The people of the Ras

The people of the Ras are some people who have denied their Messenger, and Allah has destroyed them.

Glory be to Him and High is as the Quran indicates. The Almighty said: And Aad, and Thamood, and the inhabitants of Arras, and many generations in between (38).

Each We presented to him the proverbs, and each We do not prove one thing: {39}  

From their story : 

They used to worship a pine tree, and they had twelve villages on the shore of a river called Ras, from the Levant. 

On that day, there was no river on earth that excites it, neither did I punish it, nor did I punish any more villages, nor did I build it. 

The pine tree was in the greatest village, and it was the one that their king descended. 

And they planted in every village a grain of those pine nuts, and they dragged a river from the fountain near the pine tree, and it became a great tree, and they forbade the water of the eye and the rivers. 

And they forbade people and livestock from drinking from it. And they killed him, and they said, “This is the life of our gods. 

No one should underestimate their lives, and drink their livestock from the river of the head on which their villages.

" Its people gather for it, and then they bring cattle and oxen, and they sacrifice them for a tree offering, and they light the fire with firewood.

When the smoke of those sacrifices breaks in the air, and prevents them from looking at the sky, they fall down to prostrate themselves, and pray to the tree to please them. 

And Satan came, and stirred up her branches, and cried out of her legs, The cry of the child, that I have accepted of you my servants, and have mercy on a soul, and have an eye. 

And they shall lift their heads at that time, and drink wine, and smite with the harps; and they shall be their day, and their night, and they shall consume: and they shall depart.

So that, when the feast of their great village was, the small and the great gathered themselves together unto it, and they set a door upon it for Pine, and the eye for a full array of images, and set for it twelve gates,

Every door for the inhabitants of the village among them, and bow down to the pine tree, and offer sacrifices unto it, times as much as they offered unto the tree in their villages. 

And the devil shall come at that, and the pine tree shall move heavily, and utter from the midst of it a word of the crystal, and promise them, and make them wish them more than I have promised them, and all the devils have them; 

And they shall move their heads, and they shall bow down with joy, and they shall be twelve days by night, according to the number of their feasts, all the rest of the year, and they shall depart. 

When their disbelief in Allah, Almighty, and their worship of another, prolonged, Allah sent a prophet from the children of Israel, who begat Jacob, and stayed among them for a long time calling for them to worship God, Almighty, and to know his Lord.

But they did not respond to him. Seeing the intensity of their advance, he went on to cancel and watch the Eid of their great village, he said: "O God, your servants have refused only to lie to me, and have become worshipers of a tree that neither does harm nor profit. 

Therefore, let their trees wither, and show them your power and authority. So the people became miserable, and God dried up their trees, and it made it difficult for them, so they became two groups,

A group of them said: 
The magic of your gods is this man who claimed to be the Messenger of the Lord of heaven and earth to you, to turn your faces away from your gods to God. 

And the other group said:
No, but your gods were angry when they saw this man afflict them, and invite you to worship others; and they hid their beauty, that ye might be angry with them.

They gathered their minds to kill him, and they dug a narrow well, the entrance was deep, and sent their prophet in it, and they put a great rock on top of the stack, and they said: 

We hope now that our gods will please us if they see that we have killed those who would stop their worship. 

They stayed in general to hear that he had brought them peace: Sir, you may see my space is so tight and my depression is so bad, my corner is so weak, my tricks are so bad, and I rush to receive my soul and don't delay the answer to my invitation until he dies. 

And God said, Glory was to Gabriel, peace be upon him : Do my servants, who have deceived my dream, and believed in my deceit, and served others, and killed my messenger, think that they might rise up to my wrath, or come out of my power, how should I be avenged of my disobedient, and not fear my punishment?

And I swear by my honor, that I will make them a lesson for all mankind. And they were surprised in their feast, when there was a stormy, very reddish wind; and they were astonished at it, and were afraid of it, and were joined together: and the earth was under them a great stone, burning, and a black cloud hid them, and cast a cobbler upon them, and their bodies melted like lead with fire. 

So We seek refuge with Allah the Almighty from his anger, and the descent of his vengeance, and there is no power but from Allah the Almighty.

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Abu Musa

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