the Prophet Hood

Today we present you in this article, The story of the Prophet Hood peace be upon him and people of Aad, as contained in the Holy Qur'an written in a simple to reach everyone in addition to Qur'anic verses, which contained this story.

Hood is the messenger of the first nation of Sam Bin Noah's son.

And thus he shall be the first messenger of Noah's offspring.

lives of Hood's people.: Aad, the people of Hood, They live in al-ahqaf, between Yemen and Oman, was a long life, and God provided her with wealth.

They loved it is a blessing, and many good things they blew the eyes and planted the earth, And they built orchards, gardens, gardens, and they erected palaces, and besides all that,

God gave them a skin, and a body that was not given to anyone else, and because of these vast blessings and abundant goodness that they had turned against,

they had to think about the source of these blessings, and giving this good to thank him and appreciate him, and instead, they took care of his beloved with gratitude and acknowledgment, but instead they turned their faces God in their ignorance.

They used their heads as their heads meant to us, and they decided to find their cheeks in the riches of their stature.

They meant them with all kinds of kinship to thank them whenever they signed good, and they feared them with forgiveness and charity whenever they were hurt.

This was not only what they did. They even ran into the land as corruption, so the weak was humiliated by the small, and the most dominant among them were lost.

God's will is to put an end to the tyranny of the powerful muftis, to empower the weak oppressed, to beautify and refine the souls, and to rid the hearts of the darkness of ignorance and tradition against them, and of the accumulated deceit of the people about faking prayers and worship other than Allah.

Allah sent them a messenger from themselves, addressing them in their language, and guiding them to their Creator, to worship him alone and to leave the foolishness of their gods.

Hood calls them to God : God chose him as faithful to his message, and the people came to his call, Perhaps those misguided hearts should be guided, and the crooked souls should be reformed.

So Hood took up the message and armed with what every one of the most benevolent advocates of the dream, determination, and soundness of mind has armed himself.

O" people, Stones you carve, you worship, and you resort to them in distress and prosperity, while they do not bring you any good, nor do they pay you any harm. So what are you doing?!

This act of killing your humanity and degrading your minds, and you are worthy of your Creator. Everything about existence is created by wisdom and a fixed system that indicates that it is worthy of worship alone, and is alone.

Hood said this article, and he hopes that his calm words will reach the depths of their souls, and they will think and be guided,

But he did not see responsive hearts from them, They did not write it up and it was a strange new thing that they did not hear.

They threw it in lies, stupidity, and error, because he left the religion of their fathers and the worship of their sacred idols, And he invited them to a new strange religion, and they said in astonishment:

The notables of his people, who disbelieved, said, “We see you only as human as us, and we see that you have followed you only by those who have transgressed against us in the past.

We do not see any favor against you, but we think you are liars.” (27) (Al-A'raf) Hood said to them, as Allah showed in the Qur'an : It is no wonder that Allah has influenced you a man among you, and has reserved the task of carrying the message to warn you of the consequences of your actions.

But it is strange that you are left in your error without being guided by anyone to the right path and the truth which you have ignored.

Because of your ignorance, and because you forgot that God Almighty has empowered you on earth, made you successors of your ancestors, and made you simpler in your bodies, and bred your plants.

Then they said: Sacred gods have been inherited from our fathers, and they have in our hearts all honor and glory. How can you invite us to leave them, despise them, and abuse them when they have hoped in intercession?

And our hope with Allah is how do you instruct us to leave them and worship one God?..

The Qur'an says: The Qur'an says: They said, “They said, 'Did you come to us to worship Allah alone, and to vow what our forefathers [Al-A'raf] want to worship?

They went on to say: And what quite forgiveness does one ask folks to send us God after heaven, to offer us money, to offer us more power, to extend the resurrection Day which you claim we return to after it becomes old bones and old bodies?

What are you preparing and claiming? What are our life during this world, we die and that we live, and what destroys us except time? We'll not abandon our suffering.

We've resolved to not abandon our gods' worship (bring us what you threaten us with, if you're truthful): (22).

Hood and therefore the end of his people : When Hood Peace be upon him showed the strength of stubbornness in their conversations and insistence on wrinkling over their words, he said, in other words, “I testify to God that I have reached, I have not failed, we have struggled, and I will spend the sake of Allah fighting to spread his call, to the people, and informing them of His message, not caring for your oppression.

In order that they have enough or gathered a hero The Qur'an says: He said, “I am Allah's witness, and bear witness that I'm innocent of what you associate besides Him.

So plot against me, and don't take care of Him.” So plot against me, then don't check out (55). I even have put my trust in Allah, my Lord, and your Lord. There's no creature, but He who takes its advice. My Lord is on a straight path. (56).

And while Hood was calling for the reality, and therefore the people were exposed to the limitless, and that they saw a black cloud perishing the sky, and that they were quick to ascertain it, because they thought it had been a cloud that was close to rain, in order that they prepared to satisfy him.

And that they prepared their fields for his relief, but Hood alerted them to the reality of the matter and said to them: it's not a cloud that carries excellent news as you imagine; it's a wind among its atoms; the anguish which you rushed upon.

while they were happy, what they thought was good, then they brought their men and their beasts that are within the desert, the wind carried them on their strong wings, and that they threw them away, and that they contained fear and panicked into their homes, hoping that they might save them, but soon they dissipate,

They carried the winds, including the homes, and threw them into different places. They remained on this for seven nights and eight days until the people became killed. They were unjust and their news disappeared.

As for Hood and his companions who believe him, the wind passed ahead of them, carried the sand faraway from them, threw out their enemies, and destroyed them safely, then the wind calmed down, described things and God delivered them from it.

The maqam settled in where they lived. It had been said: They moved to Hadramaut, and that they spent the remainder of their lives there (and when our orders came, we saved Hood and people who believed with him in mercy from us, and that we saved them from an excellent torment),

Wait for us with another story.
Abu Musa

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