the story of the Groove people

In his Holy book, Allah referred to the story of the Groove people, who wrote a few verses from Sura al-Brugge, succinctly, using the Quran, and refraining from delving into details.

The Prophet's hadith provides a further explanation of this story and its details. (There was a king of the one before you, and he had a sorcerer, and when he grew up, he said to the king: I had grown up and sent a boy to teach him the magic, so he sent a boy to teach him. 

He was on his way when a monk walked. He sat down and listened to his words, and he liked it. So, if the sorcerer came and sat with the monk. 

If the sorcerer came and beat him, he complained to the monk. If you fear the magician say : my family locked me up, and if you fear your family say : The wizard held me in, and while he was, he came up with a great creature that had locked people up, and he said, “No, no, no. 

Today I know a better magician or a better monk. He took a stone and said : Oh God, if the priest's command is more worthy of you than the magician's command, kill this animal until the people leave, and he killed it. 

The people went away. The monk came and told him. The monk said : The boy was exonerating the bones and the lepers, and he was medicating other people. 

He heard a sitting of the king who had been blind, and he gave him many gifts, and he said, “What is here for you, if you heal me, I am not healing anyone, but you heal God, if you believe in Allah, I prayed to Allah, and he believed in Allah, and he believed in Allah, and he believed in Allah, and the lips of Allah, so the king came to him and sat down as he was sitting.

” The king came and sat down to him as he sat. The king said to him : Who answered your sight, said : God, he said : God change me, he said : My Lord and your Lord, God, took him, and he tormented him no more, until he pointed at the lad. And the boy came, and the king said to him : Any son, your magic has reached the point of clearing the sleeves and the leper, and you do and you do. 

I do not heal anyone, but Allah heals it. So He took it, and it was still torturing it, until it became clear to the monk. The monk was brought in. 

He was told : He turned back from your religion, and he refused, and he called for a chainsaw, and he put the chainsaw in his crib, he rent it, he fell into his apartments, and he brought the king's seat, and he was told : Back to your religion, and he refused, and he put the chainsaw in his head, and he tore it into his apartments, and he brought the boy, and he was told : Turn back from your religion, and he refused. He pushed him to a bunch of his friends.

He said : Take it to a mountain like this and that, and take it up the mountain. If you reach its peak, if you turn back from your religion or else throw it away,

So they went up the mountain with him, and he said : Oh Allah, cover them with whatever you want, and the mountain trembles with them, and they fall, and he walks to the king. 

The king said to him : What did your friends do? For God is enough for them; and he sent him to one of his friends. 

And he said : Take him away, carry him in Korkor, and spread the sea in him. If he turns back from his religion, or else throw him away, he goes away with him, and he says : Oh Allah, cover them with whatever you want, so the ship stopped them, and they drowned, and he came and walked to the king. The king said to him : What did your friends do? They are enough for God.

He said to the king : You are not my killer to do what I order you to do, he said and what it is, he said : You get people in one place, you squeeze me on a trunk, you take an arrow out of my quiver, you put the arrow in the bow liver, and you say :

In the name of God, the Lord of the lad, and then throw me away; if you do that, you kill me; gather the people in one place, crucify them on a torso; then take an arrow out of his quiver; then put the arrow in the liver of the bow; and he said : 

In the name of Allah, the Lord of the lad, then threw it, and the arrow fell into his temple, and he put his hand in his temples in the position of the arrow, and he died. People said :  

We believed in the Lord of the lad; we believed in the Lord of the lad; we believed in the Lord of the lad; and the king came; and he was told him : You see what you were warning, I swear, your caution came down to you. 

People believed, so he ordered the steps in the mouths of the tracks, so I took it, and he set fire, and he said : He who did not return to his religion was protected in it, or was told : They broke in and did, until a woman and a boy came to her with her, and she was in a hurry. The boy said to her : Oh nation, be patient, you are right.

It was the story of the servant of God, who was born of faith, steadfastness, intelligence, and intelligence.

He was able to change the situation of an entire nation, and to shake the throne of that arrogant tyrant, who professed divinity instead of God. 

This king had a master who relied on him to assert his sovereignty, terrorize people to obey his command. 

He grew up this sorcerer, and asked the king to send him a son, God's will is good for this young man, if he is the candidate for this task. 

He knows, as he goes to the sorcerer and returns from him, a faithful monk who called him to believe and unite. He responded to him and believed, and his guide is the priest's punishment, and reprimanding his family in case he is late for them. 

The boy wanted to increase certainty and reassurance of what the monk called him. He found a great path people know and know that he is right and guidance.

Then the monk knew that this boy would have a great deal to do, so he told him of the nature of what he would meet in this way, and exposed him to the colors of the plague.

Then the boy became famous among the people, and God gave him dignity from the healing of the sick and the healing of the leper and the leper. 

He used to use this as a means to spread his invitation and convey his message, until he reached his knowledge to the King through his uniform, which the boy called for and God healed.

The King felt signs of sedition threatening his throne, when he declared to divinity and the monstrosity of others The boy did not kill him directly, as he did with the Minister and the Monk. 

He used various methods to intimidate and terrorize him, hoping that he would return from what he was, and benefit from him in fixing the pillars of his kingship.

Every time Allah saves him, he returns to the return of the United King, and people used to follow what the lad did, step by step, The boy told him that he would only be able to do so in one way, determined by the boy himself.

The boy did not seek death or martyrdom, but wanted to believe all people, and prove the king's impotence and weakness, in exchange for God's power and power.

He told him that he could not kill him except by gathering people on one level, and crucifying him on a stake, and then taking an arrow, not an arrow, but a sheep — He throws it away : In the name of Allah, the Lord of the young.

The boy had what he wanted, and the arrow fell in his temples, then he put his hand on the back of the arrow, and died. 

The boy almost fell dead, and the king breathed a sigh of relief after he thought he had uprooted this sedition from its roots, until people from all walks of life called out believing in Allah, Almighty, chanting : “We believed in the boy.”

And here the king went mad, and his agitation erupted. 

The thing that he was warning for and for the murder of the boy, he dug the furrows, he set the fires on them, and he promised all who insisted on religion to throw them at, but impossible after the boy broke the barrier of fear and awe in their souls, and he showed them the most eloquent message and statement of the king's inability and weakness in front of God's ability and power,

So he made people sacrifice themselves for the sake of Only a few hours passed after they saw the signs of faith and the signs of certainty,

And Allah uttered the infant when his mother failed to break into the fire. It was a sign, in which Allah confirmed the hearts of the believers.

This story shows us an important rule of victory, which is that the real victory is the victory of principles and that victory is not limited to the visible victory. 

This is one of the many forms of victory, and that the life of this world and the troubles and pains are not the balance that balances victory and loss.

This young man has won several times in one battle and one position, and he has won by the power of his understanding and understanding of the shortest way to support his religion, religion, creed, and society He triumphed in achieving what he was calling for and what he was offering himself for.

He triumphed when he won martyrdom in the cause of Allah, and won when Allah immortalized his mention in the world, and gave him a tongue of truth in others.

It is true that all people are dying, but they are not all victorious.

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Abu Musa

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