King Menes, {unifier the two Kingdoms}

*The story of King Menes.

Time : 3200 before the birth of Christ, more than five thousand years ago.

Location: King Myna's Palace in the city of Thana, near Abydos (the current Balina, the center of Sohag)

King Menes sat on his throne one day, surrounded by the princes of Egypt's southern provinces, as well as by the army chiefs and senior statesmen, all of whom began to talk to one another.

I am happy for you, comrades, that you all turned around my throne, after harmony and peace prevailed among us, and went back not to return to that difficult period that we spent in wars and disputes, until God made us among our hearts, and we the people of the South became one nation,

And you made me king over you, you placed on my head the crown of the white tribal face, then you gave me the royal name “Nadir” which has become my knowledge, and I will meet you will be worthy of loyalty,

I will strive to complete the unity of the country by including the Northern Delta region in our Kingdom, so that we become one big, big, frivolous country.

The Prince of Taybah district asked him for permission, This is our hope in you, leader, We have come to us as bickering Emirs, and discordant intersections. Our major eats our small ones, and our strength is replaced by our weakness,

So we have reconciled ourselves, and we have become one nation by the grace of Allah. 

No wonder, then, that we have made you our leader and king over all regions of Upper Egypt.
After asking permission,

We, with the power of the Great God, with the support of your great army, and the loyalty of your people, will soon put the crown of a Red Sea face on your head with your permission:

The king laughed happily and said : Thank God, you brave leader, but have you ever seen that red crown before??

*Kingdom of the North

The commander replied:

Yes, my Lord, I went to the North last year to visit some of my relatives there, and I was struck by what I saw as a division among the people of the same country, how its princes fought in secret and public, to monopolize power, and to fake leadership,

A prince called Waa Shi, or as he sometimes called Washe, was a prince of the Arabian Province, and then he took his royal surnames and put his crown on his head It was a red mortar, on top of the back was a vertical bar where a tilted stick was planted at the top of it that ended up in a spiral, unlike our white crown that looked like a white cylinder helmet, which narrowed at the top to end up with a spherical inflammation.

They believed, my lord, to protect a god in the form of a red snake called Wazit, as they took the papyrus as their motto,

When we took lotus plants as our logo here in the South, and that king of the North took the title of the bee-maker representing the North, which was like your majesty when you took the South-South Gypsum.

Their capital is the city of Bo in the Buto region (at the current El-Faraain Hill, the center of Dasouk).

When the commander finished his talk, the attention began to be paid to King Myna's face. He said :

That's valuable information, Great Leader, but you didn't tell us how to govern there, how people feel about their oppressive rulers.

The commander replied:

The Delta Kingdom in the north, my Lord, is still divided into a number of districts (directorates), as was the case with us before the rule of your Majesty, and each province is ruled by a prince, and the princes were in power among themselves, until division prevailed, injustice prevailed, chaos and corruption prevailed throughout the country.

When the people felt the injustice of their rulers, they looked to us through their complaints to save them.

I believe, my Lord, that the time has come to lead us to save our brothers in the north, who have been waiting for the day of salvation, and then you will realize the favor of the country's unity,

The unification of its administration, and the elimination of the division among them, with the help of your brave army, which has become ready, after the most recent elements of power have been joined the youth of the revolution of the south martial arts,

And they are equipped with the most powerful weapons and equipment, namely spears, axes, bows, arrows, and no sign of your majesty, to set off like lions of knights, to break the corrupt rule in the north, to lift off the yoke of oppression and tyranny of their brothers, to extend your dominion over the delta countries in the north, and to put the common crown on your head, and thus join us the delta kingdom that is important to the state.

*A lesson from the past

He then addressed the crowd around him, saying, “This is the truth, princes and commanders.

I did not doubt the strength of my army, the brightness of its resolve, the courage of its officers and soldiers, the adequacy of their training, the perfection of their weapons and equipment. 

But I wanted to make sure of every step I take, and to make use of all the lessons of the past, so that nothing would happen to me”

My great grandfather, the Scorpion King, who had tried before me to unite the country, prepared a great army and pushed him north, actually won some positions, and he took over many districts,

But he died before he took control of the entire delta, and the division returned to the country, but I resolved by the will of the gods that victory would be decisive this time, and that the Comprehensive Union would be our goal, 

And I will tell you soon when our brave army will move on its way to a holy war, We are dear.

*Invasion of the North

It wasn't months before that he was ready. 

On the promised day, the army got out of the capital, lined up, and began to lay down its arms in the hands of his brave soldiers, led by flag-bearers, drum-busted trumpets, King Menes was walking on the head of his army in Azma and Jalal, dressed in war clothes, and carrying a heavy, death-bearing ax in his body, 

While he was back The greetings of his people who gathered on both sides of the road early in the morning, to revive his hero leader, and his victorious army, whose masses marched to the most honorable end and noble purpose, to cleanse the land of the north of corruption, 

And to liberate its people from the injustice of the two rulers, and to unite the two sides of the valley in a great state of order and peace.

When the army was out of town, the king ordered it into two divisions. 

One of them rode the Nile on special boats previously prepared for it, while the other ran along the Nile, within sight of the first, and all headed north on their way to the Delta kingdom.

As soon as the news of the arrival of the army reached the governors of the north, they were terrified, and they got together to study the situation despite their disputes and disputes. 

They put the remnants of their armies under the command of the Prince of Al-Khataf Province, who rushed to head this army to meet King Myna at the borders between the two kingdoms.


When the two men met, King Menes ordered his soldiers to attack, while he was in the front of them carrying a heavy armor with his left hand. 

He raised a large ax with which death would be distributed to his enemies. 

His officers and soldiers rushed behind him as they yelled at the cries of war, and they started their spears and bows in their hands, until they threw terror into the ranks of the northern army, which retreated erratically, 

When he reached their boss (Wash), he was hit with a stroke that swept his weapon. He kneeled down on his knees seeking mercy. 

The king grabbed him from his neck, and struck him with a stroke of his paw that aborted him.
The death of their leader was almost seen by the enemy's soldiers and officers, who fled with nothing.

The enemies were defeated, the South Army triumphed, and the way was opened for him to subdue the Delta regions in a great united nation.

*Federation of the Two Countries

In that victory, King Menes's hopes were realized, and Egypt became one strong country, with one army and one governor, and the two Countries united after a long division.

The two peoples met after long distances. King Menes then wanted to satisfy the people of the north and remove the bitterness of defeat from them. 

He ordered that things should go on in each region according to his traditions and customs. Both Lands were given an independent ministry and administration, one for the north and the other for the south, while the king himself heads the governing body and manages it from his palace.

The King then took Menes to visit the Territories, isolating the oppressors and appointing other Territories. He listened to the demands of the people and worked to achieve them, and was welcomed wherever he was.

*Visit to Sayiss County

On his journey, he arrived in Sayiss County, the fifth district in Upper Egypt, and the prince of the descendants of the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt, was a good, fair, wise and lovable man.

The arrival of King Menes in this province was one of the happiest of its days.

The people all of them went out early to receive the conquistador hero, the one who saved the country and united its lands.

As soon as the king's procession approached the city, the chants rose to the sky, mixed with the sounds of music and the singing of people.

The Prince of Sayiss presented a welcome from the King, calling him to the Palace of Hospitality.

The King accepted his invitation, and then the procession headed to the Palace, making its way through the crowds of people, a joyous and eager to see him.

*Marriage of King Menes.

The king, having rested a little at the guesthouse and changed his clothes, invited him to have lunch at the dinner table, which contained the most delicious types of food and drink. 

The king sat happily eating his delicious lunch, while music played the melodies and tortured the melodies. Sayiss's ruler dedicated himself to honoring the king, 

So that his children made sons and daughters stand on his own service while eating, which made his heart rejoice It was also characterized by the grace of fate, sweet talk, and quick intuition. 

This made King Myna admire her from the very first glance, and wished that she would be his wife so that the people of the north would be satisfied with their marriage to one of their princes, and would make her the royal destination to satisfy their pride and pacify their souls.

The next day, King Menes asked the ruler of Sayiss to have this daughter's hand to be his wife.

The ruler, with pleasure and gratitude, accepted this great honor, which the victorious King had bestowed upon him.

When the king ordered the news of his marriage to the princess of Sayiss, there was happiness all over the country. 

The decorations were erected there, and a few days later the king was married at the Guesthouse, where he spent a whole month. 

His days were filled with joy and happiness. Then he started thinking of returning to his old capital.

*Manf City

He decided to create a new city that would be located in a middle place between the two kingdoms, and he could make it a stronghold for his soldiers, and a base for his army, where he would come down whenever he wanted to visit the Sea Face Region. 

He invited his senior engineers to consult them in choosing a suitable place for them, and after studying the matter, to make them his choice on the place of the city of Manf, which is now called "Dead Hostage"

The construction of this city required turning the Nile's advancing water to the north into another channel.
This is the branch currently known as "Bahr Youssef", which is headed to the Fayoum oasis. 

This was through the construction of a great dam on the riverbed, south of the city of Al-Wasiti. Nepher, the beautiful port, came from the word “manf,” which I call “mansif”

It was the first capital of the United Government later.

*Return of the King to the South

When King Menes was assured of the construction of his new castle and security in the country, he returned with his wife to the old capital of Hikma, and entered the city of Thana in a procession of demonstrators. 

The city left without her father to receive her righteous son, who achieved the country's unity, restored security and tranquility, and he immediately went to his palace, and he sat in a hall to receive the delegations of the dignitaries, 

And they carried symbolic gifts to him With these words, all of them express their true loyalty, loyalty, and love. 

While everyone exchanged greetings in joy and pleasure, a young artist approached the king with a beautiful artesian painting, asking him to accept it as a modest symbolic gift. 

The king thanked him for his loyalty, saying: Great artist, what is the meaning of the engravings that were drawn on your wonderful gift?

Nadmar painting

The artist immediately said: This is a painting of the eyeliner used to crush the eyeliner that is placed in the eye. 

I recorded on it from the top the prominent engraved name of your royal majesty, which is “Nadmar” in hieroglyphics between the heads of two cows. 

I meant from the edict to record your Majesty's victory against your enemies. 

On one side is the triangle of your Majesty standing on your head, and on your front of the enemy kneeling, 

The other side was represented by your Majesty in the Crown of the Red Sea Face, thus symbolizing the unification of the two Kingdoms, while your Majesty walked four flag bearers followed by one of the ministers, and before these were ten prisoners whose heads were cut off and placed between their feet. 

At the bottom of this face was a bull, a symbol of the power inherent in your gathering, he lays behind their feet He is a sitting enemy, and he breaks with his horns a city surah on some terraces, which means the complete victory of your majesty.

The King accepted the gift of the great artist with a pleasant thanks, and praised his wonderful work and creative idea, and ordered him to give a generous prize. 

He also ordered that this painting be kept in his throne hall in commemoration of the art and the anniversary of the unification of the two Kingdoms. 

Fortunately, it was kept until it was finally found near the buried godfather, Al-Balena, which is now on the upper floor of the Egyptian Museum in room 422

*Valentine's Day is a Sed.

King Menes ruled Egypt for sixty-two years, during which he fought the country's enemies, both Libyans and Nubians, and fought them back. 

After the battles of his victory, he spread justice and peace throughout the country and unified its division, which made Egyptians show their devotion to him.

When he was thirty years old, the people raced to celebrate what they called Valentine's Day, or the thirtieth anniversary of his rule. 

It has been reached of the people's love for their king that they have accepted to change their tradition by stripping the king of his reign when he is thirty years old, so that only the youth can rule the country. 

But in loyalty to their beloved king Menes, the people saw a renewal of his reign, by circumventing the old traditions, and said that by reviving the king's youth, they could renew their pledge of a new era and a happy destiny.

King Menes moved from his capital to the city of Manf, where the Feast ceremony took place. 

In the morning, he left his palace wearing a special dress, a white linen cloth covering his entire body from the neck to the feet, showing only his hands. 

He took his place in a wooden court under an umbrella that would hide the sun's heat. 

He won a beautiful decorative seat, and the king settled in his session With his hand, some of his young sons came up to him and carried the handbag over their shoulders, which was a sign of the royal procession on its way to the temple, where the official celebration was held.

*Death of the King

King Menes took advantage of one of his visits to the city of Manf and decided to spend some time practicing his favorite hobby of hunting birds, monsters and fish in the delta woods near Manf.

On one beautiful morning, the king took his bodyguards and some of his close friends, and went out hunting and sniping as usual. 

They were attracted by the large number of hunting, so they penetrated the bush. He follows a predatory sea horse.

The king was a brave, old man, and approached the prey, famous for his spear, trying to kill her with a single shot, but he missed the point. 

The horse attacked him brutally and fiercely, killing him for the hour. 

The king shouted a terrible cry, the echoes answered the guards and friends rushed to the scene, but after it was too late, they killed the seahorse, and then moved the king's body to his palace Manf", where the priests embalmed and buried the body.

This process took more than 70 days, and then they put the body in a stone coffin that was carried in a solemn ceremony to one of the ships moored in the port, which had just sailed it to the king's capital in the south. 

When the body reached the city, the priests took it to the temple, where the sad people gathered to bid farewell to his beloved king and his great hero, the last farewell.

The body was then moved in her stone coffin on a royal sill near the capital, Abydos, where it was placed in the tomb that the king had prepared for himself, between the hymns of the priests and the women's howls and the grief of the people who lost their uncompensated triumphant hero, 

A great ruler who brought back the country's unity, the nation's dignity, and spread between its hope of security and peace...

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