Noah, peace be upon him

The story of our master Noah, peace be upon him

Noah was a true devout man, whom Allah sent to guide his people, and warned them of the punishment of the Hereafter, but they disobeyed him and lied to him. Nevertheless, he continued calling them to the True Religion, and a few people followed him. But the disbelievers continued in their transgression.

Allah prevented the rain from them, and called them Noah, “O” that they would lift the punishment off them, but they returned to their disbelief, and called them 950 years. Of every kind came the flood, and drowned them all.

Before the Noah was born five good men of the ancestors of the Noah people lived, lived for a time and died, the names of the five men were: (Wadd, Suwa'a, Yaghuoth, Ya'uk, and Nasr). After their death, people made statues of them in the field of remembrance and honor, and the time passed, and the carved images died. Their children came.

The children died, and the children came. And then I weave stories and stories about statues that have a special power.

The Devil took advantage of his opportunity as he passed by his side, and deluded people that these are statues of gods that have power over harm and benefit… And people began to worship these statues.

One of the things that we know is that when a person replaces his worship of God with the worship of another, the human mind is relapses into the human mind, and the injustice of the oppressors and the humiliation of the oppressed will increase the poverty of the poor and the richness of the rich. All human existence is becoming an unbearable hell.

This law always applies when people worship other than God, Whether it is an idol of stones, a calf of gold, a ruler of people, a system of systems, a sect, or a guardian's tomb.

The only guarantee of equality for all human beings is their worship of God, and the fact that God is their Creator and Legislator. If this guarantee is lost, someone claims divinity, and one system claims divinity, people lose their freedoms completely.

Worship other than God is not a tragedy of the loss of freedom alone,

Rather, its dangerous effect extends to the human mind, polluting it, and destroying its flags.

God Almighty created man to know, and made his mind a jewel whose goal is knowledge.

The most dangerous science is knowledge that only God is the Creator and that no slaves are like him. This is a starting point that must be made for a successful succession.

When the human mind wastes its potential, and disentangle itself from God, there is no longer a mistake in which the human mind stops or reviews itself,

It may occur that a person makes material progress because he takes the reasons for progress despite his lack of faith, but this material progress without the knowledge of God will be more torment than any other, because it ends with the destruction of man to himself.

When people worship other than God, the misery of life and the poverty of people increases.

There is a close relationship between this people, their poverty, their lack of faith in God and their lack of piety. In (Sura Al-Araf), God says: If only the people of the villages believed and feared, then we would have opened upon them the blessings of the heavens and the earth, but they denied the truth, So we took them for what they were committing sins.

Thus, the blasphemy of God or his polytheism leads to freedom going away, reason being destroyed, poverty increased, and life devoid of a noble purpose. And in this atmosphere God the Almighty shewed Noah, and sent him his message unto his people.

Noah, by the scale of greatness, was the greatest man of his time.

He was not a king in his people, nor a ruler over them, nor was one of them richer.

True greatness is not in the king, the presidency, or the riches that some now believe.

The greatness is found in the subjection of the heart to God and his purity, in the purity of conscience, in the value of the thoughts held by the mind, and in the ability of this mind to change life around him, and Noah was all this, and more.

I had a belief in God Almighty for nature.

Before his delegation to the people, all the prophets believe in God Almighty before their resurrection.

There is another reason for Noah's greatness, If he woke up, slept, drunk, ate, dressed, went out or entered, he would thank God, remember his grace on him, and return to thanksgiving. That is why God Almighty said of Noah:

He was a grateful servant.

God chose his honorable servant, and sent him a prophet to his people, and Noah went out against his people, and began to call on him: O” my people, worship Allah. You have no god other than Him. I am afraid for you from the agony of a great day.

In this brief sentence, Noah put his people before the truth of divinity, and the truth of the resurrection.

There is a Creator God, and he alone deserves worship, and there's death, then resurrection, and then day of resurrection, a great day, It has the torment of a great day.

Noah explained to his people that it was impossible to have anyone other than the Creator.

I understand that Satan has deceived them for a long time, and that the time has come to stop this deception.

Noah told them about God's honoring of man.

How he created him, gave him livelihood, and gave him the grace of reason, and idolatry is no more than an oppression of reason.

The people of Noah moved in two directions after calling on him.

The invitation touched the hearts of the weak, the poor, and the miserable, and bent over their wounds and pains through mercy.

As for the rich, the strong and the old, consider the call with cold suspicion, and why they used to benefit from the survival of the situation as it is. They began their war against Noah.

At first, they accused Noah of being human beings like them:

The leaders of his people who disbelieved said,”We see you as a human being like us.”

The Qurtubi explanation said: The notables of his people that disbelieved are the princes that were in his people. They call the notables because they are full of what they say.

These notables told Noah: You are human, Noah.

Although Noah did not say otherwise, he emphasized that he was mere human beings. God sends a messenger to the earth from humans, because the earth is inhabited by humans. Had the earth been inhabited by angels, God would have sent a messenger from the angels.

The war between the disbelievers and Noah continued.

At first, the infidels imagined that Noah's call will only be extinguished by itself.

And when they found the call attracting the poor, the weak and the simple industries, they began to attack Noah in this respect.

They attacked him in his followers, and said to him: Only the poor, the weak and the weak have followed you.

The Almighty said in (Sura Hood):

We sent Noah to his people. I am a clear Warner to you, (25), that you worship none but Allah. I am afraid for you from the agony of a painful Day, (26). The leaders of his people who disbelieved said,”We see you as a human being like us.” and we see that you are followed by those who humiliated us in the way of judgment. We see you no advantage, but we are liars”

So began the conflict between Noah and the heads of his people, Those who disbelieved resorted to bargaining,

They said to Noah: Hear, Noah. If you want to believe in you, Abandon those who followed you.

They are weak and poor, and we are the masters of the people and their rich people. It is impossible to include one invitation with these.

Noah listened to his people's infidels and realized that they were stubborn, yet he was kind in his reply.

I understand his people that he cannot expel the believers, because they are not his guests, but they are God's guests. Mercy is not his own house, in which anyone will enter or expel whomever He wills. Rather, mercy is the house of God, in which whomever He wills is received.

How he created him, gave him livelihood, and gave him the grace of reason, and idolatry is no more than an oppression of reason.

The people of Noah moved in two directions after calling on him.

The invitation touched the hearts of the weak, the poor, and the miserable, and bent over their wounds and pains through mercy.

As for the rich, the strong and the old, consider the call with cold suspicion, and why they used to benefit from the survival of the situation as it is. They began their war against Noah.

At first, they accused Noah of being human beings like them:

The leaders of his people who disbelieved said,” We see you as a human being like us.”

The Qurtubi explanation said: The notables of his people that disbelieved are the princes that were in his people. They call the notables because they are full of what they say.

These notables told Noah: You are human, Noah.

Although Noah did not say otherwise, he emphasized that he was mere human beings. God sends a messenger to the earth from humans, because the earth is inhabited by humans. Had the earth been inhabited by angels, God would have sent a messenger from the angels.

The war between the disbelievers and Noah continued.

At first, the infidels imagined that Noah's call will only be extinguished by itself.

And when they found the call attracting the poor, the weak and the simple industries, they began to attack Noah in this respect.

They attacked him in his followers, and said to him: Only the poor, the weak and the weak have followed you.

The Almighty said in (Sura Hood):

We sent Noah to his people. I am a clear Warner to you, (25), that you worship none but Allah. I am afraid for you from the agony of a painful Day, (26). The leaders of his people who disbelieved said,” We see you as a human being like us.” and we see that you are followed by those who humiliated us in the way of judgment. We see you no advantage, but we are liars”.

So began the conflict between Noah and the heads of his people, Those who disbelieved resorted to bargaining,

They said to Noah: Hear, Noah. If you want to believe in you, Abandon those who followed you.

They are weak and poor, and we are the masters of the people and their rich people. It is impossible to include one invitation with these.

Noah listened to his people's infidels and realized that they were stubborn, yet he was kind in his reply.

I understand his people that he cannot expel the believers, because they are not his guests, but they are God's guests. Mercy is not his own house, in which anyone will enter or expel whomever He wills. Rather, mercy is the house of God, in which whomever He wills is received.

The Almighty said in (Sura Hood):

He said, “O my people, have you considered? If I am clear from my Lord, and He has given me mercy from Him, then I am blind to you, did you commit them? You are reluctant to accept it, and you are not to ask you for money. My reward is only from God, And I am not dismissing those who believe. But I see you an ignorant people.(29)” O my people! Who supports me from Allah, if I expel them? Do you not recall (30), and do not say to you that I have the treasuries of Allah, nor do I know the future, nor do I say that I am an angel. Nor do I say to those whom you despise your eyes, that Allah will not give them any good. Allah knows what is in their souls. I am therefore.

Noah was discussing all the arguments of the unbelievers with the logic of the noble prophets. It is a logic of thought that strips itself of personal pride and of vested interests.

He said unto them, God hath given him the epistle, the prophecy, and the mercy. They did not see what God had given them, and therefore he does not force them to believe in his message when they hate him, No God but God is a duty of no human.

I understand that he does not ask of them for his invitation, that he does not ask them for money, so he doesn't burden them, if he gives him his reward against God.

I understand that he cannot expel those who believe in Allah, and that he has his limits as a prophet. His limits do not give him the right to expel the believers for two reasons: They will cast God into faith in him.

How can he be driven away from a belief in God? If he expels them, they had argued with God, and this would entail that God prove them to their faith, and reward the ones who expelled them.

Who would help Noah if he expelled them? Noah thus concluded that his people's request to expel the believers was ignorant of them.

The story of our master Noah, peace be upon him.

Noah continued to tell them that he would never claim to himself more than he had the right to do.

He told them that he was humiliated and humbled by Allah, for he does not claim to himself any of Allah's treasures that he does not possess.

These are his indulgences with whomever He wills of His servants. He does not know the future, because the unseen is a science in which Allah alone belongs. Tell them he's not a king.

In other words, his status is not like that of angels. Some scholars have inferred from this verse that angels are better than prophets (see The Qurtubi interpretation). Noah told them: Those whose eyes are despicable, despised, and become burdened.

Those believers who you despise will not lose their wages and will be lost because of your contempt for them. Allah knows what is in their souls. He's the one who's paying them, and taking them in. I would oppress myself if I said that God would not give them any good.

The apparent meaning of the phrase turns out that God Almighty seduced him. God, Almighty, gave him freedom and held him accountable, and we do not see the view of fatalism, isolationism, and internationalism, They see that the will of a human being is sufficient in issuing his acts, whether obedience or disobedience, because the human being has a creator of his actions, for he does not need to be issued to his Lord.

We don't see that at all, We only see that a man is a maker of his deeds, but he needs it in its hearts to his Lord.

With this view, the meaning of holding a person accountable for his actions is correct.

The only thing is that God facilitates every creature from what he is created for, whether it is facilitation for good or evil, This is from the complete freedom. A man chooses his freedom, so God makes it easier for him.

The devil hath chosen the way of temptation: and God hath made the way of temptation easier. And the disbelievers of the people of Noah chose the same way: and God shall make it good for them.

The battle will continue, and the discussion between the disbelievers of the people of Noah will continue. If all the arguments of the disbelievers fall apart, and they have nothing to say, they will begin to break the limits of literature and insult God's prophet:

An elite of his people said, We see you in a clear sin. Noah answered them by respecting and the wisdom of the prophets:

“Noah said, “O'' people, “I have no shortage of brains, but I am the prophet of God”.(61), I will inform you of the messages of my Lord, and I know from God what you do not know.

Noah continues to invite his people to God, Hour after hour, Day after day. Year after year. Years passed and Noah called his people.

He called them day and night, and secret and public, and he gave them proverbs. He explains the scriptures to them and shows them God's power in beings, and whenever he calls them to God, they flee from him, and whenever he calls them to God's forgiveness, they put their fingers in their ears and become proud to hear the truth.

God said what Noah found in (Sura Noah):
My prayer only adds to their escape (6), and whenever I call them to forgive them, they place their fingers in their ears, and they cover their clothes, and they insist and grow old (7). Then I call them openly, and then I announce to them, and I delight for them (9). So I said, “Ask your Lord for forgiveness. He is Forgiving (10) He will send you heaven to destroy you in full of you, and give you with wealth, and give you money, and give you money, and give you money, and give you money,” Gardens, and He will make for you rivers

What was his people's answer after all that?

Noah said, “My Lord, they have disobeyed me and followed those whose wealth and children have only increased in loss.” and they plotted a great plot, and said, Do not leave your gods, nor leave your idols (Wadd, Suwa'a, Yaghuoth, Ya'uk, and Nasr) (23). And they've misled them a lot.” Do not increase the unjust nothing but loss.

Noah continued calling his people to God for a thousand years, but for fifty years. The Almighty said in the (Surah Al-Ankabut):
We sent Noah to his people, and he stayed among them for a thousand years, except fifty years, But the flood seized them, and they were wrongdoers
The number of believers did not increase, while the number of disbelieving increased. Noah was sad, but he did not lose hope.

He continued to call and argue with his people, and his people continued to be proud, infidels and arrogant. Noah grieved for his people. But he didn't get so desperate. He's been hopeful for 950 years. Before the flood, people seemed to live long, and Noah's long life may be a special miracle.

And the day came when God had inspired him, that none of your people believed except those who believed. God inspired him not to grieve over them. At that time Noah called the disbelievers to perish:

And Noah said, “My God, do not leave any home from the unbelievers on Earth.”

Noah justified his call by saying:
If you leave them, they will mislead your servants, and will only breed ungrateful unbelievers.

In (Sura Hood), Allah tells us what was revealed to his kind prophet Noah, saying: And it was revealed to Noah: “None of your people will believe, except those who have believed.”

So do not be saddened by what they used to do, (36). And make the ships with our eyes and with Our inspiration, and do not address me among those who did wrong. They are drowned.The matter is over, and God Almighty issued his judgment on the disbelievers in the flood.

God Almighty told Noah that he would make this ship by our eyes and by our inspiration, that is, with the knowledge and instruction of God, and in his sight, and in accordance with his instructions and the help of the angels.

God Almighty ordered Noah: And do not address me among those who do wrong. They are being drowned.

God shall drown those who have done wrong, no matter how important, or how close they are to the prophet. And God shall end his prophet by addressing him or mediating for them.

Noah began to plant and plant trees to make a ship of it.

God shall drown those who have done wrong, no matter how important, or how close they are to the prophet. And God shall end his prophet by addressing him or mediating for them.

Noah began to plant and plant trees to make a ship of it, He waited years, and then he cut off what he had planted, and he started his carpenter.

It was a ship of great length, height, and durability, and the interpreters varied in size, body, number of layers, duration of operation, place where I worked, the amount of length and width, on opposing statements that nothing could have known.

Al-Razi said: I know that I don't like these investigations, because they're things that I don't need to know at all, and they don't really matter. We agree with al-Razi in his statement.

We know only what God told us about the truth about this ship, May God move beyond these irrelevant details to the content and significance of the story.

Noah began to build the ship, and the infidel passed it, busy making the ship, and drought prevailed, and there were no rivers near or seas.

So how will this ship, Noah? Are you going to run on the ground? Where is the water that your ship can swim? Noah went mad, the laughter of the unbelievers rises, and their mockery grows from Noah. They laughed at him, saying: You became a carpenter after you were a prophet!

The pinnacle of the struggle in Noah's story is reflected in this space of time. Vanity makes a mockery of right, It laughs at him for a long time sarcastically, imagining that life is his property, that security is his share and that suffering is not a reality. But this is all temporary in the time of the Flood. Then believers ridicule the unbelievers, and their ridicule is the truth.

The Almighty said in (Sura Hood):

And he makes the ark. And every time when a group of his people pass toward us, they laugh at him. He said If you're being sarcastic, we're being sarcastic, too.

You will know who comes to him a shameful punishment, upon which a lasting, torment will fall,

The ship was finished, and Noah sat down waiting for God's command. God inspired Noah that, when the oven had spread, this was a sign of the beginning of the flood, In explaining the tannour (Water coming out of the ground with enormous force), it was said that it was a volcano in the area, and it was said that the oven in Noah's house, if the water came out of it and a mouse, was an order to mourn the movement.

And the terrible day came, the Tour of the Enlightenment, Noah hurried to open his ship and call on the believers in it.

Gabriel landed on him, peace be upon him, Noah was carried to the ship of every animal and bird and beast of two pairs, a cow and a bull, a villa and an elephant, a bird and a bird, a tiger and a tiger, to the last of the creatures.

Noah had made boughs for the beasts as he made the ship, Gabriel made peace before him of every two couples, to ensure that the animal and bird remained on the ground, which means that the flood had drowned the whole earth.

Had it not been for that, there would have been no meaning to carry these kinds of animals and birds.

The boarding began. Animals, beasts, and birds went up, and those who believed in Noah went up, and there were few believers.

The Almighty said in the Hood chapter:

Until, when Our command came, and the caravan of the Tannour, we said, “I will carry in it two pairs, and I will destroy only those who have already spoken the word, and those who believe, and have little faith with him,”

Noah's wife did not believe in him, and she did not go up, One of his sons hid his disbelief and showed faith in Noah, and he did not go up,

The majority of people were also insecure, and did not go up. And the believers went up. Abbas's son, God bless them, said: Eighty men of Noah believed.

The water rose from the ground holes. There was no hole in the earth but the water came out of it, Heavy rain fell from the sky in quantities that had never seen the earth before, and will not be seen afterwards.

The water fell from the sky and came out of the holes of the ground, and rose an hour after an hour, The seas have lost their calm, and waves have blown, they're gusting on land, they're sweeping the Earth.

The ground was moving in an unusual motion. The ocean floors went up abruptly, and the sea wave swept over the dry part of the Earth.

The Earth sank for the first time in water. During the flood, it was a water ball, no longer a globe.

The Almighty said in Surah(Al-Qamar):
So We opened the gates of the sky with gushing water (11), and We made the earth burst with springs, and the waters met for a purpose determined by 12. And We carried it on planks and Wooden nails.,

The water is higher than people, It went beyond the tops of the trees, the tops of the mountains, and covered the entire surface of the Earth.

At the beginning of the flood Noah called his son, His son stood alone. God Almighty tells us the short conversation that took place between Noah and his son before the wave suddenly prevented them.

Noah called his son, saying: Son, ride with us and don't be with the infidels.

The son replied:
He said, He said I'd go to a mountain to save me from the flood.

Noah returned to address him:

Noah told his son. No one today will survive God's command. When he sows his wrath upon those who do not believe in him and drowns them all. But his son didn't obey his father.

The conversation between Noah and his son ended:
And the waves rolled between them, and he was one of the drowned, look at the Koran: And the wave prevented them,

The waves suddenly ended their conversation, Noah looked, and found not his son, He found only the waves mountains, which rise up and lift the ship with it, and he loses sight of everything but water.

God's mercy wanted the son to sink away from the father's eye, to be merciful to the father. Noah thought his faithful son had thought the mountain would flood him with water, and he drowned.

The flood continued, He continued to carry the ship of Noah, Hours after it began, every eye that was wandering the floor was drowned.

There is no more life left than this wooden part of Noah's ark, which contains the faithful abstraction of the earth, And the species of animals and birds that have been chosen carefully.

Today, it is difficult to imagine the magnitude of the Flood, It was a terrible thing to show the Creator's ability.

The ship ran with them in waves like mountains, Some scientists believe today that the separation of continents and the formation of the Earth in its present form was the result of an ancient, massive flood in which water revolutionized intelligence, It covered the surface of the dry part of the Earth, and the ocean floor rose, and there was what we could call the geographical revolution.

The flood of Noah continued for a time whose magnitude we did not know.

Then the divine order was issued to the sky to stop the rain, and to the ground to settle down and swallow the water, and to the timber of the ship to anchor on Judi, which is the name of an old place that is said to be a mountain in Iraq.

The flood cleared the earth and washed it. The Almighty said in (Sura Hood) chapter:
And it will be said, “O earth, swallow your water.” And it will be, “O heaven, clear up.” And the waters will be stayed, and the matter will be settled on Judi, and it will be said, “Away with the wicked people,”

(Water is lost) means lack of water and has gone back to the earth's holes, In other words, he is wise and empty, He means the complete destruction of the disbelievers from the people of Noah.

It is said that God sterilized their womb 40 years before the Flood, and no child or child died, (Wast on Judy) in a sense that was established, and it was said that was the day of Ashura. Noah fasted him, and he commanded those with him to fast. (It is said, “Away with the wicked people.”) That is, their destruction.

The flood cleansed the earth from them and washed it. The Sphinx went on the flood. The conflict has moved from the wave to the soul of Noah. Remember his son who drowned.

The story of our master Noah, peace be upon him.

Noah didn't know at the moment that his son was an infidel, He thought he was a stubborn believer, after surviving on a mountain.

The wave had ended their dialog before it was completed. And Noah knew not the portion of his Son of faith. The emotions of the father moved in the heart.

The Almighty said in (Sura Hood):

Noah called out to his God, and the God said, “My son is from my family, and I promise you the truth, and you are the ruler of the rulers.”

Noah wanted to tell God that his Son was one of his believing family. God has promised him the survival of his believing family. God, Almighty, told Noah the truth of his Son for the first time:

O Noah! He is not of your family. It is an unrighteous deed. Don't ask what you don't know. I preach you to be ignorant.

Al-Qartbi said, quoting his sheik of scholars, which is the opinion we influence: His son, Noah, believed in him, and Noah said not to his Lord: “My son is one of my own family.”

Only Noah would say to his Lord: “My son is my son from my parents”, and so does he, because there is no way he will ask the destruction of the infidels, and then ask for the rescue of some of them.

And his Son pleased the atonement, and manifested the faith. And it was told Noah, The Almighty, that he was alone in his knowledge of the unseen.

What did you know of your son's condition? When God exhorted him to be of the ignorant, he wanted to clear him of the idea that his son was a believer, and then he was destroyed with the disbelievers.

An important lesson is found in the gracious scriptures that tell the story of Noah and his son.

Almighty God wanted to tell his honorable prophet that his Son is not of his family, because he did not believe in God, and blood is the real connection between people.

The son of the prophet is his son in doctrine. He is the one who follows God and the Prophet, and his Son is not the one who renounces him, even if he is from his heart.

Here the believer should be acquitted of the non-believer. Here, too, believers should relate only to dogma.

No considerations of blood, sex, color, or land, And Noah asked his Lord for forgiveness, and repented him, Allah had mercy on him, and commanded him to descend from the ship surrounded by Allah's blessing and care.

He said, My Lord, “I seek safe haven in you from asking you what I have no knowing.” Or forgive me and have mercy on me, and I'm a loser, and then God said to Noah, land in peace with us and blessings and all those with you.”

And Noah fell from his ship. Birds and wild beasts were released, and they scattered in the land, and the believers came down afterwards.

Noah laid his forehead on the ground and prostrate, The earth is still wet from the impact of the flood.

Noah rose after his prayers and dug the foundation for building a great temple for God. The day of fasting passed thanks to God.

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Abu Musa

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