The Story of Cain and Abel

Murder is the first crime for Adam's sons. , and it was the same reason that brought Adam out of the paradise.

And then what he had warned of, and what Satan had promised, and we shall soon know who is greater than the enemy of Satan.

Koranic narrative.

The Almighty said, “ Recite to them truth news Adam's two sons, once they offered a sacrifice, and he accepted from one among them, but didn't accept from the other” He said, “I'll kill you.” He said, “God accepts only from the righteous.” If you Extended your hand to kill me, I will be able to not extend my hand to kill you. I fear Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I would like you in touch my sin and your sin, and you'll be among the inmates of the hearth. So you'll be one among the owners of Hell, which is that the punishment for oppressors. So he prepared himself for killing his brother,And then he killed him. And became among the losers.

Then Allah sent a crow searching the world to point out him the way to cover his brother's corpse. He said, “Woe to me! I used to be unable to be like this raven, so I hid the evil of my brother, and he became one among my regrets.

For that” We have determined on the nation of Israel that whoever kills a person without a soul or corrupts the universe, and whoever saves a single person, he saves mankind. Our messengers came to them with clear signs, but they denied this. Then most of them in the Earth after that were transgressors.

Al-Ma'idah. 27-32. Interpretive perception The books of interpretation imagine that the conflict between Adam's two sons (Cain and Abel) was emotional, stemming from the dissatisfaction of the older brother (Cain) with the marriage of his younger sister (Abel), because he was not convinced of the beauty of her outward appearance, and of his desire to marry his beautiful sister and the interpreters. Eve was born in every belly of a male and female, and it was forbidden for the children of the same abdomen to marry each other. Hence the origin of the difference between the two brothers, and that they decided to approach a offering, to show that they were the ones who deserved to marry the beautiful sister. Cain killed his brother Abel with envy and jealousy, then Cain kept carrying his brother's body and didn't know what to do with it for a while, until God sent him to him. The killer crow dug a hole in the ground where his murdered brother buried;

Then did Crow the next hole in the ground buried his brother slain; and refuted them (Cain) when you see it, so killed his brother. Adopted by the inspectors in the context of these details on the operations of the Israeli and similar; where there is no Text, The prophet described the details of the events of this story, which is called The looking for when to realize the clear message that the'panic text in this story is not the content of the For statement and detail, and it is sufficient to clarify its dimensions when conceivable, preferably the language of the Qur'an.

Analysis of details.

Reflected the understanding of the Qur'an exact described dimensions of each component thereof, which is: Status and significance of the offering. Allah makes clear to us the place of the offering: Allah has entrusted us not to believe in a messenger until he brings us an offering to be eaten by fire. Tell-: it may come to you messengers before me, with expectations, what you said is from Allah, if you are honest in your application. (Were the people Israel cost them the prophets, the doomed prophet behind the prophet), and one from the use the formula present tense in the verse: {did not accept of the other} that the killer tried to light a fire in his sacrifice more than once, and the fire was extinguished, and refuses his offering each time. Murder is the most serious crime. Murder is an attack against the people; the Qur'an has been guilty and severe; so he has provided retribution.

Major murder motives. Over this case is clear, is that Allah referred to that killing and bloodshed would be on the ground due to the struggle for power and distance; where he said the Almighty: {taking your Lord said to the Angels I will create in the ground caliper said they were already putting in spoil and blood, we praise You, uses you said I know what you do not know} [Al-Baqarah: 30], this verse shows us that this story occurred after the death of Prophet Adam peace be upon him; they committed the murder with the status of the caliphate, suggesting that the conflict will begin with the first call in background after Adam, which is applicable to his daughter, the god I know. The identity of the victim contradicts that of the killer. Our noble Messenger has made it clear to us, Not to tell you of the fire: “every crow is an arrogant force.

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) defined: arrogance is arrogance and contempt for people. The killer's contempt for his murdered brother is evident in the Qur'anic context of the story, as he has addressed his brother only with one word: “To kill you”; and contempt for his brother.

Since the same killer is a combination of these reprehensible qualities, she has therefore volunteered to kill his brother and dispose of him, which brings us to the terrible danger of human life. Choice of act {voluntarily}. This Act guides us to the spirit of religious extremism when the continent; because it did derive from (the group), and mentor: he himself had portrayed him to kill his brother from the work of the group, God knows. The special nature of the Raven. I knew the Raven as a bird of socially don't live alone, and organization in his life; he has noticed you have the ancients that actually buries their dead, they thought that this is what he taught the son of Adam, we do not believe that; because Allah mentions in the narrative of the story is unusual only one, and because he, the Almighty said: {looking at the ground}, The sea is the inspection for from the thing hidden to extract it from the ambush, not to hide it; this act is suitable perfectly for the burial, as to teach the next How to bury the Dead does not deter him from committing the crime again, not to mention remorse, but incite him to commit further, because that guidance does not to how to get rid of the physical effects of his offense. So what did Adam's killer's son discover in that Crow's behavior? Scientific fact.

What contemporary field studies have shown is that crow is

unique to other birds, as it is the only social bird that takes care of orphaned chicks, physically handicapped and even lazy ones, including other birds, and provides them with a living by forming specialized committees to care for them. Among the members of these committees is a crow called: (Loader) His job is restricted to searching for food waste scattered on the ground. It is this crow that we firmly believe that the killer has watched him and was surprised by his behavior as he saw him pick up the food and throw in the weak chicks that are close to him and strange alike. This behavior made him regret his recklessness in killing his brother and not performing his duty from supporting his brother and helping him with the right to carry out the duty of the right succession. God knows.

Wait for us with another story from ancient times.
Abu Musa

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