Niels Bohr,

Niels (Henrik David) Bohr (Danish: Niels Henrik David Bohr; and (pronunciation Danish: [ˈnels ˈboɐˀ];

lived 7 October 1885 – 18 November 1962) physicist Danish Jew glossy contributed significantly within the formulation of models to know the structure of Atomic additionally to quantum physics and particularly his interpretation of which involves acceptance of nature reserves posed by quantum physics,

This understanding of interpretation on, as was the top of the nuclear energy Commission Denmark head of Institute on science theory.

Received 1922 the Nobel prize in Physics for his model of the atom which is between that of nuclear within the center and around it revolve electrons within the path of your circular as solar.

Niels Bohr is young. The exact date of the image is unknown.

Niels Bohr and Einstein are discussing scientific theory at Paul Ernst's house in Leiden (December 1925).

He was chairman of the nuclear energy Commission Denmark head of Institute on science theory, earned his doctorate in Physics in 191,then traveled to the University of Cambridge where he completed his studies under the supervision of the planet Thompson who discovered the electron, then moved to Manchester to review at the hands of the planet Rutherford, discoverer of the atomic nucleus, and quickly and Bohr to his theory about the building of the corn.

In 1913, Burr published a paper entitled: The composition of the atom and particles within the philosophical Journal, which is taken into account to be a mark in physics. Bohr was married in 1912 and had five children.

Bohr inherited his interest in science from his father, Christian Bor, who was a professor of Physiology at the University of Copenhagen.

After completing his high school, Boor joined the University of Copenhagen in 1903 and completed his first degree in 1908, and became assistant professor of physics and researcher at the university itself.

Having obtained his first university degree in liquid surface stress research, he worked and published in an English journal the first research to draw attention to his talent.

He then worked in the field of electronic metallurgy to attend his doctoral thesis. He received his Ph.D. in Physics in 1911, and then travelled to Cambridge University (England) to work in the laboratory of Joseph John Thompson (1856-1940) J.J.Thomson resumed what he started in his doctoral thesis (electronic metallurgical theory).

He then moved to Manchester to Manchester in the following year, and became there a pupil British physicist Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937) E. Rutherford, who was then interested in the physics of the atomic nucleus, was then commissioned to teach courses at Manchester University for medical students in 1913 and then for physics students in 1914.[1.]

Burr returned to Copenhagen in 1916 and was appointed professor at her university. In 1920, the theoretical physics Foundation was founded and became its director, on his famous research, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.

He was a visiting professor at Princeton University (United States) in 1939.

He did not return to his country until World War II broke out, and German forces occupied Denmark in 1940.

And on 29 September 1943 that the Germans intend to arrest him for refusing to contribute to the making of the atomic bomb German fled in the night followed by Sweden with his wife on a fishing boat, and from there took a plane to England,

then to the United States where he worked under the pseudonym “Nicholas Baker”, and as scientific advisor in a secret laboratory located at Los Alamos Los Alamos making the atomic bomb and the American.

He returned to his country in 1945 to resume his research in Theoretical Physics; and rendered assistance to the government of his palace for a life befitting his famous scientists. He died of a blood clot in the heart artery.

atomic construction theory.

And when a delegation to Manchester found Rutherford has completed the prototype of atomic is known today as the, which says that the bulk mass of corn condensed in a central nucleus with a positive electrical charge and spin around in aflak continuum electrons negatively charged and their number equals the rank of the element in the periodic table to classify elements and chemical.

This Rutherford model was an internal paradox, in the physics of that time, threatening the very idea of this model.

That spinning electrons must radiate energy from its self-loss of sync that will make the electrons fall on the nucleus in a time very short, freedom of helical, so the spectrum version of the energy level, not the spectrum of a sporadic composed of lines of minute separate such as what you experience,

Burr has focused on addressing this contradiction, The deployment of, during 1912 and 1913 three papers on this subject accustomed to the theory on Planck's new as a prostitute energy. 

Added another hypothesis says that the electrons can not take her around the nucleus, only a limited number of orbit to meet an equal number of together the energy in the atom, and that an electron jump from orbit to orbit with a power lower lead to the difference of energy carried on the electromagnetic waves of the same facing the vibration helps the energy difference divided by Planck's constant.

The single chemical element has its own limited frequency range. Completed Bor account date quantum of these in an atom of hydrogen and found that they agree accurately with the results of the spectral measurements. 

Decoder that finds wide resonance, and is known as the "corn port", with what is involved in this form of the magnetic moment of an electronic elemental, known as the "one magneton Bohr" and follow the agreement and its value calculated with the empirical value measured.

The perception theory of the Bohr atom from the interior as the solar system, where the nucleus in center and electrons revolve in diuretics around - with the difference that the orbits of the planets vary the unlike diuretics electrons fixed.

In 1922 he received the Nobel Prize in his corn model. He was credited with reconciling Rutherford and Maxwell's theories when he showed that the Atom did not radiate in a stable state.

It is worth mentioning that the Maxwell count on Newton's laws dog when his study of the atom he ≪When you move a charged body charge on a charged body charge of violation of the body radiates continuously and the radius of the orbit of the particle I collides with the opposite sex≫.

By applying this to the atom, we find it's in constant radiation and the electron will inevitably collide with the nucleus and the atomic system will end.

And it was the wave mechanic that Louis de Broy created. L.De Borglie, and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. 

Heisenberg, which says that what we use of phenomena in the field of corn is not independent from the means of monitoring its pilot, as large in the connecting port to the version of "the principle of the state" complémentarité view that the particle moving and faced him represented, the appearance of a two-state fact one, can't monitor them in time with in the process of monitoring one. 

Bohr saw this principle as a fundamental mosquito of nature's primates that he later circulated it to biology (biology). In this regard, was of the opinion that human feelings and the representative with the at the scene of the actual truth; if he wills to be limited to viewing that it can contribute to the work because if you do, shush what he wants to monitor it.

Bohr was hit with a huge arrow in nuclear physics as well. 

It was suggested in 1933 theory of nuclear interaction (form diameter), then applied this model to nuclear fission in 1939, the VVS susceptibility of uranium 235 large fission predicted the susceptibility of the fission of plutonium-239 before it was discovered.

Theory applications,

This led to the cancellation of all the theories that preceded it, which made Albert Einstein to admiration by describing the ABN in antique sports, and through this theory I could port that depicts the hydrogen atom was known at the time that hydrogen gas if his temperature rises, 

It adds this light does not include all the colors it consists of the color of her pulse was special and particular. 

The utmost I can port that determines the wavelength for each color required by the hydrogen gas, as I can explain the size of atoms for the first time.

Nobel Prize.

In Copenhagen in 1920 opened the Institute of Theoretical Physics, was appointed Port Director, joined a number of scientists and became the center of a list of the new physics. This brilliant theory was accepted by scientists, who earned the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922.


Unfortunately, there are a number of points that poor missed and his theory has weakened.:

He studied on the hydrogen atom system the simplest atomic system and couldn't explain the helium spectrum.

His electron equations only assumed a negative physical particle and did not consider that it had wavelength properties.

I suppose the electron's location and speed can be determined simultaneously, which is scientifically impossible.

These problems are the theory being proposed to explain the hydrogen atom and help scientists explain the movement of the electron in the atoms of the heavier weight, and couldn't port to find a solution.

In 1925, he discovered the world of German very deep et al. (Luis De Bruyne and when)the solution in the atomic theory with modern science, these scientists have studied in Copenhagen and discussed a lot with the port, which encouraged them to further their research. He has conversations in the philosophy of physics with Einstein, Schrödinger and Heisenberg.


This story happened at Copenhagen University, Denmark, on the physics exam.:

How do you determine the height of a skyscraper using a barometer?

The correct answer was obvious: measuring the difference between air pressure on the ground and on the skyscraper. 

One student's answer was so provocative that he gave him zero without completing the rest of the answers and recommended his failure for absolute inability to succeed.the student's answer was as follows: tie the barometer with a long rope and cast it from the top of the head until it touched the ground and then measure the length of the thread.”

According to the University law, an expert was appointed to decide the case. The expert report stated that the student's answer was correct, but it did not indicate his knowledge of physics. 

He decided to give the student another chance, to repeat the exam orally, and the student asked him the same question. The student thought a little.: 

The barometer can be thrown from the top of the surface and measured the time it takes to reach the ground.thus, the height of the head surface can be determined if the sun is shining, the length of the barometer's shadow can be measured and the length of the headscarf is defined by the law of proportionality between the two shades.

If we want faster solutions, the best way is to offer a barometer gift for a photo skyscrapers that teaches us heroic.

If we want to complicate things Sep height of skyscrapers by the difference between the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the Earth and the highest skyscrapers using a barometer. 

Was the government waiting for the answer to the last which demonstrate the student's understanding of physics, while the student believes their answer is the worst due to the difficulty and complexity, remained to know that student's name is “Niels Bohr” it just didn't work in physics, but he won the Nobel Prize for physics.

Burr and the atomic bomb.

Listen Bora in the study of the structure of the atomic nucleus, in 1930 was the first to discover that a radioactive isotope that appeared in the joint nuclear is uranium 235, which was this discovery affected his important after that. 

When the Germans occupied Denmark in 1940 faced a lot of difficulties in that it was anti-Nazi as his mother was Jewish and had to escape in 1943 to Sweden, and helped a great number of Jews to escape, and then traveled to England and then to America and there helped in the production of the atomic bomb.

At the end of the war he returned to Copenhagen and the head of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, and tried hard to control the use of nuclear energy without that work, until he died in 1962. 

One of his sons, Agah Bor, was able to win a Nobel in Physics in 1975. Will port of the greatest scientists despite the fact that his theory had been overtaken by modern physics, but partly true even today, as it helped to develop a lot of other theories.

Other activities,

He was a popular football player. Active during and after World War II to warn of the danger of the proliferation of nuclear weapons. 

Urged U.S. President Franklin Rose on the exchange of nuclear information secret with the Soviet Union to find a mutual trust between my head contemporaries reduction of international tension and aggravate the arms race, said a violent campaign in support of world peace and freedom of thought. 

In 1951, he wrote to the United Nations a letter denouncing nuclear weapons and explaining their dangers.

Kirkgard's influence on Bohr,

It is recognized that Bohr has read the writings of the 19th century Christian existential philosopher of Denmark, Soren kirkgard. 

Argues Richard Rhodes in the manufacture of the atomic bomb The Making of The Atomic Bomb[2] that Bohr was influenced by Kira via the philosopher Harald down, which he was deeply impressed Kira, who was an old friend of Father Bora. In 1909, 

Bohr sent his brother kirkgard's book stages on the way to life as a birthday present. In the attached letter, wrote Bohr, “it's the only thing that I have to send home; but I don't think it would be easy to find anything better.... But I think it's one of the happiest things I've read, Absolutely.”

Bohr enjoyed kirkgard's language and literary style, but stated that he had some” objection to [Kierkegaard's ideas].”[3]]

His memory.

He was one among the founding fathers of CERN in 1954.[4]

Received the primary ever Atoms for Peace Award in 1957.

In 1965, three years after Bohr's death, the Institute of Physics at the University of Copenhagen changed its name to the Bohr Institute.

The Bohr models semi centennial was commemorated in Denmark on 21 November 1963 with a postage depicting Bohr, the atom and therefore the formula for the difference of any two hydrogen energy levels: {\display style h\nu =\epsilon _{2}-\epsilon _{1}\,} {\display style h\nu =\epsilon _{2}-\epsilon _{1}\,}.

Bohrium (an element, number 107) is known as in honor of Bohr.

Hafnium, another element, whose properties were predicted by Bohr, was named by him after Hafnia, Copenhagen's Latin name.

Asteroid 3948 Bohr is known as after him.

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