

Al-Kindi— Abu Youssef Yacoub bin Ishaq bin Al-Sabah (Al-Kindi) (185-256 A.H./805-873 AD), the founder of Islamic Arab philosophy, as many believe, was like most of his modern-day Musawi scholars.

He is a mathematician, physicist, astronomer, philosopher, and he is also a musician.

Al-Kindi was born in Kufa, a Kandeh tribe. He is known in Latin as Alkendus. His father was Amir Ali al-Kufa.

He is said to have memorized the Koran and a lot of noble hadith. He was 15 years old when he lived in Kufa with his rich family after the death of his father, the wali of al-Kufa.

Al-Kindi wanted to learn more science, which was present in his era.

He decided to travel with his mother to Basra to learn speech science.

This science was similar to the philosophy science in Greece, and he spent three years in Basra where he studied everything he needed to know about speech.

But his curiosity did not stop at reading translated books, so he started studying the Syriac and Greek languages at the hands of two professors who used to come to his house to teach him two years later, he started realizing his dream, becoming a team of his own and becoming a teacher of translation based on a beautiful style that does not change the idea translated.

Al-Kindi developed a new approach to science according to the relationship between religious sciences and secular sciences.

He had extensive knowledge of Greek science and philosophy, and he was the contemporary of three Abbasid caliphs, Al-Mamoun, Al-Mu’tassim and Al-Mutawakil.

Astronomers also experienced the three brothers, Musa and Sanad Bin Ali. Al-Maamoun was even entrusted with translating Aristotle's and other writings, However, because of his philosophical opinions and the rumors of some enviers, he ordered the confiscation of all his books; But they were all returned.


Al-Kindi realized the importance of mathematics in the secular sciences, and put in place the method that underlies the use of mathematics in many sciences.

Al-Kindi used mathematics and the Greek musical scale invented by Pythagoras, to put the first scale of Arabic music, called musical score.

He was the first to describe the principles of what is now known as “relative theory.” While traditional mechanics (Galileo and Newton) considered time, space, motion and bodies are valuable, To watch.

Al-Kindi is called the Arab philosopher and even the founder of Arab Islamic philosophy, as many consider him (Cardano) of the twelve genius who appeared in the world.

He is an encyclopedia, and in addition to his fame as a philosopher, he was a scientist in math, astronomy, physics, medicine, pharmacy, and geography, and as most of his time he was a Musawi scholar, he was a mathematician, physicist, a philosopher, and he was the first musician Arabic Music Ladder.

He wrote four books about the use of Indian numbers, and he provided a lot in the field of soccer engineering to help him in his astronomical studies, and he monitored the status of stars and planets, especially the sun and moon, as well as their natural impact and the resulting phenomena.

He gave serious and bold views on this research and the rise of life on earth, which made many scientists acknowledge that the Canadian is a deep thinker of the High Standard.

In chemistry, he opposed the idea that precious or precious metals, such as gold, could be extracted from molded metals, and wrote a letter that he called “a letter in invalidity of the claim of the plaintiffs for making gold and silver and deceiving them.”

In the ark, the Canadian did not believe in the effects of planets in people's circumstances, rejected the predictions of the asteroid based movements, and turned his attention to the scientific study of astronomy and the science of stars and the confiscation of them.

Some historians consider him one of the eight medieval astronomy imams for his contribution to the flying of the Astronomical Observatory in Baghdad.

In physics, the Canadian has done a lot in geometric and physiological optics, writing a book that later had an impact on Roger Bacon, Whitello, and others.

Al-Kindi was a skilled engineer, and he used his compositions and theories when building the canals, especially the canals, as happened when digging the canals between the Tigris and the Euphrates.

Al-Kindi's contributions to medicine are evident in his attempt to determine the amounts of medicines on a mathematical basis, and he is the first Canadian to systematically determine the doses of all the medicines known in his day.

The most important Al-Kindi author.

The Canadian was rich in material, the fertility of production in the composition. He left only one aspect of science in which he wrote, which led the ancient scientists to classify his books according to their topics.

When Ibn Al-Nadeem translated his books, he wrote about 283 letters on various topics, including philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, engineering, medicine, physics, logic, tidal, metallurgy, types of jewels, types of iron and swords.

Al-Kindi was one of the first translators of Greek literature to Arabic, and these are some of his compositions, according to Toukan and Zarkli: “Letter in the Entrance to the Aristocracy-Five Articles,” “Letter in the Use of Engineering Account-Four Articles,” “Message in Astrology,” “Composite Message,” “Drugs,” “A Message in Music,” “The Tide,” “Swords and Their Genders.”

Al-Kindi was one of the first translators of Greek literature to Arabic, and these are some of his compositions, according to Toukan and Zarkli: “Letter in the Entrance to the Aristocracy-Five Articles,” “Letter in the Use of Engineering Account-Four Articles,” “Message in Astrology,” “Composite Message,” “Drugs,” “A Message in Music,” “The Tide,” “Swords and Their Genders.”

Gerar Al-Krymouni was translated into Latin in the twelfth century C.E. most of Al-Kindi books, and it had a great influence on the development of many sciences over many centuries.

He was cared for by the Roman Emperor, the emperor of the Byzantine State (Constantinople), and sent him gifts and letters of appreciation and thanks for his writings, which were strongly requested from all over the world, especially from Europe, which took up as the mayor of its library .

Al-Kindi music.

Al-Kindi says in one of his messages, "The great musician, the philosopher, knows the problems of everyone who seeks his type of rhythm, rhythm, poetry, such as the need for the philosopher doctor to know the conditions of those who seek treatment or health." The concept of music, in the view of Al-Kindi, represents knowledge that must be acquired through study and collection.

The doctor must take many things into account before preparing the musician. Also To make tunes.

Al-Kindi addresses music in various respects: The music has an effect on the soul, and the joy, sadness and courage of its melodies.

The effect of the various melodies in health and temperaments, the occasion between strings, tunes, celestial bodies, etc., and places all these things, the constitutions by which the great musician should go, supporting his words with mathematical proofs logical evidence.

Al-Kindi is considered the first to introduce music to Arab culture, and it has become part of the curricula of scientific studies and a part of the sports philosophy. This was of course the result of being influenced by the Greek school, which moved Arabs from the Greek sciences to Arabic in various aspects of knowledge, including music,

The word "music" in Arabic became the word music, while the word "singing", which used to mean the performance of music and melodies in general, became a term for practical art only.

And Al-Kindi puts music in his categorization of science in the middle of science, and that explains the state of this science between the two worlds, the flag above and below it, and divides it into four sections: "The science of number and count, the Aristocracy, the Comatology, the music, the Jamaican science of engineering,

the Astrological Science, the ArtIn his letters, Al-Kindi talks about the psychological impact of music and classifies melodies according to their effect on the soul into three categories: (The , Al-Huwy, Al-Tarbi, Al-Talzhi, Al-Ta'mi, Al-Najdat, Al-Despair, and Al-Adam, which are bold melodies, and melodies.) His letters see that children are composed by a father, a father, a father, and an old man.

He also takes the melodies from a medical standpoint, which shows that the melodies affect the body, help digestion, emit in chemoses the softening and cleaning, then takes notes, strings and rhythms and mentions that benefit the body's organs.

Al-Kindi is the first one without the music of the alphabet, and this is evidenced by the musical scale he recorded in his musical notation.

The famous Canadian musical compositions are :

 His greatest letter in the composition, his message in the order of melody, the sign of the high-level and like-minded people, his message in the rhythm, a message in the portal to the music industry, a message in the news about the composition industry, a message in the poetry industry, a message in the news about the music industry.

Wait for us with another character from history.

Abu Musa

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