earth's orbit around itself at the level of its swimming around the Sun), found that it is equal to 23 degrees and 35 minutes, and it was recently found that it was correct to observe it to a single minute,

He also determined the length of the solar year despite the primitive machinery he used, and the results were amazing and very close to modern calculations in just two minutes and 22 seconds.

The Batani verified the positions of many stars and corrected some movements of the moon and planets, and Ptolemy violated the stability of the solar waves, and established evidence of his dependence on the moderate movement of initiative. He concluded that the equation of time changed very slowly throughout the generations, and proved, contrary to Ptolemy, the difference of the angular diameter of the sun and the possibility of a cyclic eclipse.

In 1794, Denthorne relied on the results of his eclipse observation in Raqqa and Antioch to accelerate the movement of the moon within a century.

His Writings and the Gray Marriage!

Al-Batani left a number of astronomical tables and books, some of which were translated into Latin, such as "Knowledge of the View of the Horoscope among Fourths of the Ark", and explained four articles to Ptolemy, and a letter in order to achieve the potential of communication.

The most important of these works, however, are his book "Zig al-Batani" or "Zig al-Sabai", where he was translated into Latin, The book is also called "Star Science" and it was translated and printed several times and several languages.
Al-Batani recorded in his famous book, "The Zij Al-Sabi" (a copy of which is available in the Spanish Ascorreal Library and a copy in the Vatican Library) tables related to the movement of the objects he discovered himself.

He also recorded the fixed planets until 249 AH. "This is why the scientist "Nleno" said of this book: "In this marriage there are the Petraani observatories that had a great impact in astronomy and spherical trigonomy, and this book remained a reference for astronomers in Europe during the Middle Ages and early Renaissance.

His scientific and practical background

Al-Batani was a scientist who helped lay the foundations of modern trigonometry and broadened its understanding.

He also created the values of angles in algebraic ways that demonstrated the fertility of his ulcer, his knowledge and his understanding, and we do not forget that he is one of the most important Arab scientists who developed astronomy and transferred it from a science mixed with superstition and allusions to a science that uses the scientific method to achieve its purpose.

This is why history had to record his creativity and it was really His generation.

Al-Batani's methodology is clear from his words and his writings on his work and thinking, including his words:

Al-Battani's methodology is illustrated by his statements and his writings about his work and thinking, from his statements:

"If you have always looked at this science and have been blinded by the thought of it, and I have stood on the different books of the movements of the stars, and what was created for some of its authors defects and what met in the movements of the stars all the time."

"Astronomy is a useful basic science, by which man can know important things that he or she needs to know and exploit for the benefit of his or her interest."
"The most important element of progress in astronomy is to research and criticize its theories, to collect abundant observations, and to work to master these observations.

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