Sir Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton lived between December 25, 1642, and March 20, 1727, in the Cesarean section, or January 4, 1643-31 March 1727, in the Gregorian calendar. 

English scientist, physicist, philosopher. 

Newton presented a paper in which he described the power of universal gravity and the cradle of classical mechanics by the laws of motion. Newton Leibniz shares the right to develop differential and branching mathematics.


He was born on a small farm, Boulzthorpe, in Lincoln County, on December 25, 1642 (according to the old calendar, the Julian calendar), the year that Galileo died, and that cultural leadership, like economic leadership, was on its way from south to north.

At his birth he was so small that he could be put in a 1/2 gallon (7.57 l) cruse (as his mother later told him) and so weak that no one thought he would live more than a few days. His mother and uncle guaranteed him because his father had died months before his birth. 

When he turned 12, he was sent to the private school in Grantham, where he was not well. 

He is reported to have been “inactive” and “unconcerned”, and neglects scheduled studies and accepts topics that interest him.

He spends a lot of time on mechanical inventions such as practicing, driving and home-made watches. 

After spending two years in Grantham, he was taken from school to help his mother on the farm. 

But he went back to neglecting his duties to read books and solve sports issues. Another uncle showed his competence, took him back to school, and made arrangements to accept Newton at Trinity College in Cambridge (1,661) for a student who earns his expenses in various services (subsizar). 

He got his college degree four years later, and shortly afterwards he was elected a college colleague.

He was particularly interested in sports, optics, astronomy, and astrology, and he kept his inclination to study astrology until a later period of his life.

In 1669, his sports professor, Isaac Barro, resigned, and Newton succeeded him on his recommendation, calling Newton “an unparalleled genius,” and he kept his chair in Twenty 34 years. 

He was not a successful teacher. His secretary wrote about the memories of that era saying, “There were few people who went to listen to him, and those who understood him less, and he often even read to the walls because of a lack of listeners.

” On some occasions, he never found a listener and returned to his room as a man of conscience. And he built a laboratory in it — he was the only one in Cambridge then. 

And he did a lot of experiments, especially in chemistry, and his ultimate goal was to transform metals, but he also took care of the elixir and the Stone of the Philosophers, and he went on to study chemistry from 1661 to 1692, and even wrote his book Principles, ” left manuscripts on alchemy without publishing, the sum of which was summed up in negligence and 100,000 “totally worthless.”

Boyle and other members of the Royal Society were busy with this same search for gold. Newton's goal was not clearly commercial. 

He never showed any concern for material gain, and he might have sought a law or process by which elements could be interpreted as different, transferable forms of a single core. 

We cannot be sure that he was wrong.

He had a small garden outside his residence in Cambridge, where he walked for short periods and was soon interrupted by an idea that he rushed to his office to register.

He was sitting low, influencing his room to arm too much (in his secretary's novel) “Even to imagine him... One of Aristotle's Buddies. 

He was a little in the food, and he often missed a meal, and he forgot that he missed it. We had a time to spend on food and sleep.

“He rarely went to eat in the room. If he did, he would go in the form of a button. His shoes were on the heels, his socks were unbound. 

His head is barely combed,” It was told, and many stories of mind-wandering were invented. They assert that he may sit for hours after waking up in bed without wearing clothes and thinking. 

Sometimes, when visitors came to him, another room disappeared, and he quickly wrote thoughts, and his friends forgot completely.

He was a science monk in these 35 years of Cambridge. And he's set up “Rules of Philosophy” — I mean, scientific research.

He rejected the rules that Descartes put in his article as principles of inference to all the great facts. When Newton said, “I don't invent hypotheses,” he meant that he did not offer theories about anything more than noticing phenomena, so he ventured into no conjecture about the nature of gravity, but merely described its behavior and its laws.

He did not argue that he avoided homework as keys for experiments. 

On the contrary, his lab was devoted to testing hundreds of ideas and capabilities, and his record was replete with experiments that were tried and rejected.

He also did not reject inference, but insisted that it must proceed from the facts and lead to principles.

 His way was to imagine the possible solutions to the problem, to derive its mathematical content, and to test this with arithmetic and experience.

Then He explained the other phenomena of these forces.” It was a combination of mathematics and fiction, and only those who had them could understand it.”

But let's move on nonetheless. His fame has two centers — calculus, gravity. 

He started his calculus in 1665 by finding a tangent and a radius of curvature at any point on a curve.

His method of calculating differentiation was not the constant difference, but the continuous differences, “The Kings, and the interpretation of this term, which we cannot achieve any good of:

“Lines are drawn, and with this graph is generated, not by joining parts together, but by constantly moving points, surfaces by moving lines, figures by moving surfaces, angles by turning sides, parts of time by continuous flooding, and so on by other quantities. 

So since the quantities, which increase in equal times, and increase generate, are larger or lower, depending on the speed at which they increase or are generated, I've looked for a way of identifying the quantities of the transaction speeds or increases they are generated by, and if I call the velocity or increases “Fluxion,” and the quantities generated by “variables,” I've slowly turned out to the variation in 1665 and 11 66"

Newton described his method in a letter he wrote to Barro in 1669, and he referred to it in a letter to John Collins in 1672. 

He may have used this method to come up with some results contained in his book Principles (1687), but its presentation in it was done in accepted geometric formulations that might have been taken into account that was not appropriate for his readers.

He contributed to a statement of his method of variation — but not hidden — in Wallis's book “Algebra” in 1693. 

The description quoted in the past was published only in 1704, in an appendix to his book Optics. Newton's edition delayed the publication of his theories, and he might first have wanted to solve the difficulties that inspired them.

So he waited until 1676 to publish his two-edged theory. And if he's probably coined it in 1665.

These delays have plunged European athletes into a flawed debate that has torn the world apart a whole generation. 

So between Newton reporting his theory of “difference” to his friends in 1669 and publishing the new method in 1704, Leibniz developed a competitive system in Mainz and Paris. In 1671, he sent to the Academy of Sciences a research containing the Calculus bacteria, 14,

Liebnitz met Oldburg on a visit to London from January to March 1673, and he had exchanged letters with him and Boyle. 

Newton's authors later thought that in this journey, David had a master of Newton's differences - but historians are skeptical about this now. 

In June 1676, at the request of Oldenburg and Collins, Newton wrote a letter to reach Buntz, explaining his method of analysis.

In August, Bentez responded to Oldenburg, giving some examples of his work in calculus, and in June 1677, in another speech by Oldenburg, he described his kind of differential calculation, his way of notation, a bunch of symbols, and they differ from Newton's calculation and method. 

Then he came back in the October 1684 magazine Acta Audit, explaining differential calculation, and in [1686] he published his method of calculating complementary.

In the first edition of Principles (1687), Newton explicitly accepted Leibniz's discovery of a calculus independently.

Leibniz, 10 years ago, when I pointed out that I knew a way to find the limit and the minimum, draw the touches, and so on.

The venerable gentleman replied that he too had been converted to a way of the same kind, and ended up in his way, which was no different from my own... This polite confession should prevent controversy. 

And in 1705, Leibniz mentioned an inattentive critique of the signature of Newton's “Optics” book that Newton's differences were altered to calculate Lebanese differential.

In 1712, the Royal Assembly appointed the Commission for the Examination of Relevant Documents. Before the year began, the association published a report by Commercial Epistolicum, which confirmed Newton's precedence, without going into the original position of Pentetz.

In a letter he wrote to Pentz on April 9, 1716, to an Italian priest in London, he objected saying that Newton's comment settled the matter. 

And Bentez died on November 14, 1716. Shortly after his death, Newton denied that the comment “was approved by L.A. of Pentz to invent a differential account independent of my invention.

” In the third edition of Principles (1726), the commentary was deleted. 

The dispute was not to the liking of philosophers, because both plaintiffs should have stoked respect for Ferma because he was their pioneer.


However, as a surprise, sport was only a tool for quantification, not claiming to understand or describe the truth. 

When Newton turned from the tool to the fundamental research, he first learned the secret of light. 

His first lectures at Cambridge covered light, color, vision, and his habits — he only published his book Optics 35 years later, in 1704, he was innocent of the lust for publication.

And in 1666 he bought a publication from Storbridge, and he started experimenting, and he started experimenting with optics. 

And in 1668 onward he made a series of telescopes. Based on the theories explained by Mersin (1639) and James Gregory (1662), he made a reflector telescope to avoid some inherent defects of the breaker telescope and presented it to the Royal Assembly at its request in 1671. On January 11, 1672, he was elected to the Assembly.

And he had come up with (1666) one of his primary revelations even before he made telescopes — that white light, or sunlight, is not simple or homogeneous, but it's a combination of Different colors. 

As he passed a small ray of sunlight through a transparent publication, he found that the light that looked monochrome was divided into all of these spectrum colors, that each component color exited the publication at its angle, grade, or special breakage, and that the colors arranged themselves in the stack class, composed by a continuous spectrum, at one end red and at the other purple.

And subsequent researchers have shown that different materials, if they're lit by burning, give different spectra.

By comparing these spectra with the spectrum produced by a particular star, it is possible to analyze the star's chemical components to some extent. 

The more accurate observations of the star's kinder indicated the approximate speed at which he moved to or away from the Earth, from which he theoretically came up after the star. 

Newton's discovery of light, and its breakdown in the spectrum, produced almost universal results in astronomy.

Newton's findings were not revealed at the time, but he felt (as Oldenburg wrote) that he had “found the strangest discovery yet, if not the most important discovery in nature's operations. 

” In early 1672, he sent research to the Royal Society titled “A New Theory of Light and Color,” The research was read on the organs on February 8, causing a schism across the continent. 

In his book Micro-graphs (1664), Hawke had described a Newton-like experience of the publication, from which he had not inferred a successful theory of color, but he felt that Newton's acts of his previous grace were completely overlooked.  

Some members of the Society joined in criticizing Newton's conclusions, and the conflict lasted three years.

Newton's sensitive book says, “I am oppressed by the controversy that my theory of light has provoked me to blame my folly because I sacrificed my own grace, the grace of peace of mind, to run after a mirage.

” The same story told him, “I launch philosophy with a generation that is irreversible, but what I do for myself.”

Another point arose from the points of argument with Hawke about the light conveyor. Hawking had embraced Huygens's theory, in which he claimed that light moved on “A” waves. Instead,

He suggested the theory of particles or minutes: Light is caused by the release of countless micro molecules, walking straight lines through space at 190,000 miles (ca. 305,775 km) per second. 

And he rejected the ether theory as a vector of light, but then he accepted it as a gravitational force medium, and Newton collected his discussions about light in his book Optics in 1704. 

And what's significant is that he wrote it in English (while the book of principles was Psincipipa in Latin), and he directed it “To present-day readers of intelligence and understanding, who have not yet practiced optics.

” At the end of the book, he drew up a list of 31 questions that require further research. And the first question was, “Doesn't the object affect the light remotely, and does its rays bend with this effect, and doesn't it have the most impact in the lowest dimensions ? And the 30th question is, “Why doesn't nature change objects into light and light into objects?”

The origin of gravity theory

It was 1666 as the year of Newton's fetus, I saw the beginning of his optics efforts, but he also said in his memories that the month of May “was my entry into the reverse way of the continuous differences, and in the same year I started thinking about extending gravity into the orbit of the Moon. 

Having compared the force needed to keep the moon in orbit with the force of gravity on the surface of the Earth, I found them almost entirely in agreement... In those years, she was in my spring age.”

In 1666, the plague reached Cambridge, and Newton returned to his homeland, Woolsthorpe, for safety. And here's a nice story. Voltaire wrote in his book Newton's Philosophy (1738):

“One day in the 1666, when Newton was a retreat in the countryside, he saw a fruit fall from a tree, as his niece Mrs. Kondoit told me, and he thought deeply about why he attracted all the objects in a line if he passed very close to the center of the earth.”

And that's the oldest we know of the apple story. It doesn't appear in the books of Newton's ancient translators, nor in his account of how he's guided by the idea of universal gravity, and the prevailing idea of the story is that it's a myth. Another story,  

Voltaire, was that a stranger asked Newton how he discovered the laws of gravity, and he answered, “With an addiction to think about it,” and by 1666 Newton had calculated the gravitational force that holds the planets in their ruins, and ended up fitting inversely with a square after the sun. 

But he could not reconcile the theory with his mathematical calculations, setting aside it, and unpublished it for the next 18 years.

The idea of interstellar gravity was never new to Newton. Some fifteenth-century astronomers have argued that the heavens affect the earth with force that resembles the force of the magnet's effect on iron, and that as long as the earth is drawn evenly from all directions, it remains suspended in the sum of this power. 

Gilbert's book Magnets (1600) warned many minds to think about the magnetic influences surrounding every human being, and he himself wrote in a book that was published only 48 (1651) years after his death:

“The power from the moon reaches the Earth, Likewise, the magnetic force of the Earth pervades the area of the Moon.

Both respond and correlate with their common effect, depending on the proportion and conformity of movements, but the influence of the Earth is greater as a result of its large mass.”

In his book “Astronomia  Philolacia” (1645), Jesus Boiar admitted that attracting planets to each other is inversely proportional to the distance box between them. 

In his book “The Theories of Pembroidery Planets” (1666), Alfonso Porrelli argued that “every planet and follower is orbiting a large globe as a source, attracting and pursuing power They can never be separated from them.  
They have to follow them wherever they go, in continuous constant cycles.” The orbits of these planets and their descendants were interpreted as the result of the centrifugal force of their rotation (“as we find in the wheel or the stone lasts in a slingshot”), which was matched by the force of their attractive sun.

Kepler went on to say that gravity was inherent to all celestial bodies, and estimated in a period of his life that its force was inversely proportional to the square of distance between them, which should have been a clear precedent for Newton, but he rejected this formula, and assumed that the attraction was gradually decreasing with the distance increasing.

But these entries into a theory of gravity, I distorted the Descartes Theory in the vortex that was formed in a primitive mass, and then I assigned the work of each part and its orbit.

Many of the awake inquisitors of the Royal Society have thought deeply about the mathematics of gravity. In 1674, Hawke preceded Newton's 11-year “Attempt to Prove Earth's Annual Motion.

It depends on three assumptions: (The first) is that all celestial bodies, however powerful they are, attract not only their parts but also their parts and prevent them from flying.   

It also attracts all other celestial bodies that are within its field of activity... (Second) All objects, whatever, that move a simple, linear movement, continue to move forward in a straight line until they're deflected by another active force.

“The third is that these forces of attraction are doing as much as they are close to the body that is under its appeal to its centers.”

In his research, Hoke did not calculate that the attraction was inversely proportional to the square of distance, but he ended this principle for Newton-if we believe Aubrey's story-after he reached it independently.

In January 1684 Hoke explained the reverse squares' formula for Ron and Halley, which they had already accepted. 

Hock stated that the need was not merely for imposition, but for mathematical clarification that the principle of gravity explained the planets ' paths. Rane offered Hoke and Halley a prize of 40 shillings ($100), one of which was given mathematical proof of gravity. To the best of our knowledge, no proof came to him.

On one August 1684, Halley went to Cambridge and asked Newton What the orbit of a planet would be if the sun's gravitational pull corresponded to the square of distance between them.

Replied to Newton that it would be absolutely incomplete (elliptical) G since Kepler has been used to study mathematical problems and Tico Brahe that the orbits of the planet is elliptical, it seemed that the astronomy now confirmed to sports, and vice versa.                                                                       

Newton added that he made the calculations detailed in 1679, but his sculptor side, on the one hand because it is not fully consistent with estimates of the prevailing day the diameter of Earth and distance between Earth and the moon, probably from this reason that he was not sure that he can eat the sun, planets, and Moon as a single in command of its strength and attraction. 

But in the year 1671 aired Picard and measure the New radius of the Earth a degree of latitude, which, as finally it is 69.1 miles (111.21 km) legal English, in the year 1672 managed Picard, thanks to his mission to the X from the account after the sun on the earth decided that it 87.000.000 miles (140.01 km) (and current 92.000.000),

And this estimates the new agreement is good with a sport, Newton's gravity, persuaded him more of the accounts in 1685 that the ball attracts objects like the mass of this ball are all frozen in its center. 

He now felt more confident in his imposition.

Then compare the speed of a stone to the speed of the moon falling to the Earth if the Earth's gravitational pull decreases by the square of the distance between them. Its results were found to be consistent with the latest astronomical data. 

He concluded that the force that would bring down the stone, and the gravitational force of the moon towards the earth despite the centrifuge force, were one. 

And the secret of the achievement here lies in its application of this result to all objects in space, and in his perception that all celestial bodies are interconnected in a network of influences, the gravitational, and in his statement how the account of his mathematical and mechanical understand the observations of astronomers, especially Kepler's laws of planetary.

Newton began his calculations again, and ended them for Halley in November 1684. Halley realized its importance and urged it to be presented to the Royal Society.he agreed and sent the Assembly a letter on “issues of movement” (February 1685), summarizing views of movement and gravity.

In March 1686 provided for the manuscript of book I of the books of the war, the mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy.

Hook drew attention to the fact that he beat Newton in 1674. Newton responded in a letter to Haley that Hook had taken the reverse squares' idea of Borelli and Boyer.                                       

The dispute escalated until it became the indignation of the staff, and try the halo to fit with eggs, and tempering Newton mollified hook to include his manuscript footnote, under the fourth case, in which it acknowledged the thanks to “our friends Ren, which is you, Halle,” in that they “concluded by the” law of the squares reverse. 

But it narrowed the conflict the most severe pressure so that when announced for Halle (June 20, 1678) that the second book is ready, he added, “My intention now is to stop second book. Philosophy is like a feisty, rude woman who engages her in court cases.

” And Halley convinced him to continue the book.

In September 1687, the entire author was published under the auspices of the Royal Society and its then President, Samuel Pepes. 

As the society was in financial difficulty, Halley spent the entire deployment out of his own pocket, although he was not an easy man. 

Thus, after twenty years of preparation, appeared the most important book in the science of the seventeenth century, no book comparable to it in grandeur of effect in the mind of Europe the example of the only book of Cooper Road in the state of (1543), a book Darwin in the origin of species (1859). 
These three books are the most important events in the history of Europe modern.

Book of Principles "Principia"

To the ancients they hung great importance to the mechanics in their search in the natural things as the said babus, and since that matter, after that towards the forms of matter and unseen, they have tried to subject natural phenomena to the laws of Math., has developed Math in this research as connected to natural philosophy.                 

Therefore, we offer this work that the mathematical principles of philosophy, that's because all the dilemma of philosophy is in search of the forces of nature from the phenomena of motion, and then explain the other phenomena from these forces”.

In short, these forces were unknown. Philosophers have so far tried to search for nature in vain, but I hope that objective principles here will shed some light on that way, or in a more correct way, from the methods of philosophy.”

After Newton developed some definitions and intuitions, he drafted three laws for the movement.:

1 —Each object shall remain static or regular movement in a straight line unless it is forced to change that situation with forces on it. 

2 — Change motion is proportional to the driving force of reality, and in the direction of the straight line which lies in that power. 

3 —Every act is always matched by an equal reaction.

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