Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla (June 10, 1856-January 7, 1943) Inventor, Physicist, Mechanical Engineer and Electrical Engineer.

He was born in Semilijan, Croatia (during the time of the Austrian Empire). He was known for his revolutionary contributions to the electromagnetic field in the late 19th century and early 20th century. 

Tesla's patents and works of theory laid the foundations for alternating electricity and invented the electric engine running on alternating current. And these inventions helped humans advance the second industrial revolution. 

Tesla was named after the Father of Physics, the man who invented the twentieth century, and the St. Joseph of Modern Electricity.

After announcing his work in radio communications and his invention of radio, and because of his victory in the War of Currents, Tesla gained great respect as the greatest American electric engineer.

His resume.
First years.

The house where Nikola Tesla was born and his statue in Smiley

H.1879 at age 23
Tesla was born in the village of Semmelian in Croatia in 1856 from two Serbian parents in the village of Semmelian, near Josbik, in the region of Lica in the Croatian Krajina in the Austrian Empire.

Legend has it that Tesla was born at midnight during a lightning storm. He learned a Polytechnic School in Kraz and then at Prague University.

And then he worked as a phone engineer in Brak and Paris. He invented a new type of engine without a direct current reflector. 

The engines were operating on the principle of rotating a magnetic field produced by various stages of rotation, the original model or model of the electric engine running on alternating AC. and when he didn't find anyone interested in Europe. 

Tesla arrived in America at the age of 28, and he hopes to find a place among 19th-century scientists, who are famous for the fierce battle of science.

The first thing to do is to go to the Office of the genius inventor Thomas Edison, and in his hand a letter from one of the Friends of Edison in Europe, this letter is a letter of recommendation, which stated: “Dear Edison, I know a guy, two great, one you, and the other is the bearer of this letter.”

Tesla and Edison shared a bit of time, but the fundamental differences between them quickly emerged, Edison sanctified the experiment and, with a twist of genius, could build a power station without even a paper drawing, Edison liked the manual labor and the entertainment he hated, Edison didn't receive any formal education and learning stairways at the best universities, and he was like a rich aristocrat from a middle-income world, so the world war broke apart, before that turned. It's fierce between the world. [2]

He founded his own lab a while later, and he patented the following innovations : multi-stage motors, power generators, power transformers for alternating current systems. He formed an alliance with George Westinghouse, who bought multi-stage motor patents for $1 million in addition to patent rights.

AC serial machine,

In 1887, there were seven patents in the AC power generation system, and that's where the electricity war between Edison and Tesla caught up. but please decide the situation
It was in his favor when the Chicago World Expo illuminated with AC.

Tesla Tower,

In 1899, Tesla wired 100 million volts of high-frequency electricity across 36 miles (57.94 km) to light 200 light bulbs and powered an electric engine, in Colorado Springs, which was a unique experiment that captured the sight of the city's residents, even calling it the “magician.”

In 1895, Tesla, with the help of Westinghouse, was able to exploit the terrible electricity of the Niagara Falls, outperforming Edison.

Tesla's dream was to build a high tower through which ships and houses could supply wireless electricity. 

However, the lack of funding prevented the completion of the project, especially after the bankruptcy of Westinghouse Company and the expenditure of most of its money on its genius experiments, most of which have not been successful, and the remains of the Wardenkliv Tower still exist… 

People saw artificial lightning hitting the ground from a height of 45 meters, measuring millions of volts.

Joining Westinghouse, he met Edison to persuade people of the reliability and adequacy of the current on a rotating basis, and he succeeded in making the alternating current acceptable and approved as a worldwide electricity system.

He worked with Westinghouse to light the Chicago International Expo, built the Niagara Hydroelectric Falls, built a rotating power system in the Colorado Mines for Silver and other industries.

middle age

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of 2010, Tesla rose to the rank of celebrity in comparison to the spread of Edison, thanks to the media that raised him to that level, and during his special experiments in his Manhattan laboratory, he was able to invent and develop electrical tools based on the enormous potential of alternating current and high-frequency current, as well as the Tesla radiance, radio, high-frequency lighting, high-frequency lighting, X-frequency lighting, x-rays, x-ray, and X-rays.

Colorado Springs

After suffering from the combustion of his lab, he rebuilt it and continued his experiments. Then he moved his lab to Colorado Springs for about a year (1899).

It built a large supersized transmitter and experimented with wireless electrical power, radio and MRI. 

Then he studied lightning and then he could make lightning (artificial lightning). He came back to New York, encouraged by J.P. Morgan, and developed a global electric radio broadcasting system using high-end transmitters. 

And he built a huge transmission-strengthening tower in Wardencliffe, Long Island, as the first station in the new global electricity system. 

After receiving enough Morgan to get the station out of the ground and complete it, the funding came to a halt and the project completely collapsed.

End of life

It went on until the 1920s, but its new innovations were insignificant compared to the first 700-year-old, dredging inventions, like the showers, all over the world. 

The official scientific method ignored many inventions on high frequency, like a turbo disk, a device that generates free electricity, and other unfamiliar inventions. 

And after the media closed its doors, except for the press conferences that were being held on his birthday, one of Microwave conferences, X-ray technology, TV, cosmic-ray engine, interplanetary communications, and wave interconnection tools that have since been called his name (the Tesla howitzer gun), and the Tesla Shield, in the 1930s, participated in the wireless energy projects in Québec.

His last attendance was a press conference in 1940 0. He died peacefully and quietly after reaching 87 years in a hotel room in New York for no apparent reason. Many papers, including copies of laboratory notes, were seized by the US government and will appear several years later at the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. From these observations, the museum only published excerpts entitled, “The Colorado Springs Notes”.

Field theory

Nikola Tesla, with the book of Roger Boscovich Theoria Philosophiae Naturalis, sits in front of the King spiral for fans of his high-frequency Street East house, New York.

Acquired Nicolas his fame through his work revolutionary, and many of the contributions in the field of electricity and magnetism in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century formed the theories of Nikola patents his inventions the foundations of the voltage alternators, including distribution systems of electric power multi-eccentric and electric motor that runs on alternating current.

Nicolas's theories and patents built the foundations of alternating electricity, including the power distribution systems and the power of the power in the alternating power, which helped lead to the second industrial revolution. After betting on wireless communications in 1893 and winning the Movement War, he gained great respect as an architect American Electric.

A lot of his early work laid the foundations of modern electrical engineering, and many of his discoveries had a pioneering significance. 

Tesla's reputation has transcended that of any inventor or other scientist in America's history and popular culture, but the fact that Tesla was a strange person at the time made his claims implausible and peculiar in terms of scientific and technical development, and led to his being ostracized and accused of insanity. 

Tesla didn't care about money, and he died poor at the age of 86, the SI, which indicates the density of the flux of the magnetic field, which was known as the magnetic field, by his code, Tesla, at a conference in France in Paris in 1960.

Nobel Prize

Mark Twain at Tesla Laboratory, Spring 1894

The Swedish Academy of Sciences decided to award Thomas Edison and Nicolas Tesla the Nobel Prize for physics equally, for their efforts in experimental physics in 1916. Edison refused to share the prize with Tesla. 

Tesla refused to share the prize with Edison, and withheld it together. But history has come back to immortalle them together, where he named two important teachers from the geographical features of the moon. 

Historians consider scientific progress to have been three stages.  

The first stage is the emergence of steam machines, and the second stage is the invention of electricity, and the third stage is the emergence of physical electronic theory.

It is the inventions of Tesla's missing: a disk drive turbine rotor disk-turbine rotary engine, the elders Tesla coil, subwoofer electric power, electric energy magnifier, and the lighting systems high-frequency lighting systems, the sender magnifier the magnifying transmitter, the wireless power, the future of the energy space (receiver electricity-free) free-energy receiver.


Bust of Tesla by Ivan Moshtorvic, 1952, Zagreb, Croatia
Memory and honor

Nikola Tesla Statue at Niagara Falls Park in Niaj Island, New York,
Away from his add electromagnetic and engineering. Tesla contributed to the advance of robotics (Robotics), remote, radar, even computing, ballistic expansion, atomic physics, and theoretical physics. In 1943, the Supreme Court of America ratified Tesla because the inventor of radio. 

I've used tons of the achievements of the Tesla, also as a number of the various achievements. To support pseudo-science like theories of alien flying objects and faith in hidden powers, contemporary researchers to amuse their enemy, the “inventor of the 20th century,” and St. William the fashionable Electric Mainstay.

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Abu Musa

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