Spartacus, The leader of the third slave revolution.

Spartacus the slave who fought the revolt against the Romans, which was called the Third Slave Revolution (III) in 71 B.C.,

where he was captured and sold as a slave to a Roman who had a slave-training school to be used as duelists and wrestlers in special occasions for pleasure. 

He and the other slaves that were with him revolted. The truth is many defeats in the Roman army until he was killed in the last battle.  

The revolution ended and the other slaves were crucified in public squares.

lentulus Batiates Established at Capua a school of gladiators, its men of slaves or convicted criminals, and trained them on animal conflict or conflict, in public arena or in private homes. 

The conflict did not end until the wrestler was killed. 

Two hundred of these wrestlers tried to flee, and seventy-eight succeeded, armed and occupying one of the foothills of the Faizov volcano, and muttering to nearby cities for food. 

And they chose a leader from a Thracus named Spartacus, who was born in 109 BC and died in 71 BC. 

“He was not only a brave and chivalrous man, but above all the intelligence of the mind and the tact of morality,” said Aflotrekhs.

The leader issued a call to fellow Italians to revolt, and seventy thousand of them quickly surrounded, none of whom was but a thirsty for freedom and revenge. 

And their job is to make their weapons, and to fight in a system where they could overcome every force that they had to submit to. 

His victories terrified the hearts of the rich Romans, and filled the hearts with fellow Romans with hope.

They rushed to him and wanted to light up under his banner, and he was forced to refuse to accept new volunteers after his men reached 120,000 because he could not handle them.  

 His armies were aimed at the Alps, and the purpose of this was to “bring every man home after he had crossed those mountains.

” But his followers were not as saturated with these gentle, healthy emotions, they rebelled against their leader, and they ransacked the northern cities of Italy, wreaking havoc on them. 

The Senate sent large forces under the command of the consul to discipline the disobedient. 

And one of the two armies met a force of them that had been split over Spartacus and consumed it.

The second army attacked the main force of the insurgents, and I defeated him, and I scattered all over him.

Spartacus then walked toward the Alps and met as he walked through a third army led by Cassius, defeating him. 

But he found other Roman armies standing in his face, blocking his paths, turning his face into the south and marching on Rome. 

Half of Italy's slaves were ready for a revolution, and no one in the capital could have predicted when the revolution would take place in his home. 

And that wealthy, wealthy, privileged, privileged, privileged, very privileged sect that slavery could have enjoyed, all of which shook up its instincts when you thought that it.

That whole community was trembling in terms of thinking that it would lose everything — sovereignty, king, life itself. 

The elders and the wealthy called for a capable leader, but no one came forward to take this leadership. 

The leaders were all afraid of this strange new enemy, and then and then Crassus advanced and took the lead,, and he had 40,000 soldiers under his command,

And many of the supervisors volunteered in his army because they did not all forget the traditions of their class, and he didn't hide on Spartacus that he was fighting an entire empire, and that he could not go the affairs of the capital are the empire itself if they take it. 

He didn't limp on the march to Rome and went on to walk until he reached the Thurii Revolution, penetrating all of Italy from north to south, perhaps he could move his men to Sicily or to Africa. 

A third year he repelled attacks by the Romans, but his soldiers were impatient and fed up fighting, so they came out against him and defied his orders, and they ran into the neighboring cities.                

And he met Crassus with a group of those rapists, and he killed them, and they were twelve thousand and three hundred, and they kept fighting to their last man. 

Meanwhile, the soldiers of Bembi had returned from Spain, and they were sent to strengthen the armies of Crassus,   

and Spartacus  realized that he had no hope of winning these armies, so he swooped down on  Crassus's army and threw himself in the middle of it, welcoming death in the middle of the battle, 

And killing his hands two centrists, and when he was struck by a blow and unable to stand up, 

He can recognize him. Most of his followers perished.

Some of them fled to the woods, and the Romans chased them down, and six thousand captives were crucified on the Appian Way from Capua to Rome. 

And their rotten bodies were left in this state for several months, to assure all the masters, and to make all the servants afraid.

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