
Abu Al-Rayhan Mohammed Bin Ahmed Al-Beruni (and. September 5, 973-12 December 1048), he is one of the leading Muslim scientists and philosophers.

Perónist represents the Muslim world in its best form. Peronist was a philosopher, a historian, a traveler, a geography, a lingua, a mathematician, an astronomer, a poet, a naturalist — and had great and innovative literature in every field.

Peronist was familiar with Khwārizmī, Persian, Arabic, Sanskrit, Greek, Hebrew, and Syriac. He spent much of his life in contemporary Afghanistan, the capital of the Ghaznawi state that ruled the eastern and northwest Iranian lands of the Indian subcontinent.

In 1017, he traveled to the Indian subcontinent and became one of the most prominent pioneers of Indian science in the Muslim world.

It was a neutral writer of the customs and doctrines of different nations, a professor for his distinctive description of India in the early 11th century.

He also contributed to the Earth sciences, and is the father of geodesy for his important contributions to this field, as well as his outstanding contributions to geography.


He was born in September 973 in the suburbs of Juarzem. Born near the present city of Genoa, El Khwārizmī' was the scientific leader of his homeland in the Western Caspian Sea in those 100 years of the Middle Ages when science reached its peak.

And the princes of Khorazim and Tabarstan knew his grace, and knew the greatness of his talents; and they set aside a place for him in their court.

According to some historians, he is from Peron, a Sindh city (in Pakistan today), but most likely he is a Khorazm, but because he is a large part of it he is called the Perony, which means “stranger” or “outsider”, and his name has been crossed with the famous mathematical algorithm of some modernizers.

The sources differed: Is he a Persian or a Turkish, and this is nothing more or less.

Peron is a Persian word of origin that means “visible” or “outside.” In his book “Genealogy”, Al-Samani explains why Abi Al-Rayhan named this percentage by saying: “It is possible that the Abu Al-Rayhan family is a commercial operator outside the city, where some merchants lived outside the city walls to get rid of the illegal entry of goods into the city of Kath.”

Many details are not known about the life of al-Beiruti in his childhood, although it is no different from many Muslim children in his childhood.

They pay to those who teach them the principles of reading and writing, memorizing the Qur'an, and studying some jurisprudence and hadith, which is what their lives are right with.

It seems that he started early on to study mathematics, astronomy and geography and was eager to learn languages.

He mastered Persian, Arabic, Syriac and Greek, and was educated by One of the princes of the Beni Arak family, Ruler of khwarzam, was a renowned scientist in mathematics and astronomy.

In the Quest for Knowledge.

During his stay, he met the late astronomer Al-Khojundi in 1000, carried some observations, returned to his country and continued his work in the meteorology.

He soon continued to work for Gorgan in 998, where he met the deceased astronomer Al-Khogundi in 1000, and joined the courts of Sultan Qaboos bin Mubarak His library is full of the same books. There he met with Ibn Sina and his counterpart. He contacted the famous astronomer Abi Sahl Isa Bin Yahia, a Christian. He studied his hand and shared his research.

During his stay under Sultan Qaboos Bin Washamkir, he completed the first of his major works, the remaining antiquities of centuries. He is a book in general history that deals with the dates and calendars used by Arabs before Islam, Jews, Rome and Indians. He details the dates of kings from the Adam era to the time.

Al-Beruni remained in Gorgan with respect and appreciation until the revolution overthrew the Sultan Qaboos court in 1009.

He returned to his homeland after an absence, and settled in the city of Jarjania, which became the capital of the state of Al-Khwārizmī, and joined the Council of Sciences, established by Amir Ma’moun Bin Ma’moun.

The chief scientist, Ben Sina, and the historian and philosopher, Ibn Maskuah, were in this academy.

Sultan Mahmoud Al-Gharnui heard a lot of poets and philosophers in pigs, so he asked her emir to send him Perony, Ebn Sina, and other scientists; The prince realized that this was the duty of obedience (1018), and he traveled to Al-Beruni to live the life of the grandfather, calmness, pride, and dignity in the land of the warrior King, Fatih India.

Perhaps Al-Peruni has entered India in the same passengers. Whether this or not, the philosopher scientist India established a number of years in which he studied the language of the country and its ancient monuments.

Then he returned to Mahmoud's court and became one of the greatest friends of this absolute ruler, who cannot paint a true picture A man from North Asia is said to have visited Mahmuda and described him as a Territory which he claimed to have seen in his own eyes, saying that the Sun remains in it for several months, never absent.

Mahmoud did not believe that. He was angry at the man and was about to throw him in prison for daring to joke with him, the owner of the whole and the tall.

He was of Peronist only to explain this phenomenon in a manner that convinced the king and the visitor.

Massoud Bin Mahmoud was a science-savvy amateur, and the Peronist used gifts and money to cheer.

The Peronist himself often returned her to the house of money to increase his needs.

In the The Gazans Court

Al-Beruni lived in Ghazni (Kabul now), working with astronomy and other sciences.

He accompanied Sultan Mahmoud Al-Ghaznawi in his triumphant conquests in India.

He prepared this for him to surround the science of India, where he studied its language, mixed with its scientists, stood up to their knowledge and knowledge, read their books in science and mathematics, studied India's geography, including plains, valleys, mountains, and mountains His hands and different beliefs, and without all that in his big book, to achieve India's acceptable or insane saying.

After Sultan Masoud Bin Mahmoud Al-Ghaznawi succeeded his father in 1030, he approached Al-Beruni and followed him with his high regard, surrounded him with his worthy status and appreciation.

When he wrote his valuable encyclopedia in astronomy, he called it “The Saudi Law in Life and the Stars,” and gave it to Sultan Mas’oud, who was well rewarded. He sent an elephant from silver.;

After returning from India, Perony remained in Ghazni, left for research and study until God died.

A historian of the Father of the Wind only assigns and recognizes the greatness of science, and some Western historians of science even report that he is one of the greatest scientists of all time and time, like George Sarten, the famous scientific historian, author of the history of science.

The Peronist didn't ask for money with his knowledge. An Indian king, Mahmoud Al-Ghaznawi, sent him a silver elephant.

He apologized for not needing it, and was not seeking a position. One of the kings decided to stay in his house; Because he insisted on his opposing view of the king, and he was not only a master of science, but also a man of politics and thought, he held many important positions in the state, and we don't exaggerate if we say: If it were not for his work in politics, his work would have doubled. The intellectual kings would tell him:

Knowledge is from the most honorable states, all the things come to him and never come,

If it weren't for the worldly rituals, I wouldn't have called you. Science is higher and higher.

Al-Berouni has been plagued by kings and sultan of India and Khorazem, such as Abu Abbas al-Ma’moun, Mahmoud al-Ghazzi Ben spaktkin and his son Massoud al-Ghaznawi.

Al-Biruni had relations with all his modern-day scholars, such as Ibn Sina and the astronomer Abi Sahl Isa Al-Nasrani. Al-Biruni had mastered many languages in addition to the algorithm - the language of his country - and Arabic.

He mastered Persian, Syriac, Sanskrit (language used in India) and Greek, and this helped him to learn the origins of science in her original languages without engaging in translations and potential mistakes.

Abu Al-Rayhan has written many works in various sciences, and he has published his books on the opinions of ancient East and West scholars, and discussed them.

He has put the works in the discussion of various scientific issues, such as a clear picture of the triangulation of angles in the calculation of triangles and circles, he researched extensive research in latitude and longitude, and the rotation of the earth around its axis.

He also researched the difference between the speed of light and speed of sound He also explained the flow of springs and artesian wells, as well as what he wrote in the history of India.

His life in India.

While its host, Sultan Mahmoud al-Ghazzouni, invaded India and destroyed its cities, Peronist spent many years studying its people, languages, religions, culture and various sects.

The study paid off with the writing of India's history, published in 1030, his greatest work. He distinguished from the beginning what he saw in particular and what he heard from others.

He mentioned the types of liars who have written books in history, and only concerns India's political history with a small space in his book, which deals with India's astronomical conditions with forty-two chapters, and he singled out its religion with eleven.

One of the most important things was the fascination of the Baha'ad Geita, who realized between the Fdanta, Sufism, Modern Pythagorean, Modern Platonic line of similarity, he listed excerpts from the writings of Indian intellectuals, balanced them with similar excerpts from the writings of the Greek philosophers, and preferred Greek views on Indian opinions.

He wrote that India did not have any Aristotelian or any. Yet he translated a number of Sanskrit works into Arabic, as if he wanted to fulfill his religion to India, and translated into Sanskrit the Ptolemy's Bibliographic Engineering Textbook Euclid and Medalist.

Almost all science was concerned, He wrote about Indian figures, the most complete medieval research; He wrote a letter about the astrolabe, the zodiac, the zodiac, the shave, and the tablespoon of Sultan Mahmood.

There was no doubt about the idea of the earth, and he noticed that all things gravitated towards its center.

He said that astronomical facts can be explained if we assume that the earth revolves around it once a day, and around the sun once a year, with the same ease with which it is explained if we assume the opposite.

He said that the Indus Valley may have once been a seabed, and he wrote a large book in stone in which he described a great number of stones and minerals in natural ways and explained their commercial and medical value.

It assigned the specific density of eighteen types of gemstones, and set the base that provides for the specific density of the body commensurate with the volume of water it drains.

He came up with a way to calculate how often the number is weakened without resorting to heavy beatings and long-term addition, and he talked in the Indian story about checkers and grains of sand.

And he put in engineering solutions to theories that were later named after him.

A thousand encyclopedias in astronomy, astrology, and mathematical sciences; He explained the reasons for the water coming out of the natural eyes and artesian wells with the theory of the pots.

The history of Sultan Mahmoud's rule, Spktegen's, and the history of Khulars. Eastern historians call him the Sheik, as if they meant that he was the Sheik of Ulema.

The abundance of his writings in the generation in which Ibn Sina, Ibn al-Haytham and Al-Fartusi appeared indicates that the period in the late 10th century and the beginning of the 11th century is the period in which Islamic culture reached its peak, in which thought in the Middle Ages reached its highest level.

His last days.

Until the end of his life, Perony remained passionate about science, dedicated to his quest.

In his book The Dictionary of Writers, the great historian Yagout Al-Hamawi tells the story of the extent to which Al-Beiruti is concerned with matters of science up to the last breath.

He says in the words of Judge Ali Bin Isa: “I entered my father, Al-Rayhan, and he was alone.

He hugged himself, and his chest was narrowed. How did you ever tell me to calculate the corrupt glory (of inheritance issues) and I said to him pity him: In this case! He told me: This is what I say farewell to the world when I am aware of this issue, is it not better than to leave it while I am ignorant of it; And I put that back on him, and he kept it, and I got out of him, and I was on the way, That was December 12, 1048.

His books and writings

A map of the world, as Peronist imagines it.
This world has not stopped studying and researching. This serious scientific life has produced over 120 authors, some of which were transferred to English, French, German and Latin.

Westerners took it away and benefited from it.

Pharmacist: He is a pharmacist (he is called the Nearest Heritage), and the book “The Jamahiriya in the Knowledge of Jewels” is one of the most famous books; In this book, it explains the types of stones and jewels and their natural characteristics, and it explains how the qualitative weight of them is measured.

In its measurement of qualitative weights, it shows the specific weight of some elements, in a way that is not different from what has been established with us now under modern science.

The Saudi Code is the most important Peronist work in astronomy, geography and engineering, and contains eleven articles, each divided into sections.

Gemology is one of the most important works of Perony in mineral sciences and was printed in Hyderabad, India (1936).

Al-Beiruti in this book described jewels and metals as one of the first to place the specific weight of some metals and precious stones.

He said that many precious jewels are similar in color, and he described precious stones such as rubies, pearls, emeralds, diamonds, fairuz, agate, coral, and gypsum, which is quartz, and other precious stones. And many more.

Wait for us with another character from history.
Abu Musa

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