Moses, peace be upon him

The talk about the day of Ashura is repeated.

The connection between the opening of the door of hope for vulnerable Muslims and what happened to Moses and his people are how Allah saved them from Pharaoh and his soldiers.

He was the one who preserved Moses before his birth and kept him after his birth.    

He raised his eyes, and Allah destined all the matters for him. 

He grew up in the bosom of his mother after he was thrown into the river. 

He was raised in the palace of his enemy, He succeeded in conveying the message of his Lord, and how Pharaoh's life ended with his destruction and his troops on the day of Ashura, and the survival of Moses and his people.

It is good to briefly review this aspect of the story of Moses, peace be upon him, and start showing his ancestry, and the interest of the Holy Quran in mentioning his story in several places, then clarifying the circumstances that preceded his birth, then how he was born, where he grew up, wherever he was raised, then his flight to escape, his return and his call for the survival of Allah the Almighty and the destruction of his enemy.   

This story opens the door of hope for the afflicted and needy and the afflicted.

His lineage, 

peace be upon him: Moses the son of Imran, the son of Gahath, the son of Ezer, the son of Levi, the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Ibrahim, peace be upon them. “And mention in the book Moses that he was sincere and was a prophet,” Surah Mariam51. God Almighty has mentioned the story of Moses in many parts of the Quran. In various places, he mentioned his story as being extended and prolonged.

Story summary:

God said: “These are the verses of the Clarifying Book {28/2}. We tell you of the true stories of Moses and Pharaoh for people who believe {28/3}. Pharaoh has exalted himself in the earth, made its people a squads. 

He makes a group of them vulnerable, slaughtering their sons and sparing their women. He is a corrupter, {28/4}. 

We want to blame those who are oppressed in the earth, and make them imams and make them, On earth, we see Pharaoh, Haman, and their soldiers, who were not warning of the” Chapter of Stories. God Almighty mentions the summary of the story and then simplifies it after this, mentioning that he tells his prophet the truth about Moses and Pharaoh, that is to say the truth, as if he heard scenes of the matter with him.

Pharaoh's vision:

The Almighty said : “Pharaoh rose up in the land, and had made its people become squads.” He added, “Any class has been devoted to the affairs of his state, and he said, “The Almighty : “He shall weaken a sect of them,” meaning the Children of Israel. 

At that time, they were the choice of the people of their time, This mighty and stubborn king has overruled them, using them for the worst of their deeds, and has confined them day and night to their works and the works of his flock. 

And he shall kill their sons, and spare their wives, an insult to them. 

They received this from the Children of Israel, as they were studying him, according to Abraham the Hebron. Peace be upon him, when he returned the Egyptian lands, and what happened to him with her mighty men, when he took Sarah to take her as a maid. 

But God kept her from her, and prevented her with his might and authority. And Abraham preached peace to his son, and his offspring, who would be destroyed Egypt by Pharaoh. Pharaoh took note of this. He took note of this: Pharaoh's fate No delay and for every reason a book.

This came out of a vision seen by Pharaoh, who saw in his sleep a fire coming toward the house of the sanctuary, and it burned the houses of Egypt, and all the captains did not harm the children of Israel. When he awoke his horror, he gathered the priests and the magicians, and asked them about his vision,

They said to him: This is a young man born of these, who shall be the cause of the destruction of the people of Egypt by his hands. And then Pharaoh commanded to kill every young man born to the children of Israel.

And there he made midwives and men, looking for the women of the children of Israel, and teaching the women of pregnant women, if he is a male murderer, even if she is a female, left behind.

The birth of Moses: The children of Israel were mocked to serve Pharaoh and the Copts, and as the people of Pharaoh continued to kill the males, the Copts feared that if they killed every male newborn, they would find no one to serve them, and they would do the works that the children of Israel did. 

So they complained to Pharaoh about that, and Pharaoh ordered that the males be killed for a year, and that their murder be left for a year.

Aaron Bin Omran was born in the year of forgiveness, and in the year of murder, Moses' mother carried Moses and gave birth to the child, in this dark atmosphere and these harsh conditions. 

Then, the relief will come clearly to release Moses' mother, who does not know what her newborn does except by giving in to the orders of Allah the Almighty.

He alone is the Almighty, who plans and manages to save the believers, and prepares them all the reasons for achieving victory and destruction of the oppressors.

Moses' mother feared for her child, but if God had determined something, Moses' mother did not show the signs of the pregnancy. 

When she was put in a coffin, she tied her son to a rope, and her house was adjacent to the Nile, and she suckled him. If he had his suckling, she sent the ark and the rope end, fearing that Pharaoh's men would attack her.

And then she stayed for a while, and her God inspired her to send the rope: “We inspired the mother of Moses to nurse him; and if you fear for him, throw him into the sea, and do not fear, nor grieve, we will return him to you, and make him one of the messengers”The Chapter of Stories 7.

How is the mother who throws her baby into the river, who can drown or be in danger, but God reassured her, comforted her, promised her that he will return safely to her, and implemented God's will and will, and even preached that he will be a missionary prophet?

And Moses' mother gave in to the command of her God, and sent her newborn in the box or the ark washed away by the waters, until he stood at Pharaoh's palace, and picked it up by the maids and took it to Isaiah the daughter of Pharaoh's wife. 

When she saw him, God Almighty threw his love into her heart, and the child did not come to her. {An eye has settled for me and for you, and do not kill him. 

Perhaps he will benefit us or make him a son, and they do not realize the 9th stories. Pharaoh said: As for you, yes, but I don't need with it. 

When Moses' position was settled in Pharaoh's house, Moses' mother did not wait for her son to leave. 

She sent his sister to follow his news, to find out where he was, and she almost showed the truth of her case. But God fixed her.

But Allah, the Almighty, does not break his promise by saying, “We have returned him to you.” The suckers were forbidden to Moses.

He did not accept anyone to nurse, nor did he accept any breasts. Pharaoh's wife feared destruction on him, and sent him to the market so that they might find him a nurse, {Shall I tell you about the people of a house they care for, and they are advising you?}

That is, they guarantee you that you will do it and nurse it. And they went with her to her house, and the mother of Moses took him, and put him in her stone, and cast her breasts, and he began to nurse from her, and they were very glad of it. 

And they told Isaiah of it, and she was glad, and she sent in a petition of Moses' mother, and she offered to have her nurse Moses, and she apologized for having a house and children and a husband. Isaiah agreed, and I arranged for her salaries, expenses, and donations.

So Moses' mother returned to her son, with a continual livelihood coming from Pharaoh's wife.

Who reassured Moses' mother, and brought down a knife to her? Who is it that only women who are deprived of breastfeeding her son will win, and who else has survived from Pharaoh and his troops? 

Those oppressors have even been destroyed, If we recall these events, does despair seep into our souls? Or isn't this great story preventing despair from seeping into the hearts of all vulnerable Muslims?

Moses' Reaching the Age of Youth and Youth: When Moses reached his maturity, the men came in, and God had given him strength in the body. Then he entered the city in a time when he was unaware of it.

He found two men killing one Coptic and the other Israeli, The Israeli asked Moses for help and help. 

The Coptic On the tomorrow he entered the city and found that the Israeli man was fighting with another Coptic. He called and asked for his help. Moses said: You are a plain linguist. Moses wanted to duck Coptic. 

The Israeli was afraid, and he thought that Moses would strike him, He said: {Moses, do you want to kill me like you killed a person yesterday? You only want to be a bully on earth, and you don't want to be a reformer.} Surah Al-Qasas19.

When the Coptic heard of that, he rushed to tell the people who had killed the other Coptic, The people hurried out wanting Moses, and a man came before them, warning Moses of what they had planned for him. 

He pointed out that he was leaving the city to save himself. He came out afraid and looked on. He said, “ My God, save me from the wrong-doing people.”. 22 Stories chapter.”

To the land of Midian: Moses went out of the land of Egypt, fearing the oppression of Pharaoh and his people; But his heart is attached to his master: {When he headed to Median, he said, 'May God guide me to the right way.' 

And God guided him to the land of Midian, and he reached the waters of Midian, and found the shepherds to be drawn near, and noticed that there were two women that wanted their sheep to return with the flocks of the men.

The interpreters said: For the shepherds, when they had made an end of their flowers, laid upon the mouth of the well a great rock: and these two women shall come, and shall turn their flocks into the abundance of the sheep of men.

And when the shepherds went, Moses said unto them, What business do ye? They told him that they could not get water until the shepherds went, and their father was a great old man, and they were weak women.

When he found out about their condition, Moses lifted the stone off the well, and only ten men lifted it up: {He watered them, then turned to the shadows, and said, “My Lord, I am of the poor good that I have brought down to me.” Surah Al-Qasas 24.

In the sheik's house, and the statement of the reward of charity: Then one of the two women came to him and said: {My father calls on you to pay what you have given us.}

So Moses went and spoke to their father, Shuaib, who is not the Prophet. He assured him that he is in a land that does not have authority over Pharaoh. 

{Father, hire him. It's better than hiring the honest and powerful person.} Surah Al-Qasid.26. As for strength, it is obvious that Moses peace be upon him removed the stone from the well's mouth, which he could only lift by ten men. 

As for secretariat : The woman, when he had come to take his wages from her father, said to her, “Don't walk in front of me, walk behind me, and I order her to throw the stone to the right and the left to indicate it on the road.”

Shuaib offered to rent him for eight years to feed his sheep. If he increased ten, he was a favor from Moses, with one of his daughters marrying him. And Moses approved him peace.

Moses spent the term, Exit from the Land of Midian, and Start Assignment: When he was ten years old, Moses walked with his family to the land of Egypt. 

He had an honorable appointment, for Allah was grateful to him and honored him with the message. When Moses had completed the term and had traveled with his people from the side of the Tur, he said to his people, " stay. I have seen a fire. perhaps I can bring you some news or a fire, so that you may arrive.” {28/29}. 

When he reached it, he called me from the right side of the valley, in the blessed spot of the tree. He that He is Allah, He was gone, deliberate and did not follow, O Moses, come on, and do not fear that you are safe. {28/31}

Walk your hand in your pocket, and you will emerge white without harm, and will include your wing against terror. 

Your ears are proof from your Lord to Pharaoh and his dignitaries. They are immoral people. {28/32} He said, “My God, He said, " God, I've killed a soul. I'm afraid they'll kill me.” From me, send him a tongue, so that they may believe me. I fear they will lie. {28/34}

He said, “We will strengthen your arm with your brother, and we will make you a ruler, so they will not reach you with Our signs. You and those who followed you are the victors. Surah Al-Qasiat, 29/35.”

And his Lord spake unto him, and sent him to the children of Israel, and gave him signs and proofs, which he saw, knowing that they were not within the power of men. 

And the staff of Moses turned a great serpent, and there came a knot from his tongue, until they had understood Moses saying, having a gist in his tongue. 

And God answered Moses' question, to send him to his brother Aaron, and to make him an appointed minister to confront Pharaoh and his people. And God answered Moses, which is evidence of Moses' standing with his Lord: {And God has it.} Parties 69.

The call of Pharaoh and the support of God to Moses: Then God commanded Moses and Aaron to go to Pharaoh, and they called him to unite. 

The Almighty said: "He says:" go to Pharaoh's tyranny{ 43} tell him gentle words, perhaps he will remember or fear{ 44} , said to our Lord, we are afraid to impose or superimpose{ 45}. 

He said, 'Do not fear I am hearing you and I see 46.' There is a sign from your Lord, and peace be upon him who follows guidance: {47} Surah Taha.

Moses showed Pharaoh the universal verses of the oneness of God the Almighty, and that he was worthy of worship, but did not respond, but grew old and stubborn. 

Moses then showed him the glorious signs, showed him his white hand, and threw the stick, and it was a serpent that sought to terrorize all who saw it. Yet, Pharaoh and his people did not respond, and accused him of witchcraft, and they made an appointment to meet their magic with magic like him. They answered their request and prepared them for the day of ornamentation, a day of their feast, where all people would gather.

And when Pharaoh had gathered the magicians, he said unto them, Behold, they say, I pray thee: "They said these are two magicians who want to drive you out of your land with their magic, and to go your best way, {63}.

Gather your scheming, and then come to a row. Today the successful is the one who has overcome {64}. They said, “Either you throw, or we are the first one who threw {65}” He was afraid that she was pursuing a {66}.

He thought that he was afraid of Moses, {67}. We said, Don't be afraid. you're up., {68}. Now they say, 'We believe in Haron and Moses',{70} ' He said, “Did you believe in him, before I have given you permission? He was your chief, who taught you magic. Let me cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and crucify you on the trunks of palm-trees. And that you may know which one is more painful, and I will stay {71}.

” They said, “We will not affect you for what evidence has come to forgive.” We posed you. So find no you are not.   

You are the judge We have our sins and the magic that I hated us for, and God is the best and I will remain a {73} surah Taha. Ibn Abbas and others said: They became magicians, they became martyrs.

When Pharaoh's oppression of Moses, when all the sorcerers believed when they saw a sign that was not of the kind of magic in which they had excelled, Pharaoh promised them murder and crucifixion, killing them and destroying them. The men of Pharaoh, king of Pharaoh, instigated Moses and those with him.

The Almighty said, "The notables of Pharaoh's people leave Moses and his people for ruining the earth, that is, the rhythm of division and dispersing the masses.” He reminds you of setting up an opinion, the answer to questioning, and way is a representative of Al-Fa. And your gods said, “Al-Hassan : Pharaoh worshiped idols, and worshiped. Suleiman Al-Temi said : He told me that Pharaoh worshiped cows. 

Al-Temi said : And I said to him, Is Pharaoh worshiping anything ? He said yes ; He was worshiping something he had put in his neck. 

It was said : meaning and your gods and your obedience, as was said in his saying : They have taken their rabbis and their priests as lords instead of Allah. 

They did not worship them, but they obeyed them ; It became a representation. And Naeem Bin Maysara read (Witherk) in an appreciative manner : Anas Bin Malik (and We warn you) read aloud about himself, saying, 'Leave your worship alive.'

He read about Ali Bin Abi Talib, Ibn Abbas, Al-Dhahak (and Your God), His meaning, and Your worship.     

On this reading, he would worship, not worship, not any, and leave his worship to you . Abu Bakr al-Anbari : It is the doctrine of the people of this reading that Pharaoh, when he said, “I am your Lord, (High), and I did not know to you which god other than me, denied having a Lord and a God.

” He was told : and leave you and your gods ; meaning and leave you and worship people for you .

A vow of God's wrath against Pharaoh and his people:

Pharaoh, his followers, and his troops, continued to hurt Moses and his people, and God triumphed over Moses. Pharaoh and his people were plagued with kinds of suffering, and he swallowed them up in the years when there was no planting and no use of crops.

Then he afflicted them with the flood, which destroyed the crops, and then God plagued them with the infusion of their lives. 

Then God afflicted them with blood, and whenever they took a bath of water, it turned into stupid blood, and they were not congratulated with fresh water. 

Then God gave them the frogs. Their homes were filled with them, and they would not reveal a vessel without frogs. 

And when they had trouble, they asked Moses to pray to his Lord to lift the punishment from them, and if he did, to believe in him and to send with him the children of Israel. Moses called his God every time they asked him to do so, and God answered the prayer of his prophet and his messenger.

Also, the people of Israel, who believed with Moses, suffered the most severe suffering from him. 

What he saw of the scriptures and the passages only increased him in arrogance, stubbornness, and torture of the people of Israel and Moses, peace be upon him. 

But Allah the Almighty does not neglect and does not forget whoever is a righteous man, a believer and dependent on him, no matter how long. 

The exodus of Moses and the children of Israel, when the proper time came after the severe punishment endured by Moses and his people from Pharaoh, when Allah inspired Moses to lead his people out of Egypt by night, to flee from Pharaoh. 

When Pharaoh knew this, he gathered his troops together, and left the trail of Pharaoh and his people, and those fleeing from him, to the Red Sea.

But the people of Moses feared With him he will lead him to the right path. 

The miracle of the sea breaking up when Moses reached the sea, God commanded him to smite the sea with his staff. 

The sea split with the power of God Almighty, and the way that Moses and his people had to walk was in the midst of it. 

This was one of Moses' other miracles.

When Moses passed by Moses, peace be upon him, and those with him came out of the sea, and when Pharaoh and his armies entered the sea was in full, God commanded them Peace be upon him, and upon the people of Israel, of Pharaoh, and his soldiers, and he drowned them all. Pharaoh drowned when he drowned, saying, “There is no god but the one the children of Israel believed in.

” But his repentance and faith did not benefit him in anything, The scholars explained that Pharaoh's repentance was not accepted for a number of reasons, including that he believed in The Almighty God saved Pharaoh's body to be a sign for him who succeeded him, and a lesson for them. 

God said, “He said, “And we made the people of Israel who believed with Moses cross the sea, and pharaoh and his soldiers followed them with arrogance and injustice, even if he realized the sinking, he said, I believed that there is no God but the one that believed in him people of Israel, and I am from Muslims, now you have disobeyed before and you are from corrupters, today we Survive your body to be behind you An example. And many From the people about our verses were the oblivious.”
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